# Mapping Rules Datamodel A datamodel for specifying lexical mapping rules. Rules consist of *preconditions* which are used to match elements to match on, and *postconditions* which are used to generate new elements. Each rule can be assigned a *weight*, these weights are summed and then a logit function applied to obtain an SSSOM-compatible confidence score. URI: https://w3id.org/oak/mapping-rules-datamodel Name: mapping-rules-datamodel ## Classes | Class | Description | | --- | --- | | [Activity](Activity.md) | Generic grouping for any lexical operation | |         [LexicalTransformation](LexicalTransformation.md) | An atomic lexical transformation applied on a term (string) yielding a transformed string | |         [LexicalTransformationPipeline](LexicalTransformationPipeline.md) | A collection of atomic lexical transformations that are applied in serial fashion | | [Any](Any.md) | None | | [LexicalGrouping](LexicalGrouping.md) | A grouping of ontology elements by a shared lexical term | | [LexicalIndex](LexicalIndex.md) | An index over an ontology keyed by lexical unit | | [MappingRule](MappingRule.md) | An individual mapping rule, if preconditions match the postconditions are applied | | [MappingRuleCollection](MappingRuleCollection.md) | A collection of mapping rules | | [Postcondition](Postcondition.md) | None | | [Precondition](Precondition.md) | A pattern to be matched against an individual SSSOM mapping | | [RelationshipToTerm](RelationshipToTerm.md) | A relationship of an ontology element to a lexical term | | [RuleSet](RuleSet.md) | A set of rules for generating synonyms or alternate lexical elements. | | [Synonymizer](Synonymizer.md) | Specification of a rule for generating a synonym or alternate lexical element. | | [Test](Test.md) | A unit test for a rule, specifies an intended output for an input | ## Slots | Slot | Description | | --- | --- | | [description](description.md) | | | [element](element.md) | | | [element_term](element_term.md) | the original term used in the element | | [groupings](groupings.md) | all groupings | | [in_place](in_place.md) | Whether the rule is applied in place or not | | [input](input.md) | Input string for the rule | | [mapping_source_one_of](mapping_source_one_of.md) | The source of the mapping to be matched | | [match](match.md) | Reg-ex rule to match substrings in labels | | [match_scope](match_scope.md) | Synonym scope of the reg-ex rule, e | | [minimum_confidence](minimum_confidence.md) | | | [name](name.md) | | | [object_match_field_one_of](object_match_field_one_of.md) | The field in the object to be matched | | [object_source_one_of](object_source_one_of.md) | The source of the object to be matched | | [oneway](oneway.md) | if true then subject and object can be switched and predicate inverted | | [output](output.md) | Output based on the rule | | [params](params.md) | Any parameters to be applied to the transformation algorithm | | [pipeline](pipeline.md) | | | [pipelines](pipelines.md) | all pipelines used to build the index | | [postconditions](postconditions.md) | conditions that apply if preconditions match | | [preconditions](preconditions.md) | all of the criteria that must be true before a rule is fired | | [predicate](predicate.md) | | | [predicate_id](predicate_id.md) | The predicate that is inferred | | [predicate_id_one_of](predicate_id_one_of.md) | The predicate to be matched | | [prefix](prefix.md) | The prefix that qualifies for the rule | | [qualifier](qualifier.md) | Type of match for the new synonym generated | | [relationships](relationships.md) | All ontology elements grouped and their relationship to the normalized term | | [replacement](replacement.md) | Reg-ex rule to replace substrings in labels | | [rules](rules.md) | all rules | | [source](source.md) | | | [subject_match_field_one_of](subject_match_field_one_of.md) | The field in the subject to be matched | | [subject_source_one_of](subject_source_one_of.md) | The source of the subject to be matched | | [synonymized](synonymized.md) | | | [synonymizer](synonymizer.md) | Normalizing rules to labels | | [term](term.md) | A normalized term that groups ontology elements | | [tests](tests.md) | Unit tests for each rules | | [transformations](transformations.md) | | | [transformations_included_in](transformations_included_in.md) | | | [type](type.md) | The type of transformation | | [weight](weight.md) | Weighting of the rule | ## Enumerations | Enumeration | Description | | --- | --- | | [TransformationType](TransformationType.md) | A controlled datamodels of the types of transformation that can be applied to | ## Types | Type | Description | | --- | --- | | [Boolean](Boolean.md) | A binary (true or false) value | | [Curie](Curie.md) | a compact URI | | [Date](Date.md) | a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar | | [DateOrDatetime](DateOrDatetime.md) | Either a date or a datetime | | [Datetime](Datetime.md) | The combination of a date and time | | [Decimal](Decimal.md) | A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci... | | [Double](Double.md) | A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification | | [Float](Float.md) | A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification | | [Integer](Integer.md) | An integer | | [Jsonpath](Jsonpath.md) | A string encoding a JSON Path | | [Jsonpointer](Jsonpointer.md) | A string encoding a JSON Pointer | | [Ncname](Ncname.md) | Prefix part of CURIE | | [Nodeidentifier](Nodeidentifier.md) | A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model | | [Objectidentifier](Objectidentifier.md) | A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model | | [RegularExpressionString](RegularExpressionString.md) | | | [Sparqlpath](Sparqlpath.md) | A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path | | [String](String.md) | A character string | | [Time](Time.md) | A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular... | | [Uri](Uri.md) | a complete URI | | [Uriorcurie](Uriorcurie.md) | a URI or a CURIE | ## Subsets | Subset | Description | | --- | --- |