Source code for pandasaurus.graph.graph_generator_utils

from rdflib import Graph

def add_edge(nx_graph, subject, predicate, obj):
    edge_data = {"label": str(predicate).split("#")[-1] if "#" in predicate else str(predicate).split("/")[-1]}

[docs] def add_outgoing_edges_to_subgraph(graph, predicate_uri=None): """ Add all outgoing edges of a node in the graph to the subgraph. Parameters: graph (Graph): The RDF graph containing the triples. predicate_uri (URIRef or None): The predicate to filter triples (optional). Returns: rdflib.Graph: The subgraph containing the outgoing edges of the nodes. """ subgraph = Graph() for s, p, o in graph.triples((None, predicate_uri, None)): subgraph.add((s, p, o)) return subgraph