Validating against a upper ontology

The odk:validate command is intended to check the alignment of the input ontology against another, “upper-level” ontology. The ontology is considered “aligned” if all its classes are subclasses of at least one class of the upper ontology.

Specifying the upper ontology

The upper ontology to check against is specified using either the --upper-ontology <FILE> option (to load it from a local file) or the --upper-ontology-iri <IRI> option (to load it from a resolvable IRI).

If neither option is used, the command defaults to check against the latest version of the Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine (COB), which is loaded from its standard PURL of

Validation results

By default, the command will fail (forcibly interrupting any pipeline it is a part of in the process) if the ontology is not aligned.

Use the --fail false option to allow the pipeline to continue without erroring out.

If the pipeline continues (either because the ontology is aligned, or because --fail false was used), the next command in the pipeline receives the original, unmodified ontology.

To produce a report from the validation results, use the --report-output <FILE> option. The file will contain a list of all the top-level classes (if any) of the input ontology that are not aligned against the upper ontology.

Restricting the scope of the validation

By default, the command checks the alignment of every single class found in the input ontology.

To only check the alignment of classes in a given namespace, use the --base-iri <NAMESPACE> option – that option may be used repeatedly to check classes in more than one namespace.

For example, to check the alignment of all classes in the OBO UBERON namespace against COB:

robot odk:validate --input uberon.owl \

Furthermore, if the --ignore-dangling true option is used, dangling classes are ignored. In the context of this command, a class is considered “dangling” if the ontology contains no defining axioms (excluding disjointness axioms) and no annotation assertion axioms for the class. You may want to use that option if you are not restricting the alignment check to your ontology’s namespace, to avoid failing the check for any single dangling class that is merely referenced from your ontology. On the other hand, including dangling classes in the check (which is the case by default) could be a way to check that your ontology does not reference dangling classes (which could indicate that you are missing some imports).