# Ontology Metadata Ontology Schema Schema for ontology metadata URI: https://w3id.org/oak/ontology-metadata Name: Ontology-Metadata ## Classes | Class | Description | | --- | --- | | [Annotation](Annotation.md) | A reified property-object pair | | [AnnotationPropertyMixin](AnnotationPropertyMixin.md) | Groups all annotation property bundles | |         [HasCategory](HasCategory.md) | None | |         [HasLifeCycle](HasLifeCycle.md) | None | |         [HasMappings](HasMappings.md) | None | |         [HasMinimalMetadata](HasMinimalMetadata.md) | Absolute minimum metadata model | |         [HasProvenance](HasProvenance.md) | None | |         [HasSynonyms](HasSynonyms.md) | a mixin for a class whose members can have synonyms | |         [HasUserInformation](HasUserInformation.md) | None | | [Anonymous](Anonymous.md) | Abstract root class for all anonymous (non-named; lacking an identifier) expressions | |         [AnonymousClassExpression](AnonymousClassExpression.md) | None | |                 [Restriction](Restriction.md) | None | | [Any](Any.md) | None | | [Axiom](Axiom.md) | A logical or non-logical statement | | [Expression](Expression.md) | None | |         [ClassExpression](ClassExpression.md) | None | |         [PropertyExpression](PropertyExpression.md) | None | | [NotObsoleteAspect](NotObsoleteAspect.md) | Auto-classifies anything that is not obsolete | | [ObsoleteAspect](ObsoleteAspect.md) | Auto-classifies anything that is obsolete | | [Thing](Thing.md) | None | |         [NamedObject](NamedObject.md) | Anything with an IRI | |                 [Ontology](Ontology.md) | An OWL ontology | |                 [Term](Term.md) | A NamedThing that includes classes, properties, but not ontologies | |                         [Class](Class.md) | None | |                         [NamedIndividual](NamedIndividual.md) | An instance that has a IRI | |                                 [Agent](Agent.md) | None | |                                 [HomoSapiens](HomoSapiens.md) | An individual human being | |                                 [Image](Image.md) | None | |                         [Property](Property.md) | None | |                                 [AnnotationProperty](AnnotationProperty.md) | A property used in non-logical axioms | |                                         [Subset](Subset.md) | A collection of terms grouped for some purpose | |                                 [ObjectProperty](ObjectProperty.md) | A property that connects two objects in logical axioms | |                                         [TransitiveProperty](TransitiveProperty.md) | An ObjectProperty with the property of transitivity | ## Slots | Slot | Description | | --- | --- | | [allValuesFrom](allValuesFrom.md) | | | [alternative_term](alternative_term.md) | | | [annotatedProperty](annotatedProperty.md) | | | [annotatedSource](annotatedSource.md) | | | [annotatedTarget](annotatedTarget.md) | | | [annotations](annotations.md) | | | [broadMatch](broadMatch.md) | | | [cardinality](cardinality.md) | | | [category](category.md) | | | [changeNote](changeNote.md) | | | [closeMatch](closeMatch.md) | | | [comment](comment.md) | | | [complementOf](complementOf.md) | | | [conformsTo](conformsTo.md) | | | [consider](consider.md) | | | [contributor](contributor.md) | | | [core_property](core_property.md) | abstract grouping of core properties | | [created](created.md) | when the term came into being | | [created_by](created_by.md) | | | [creation_date](creation_date.md) | | | [creator](creator.md) | | | [curator_note](curator_note.md) | | | [database_cross_reference](database_cross_reference.md) | | | [date](date.md) | when the term was updated | | [date_retrieved](date_retrieved.md) | | | [defaultLanguage](defaultLanguage.md) | | | [definition](definition.md) | | | [definition_source](definition_source.md) | | | [depicted_by](depicted_by.md) | | | [deprecated](deprecated.md) | | | [disconnected_from](disconnected_from.md) | | | [disjointWith](disjointWith.md) | | | [distinctMembers](distinctMembers.md) | | | [domain](domain.md) | | | [editor_note](editor_note.md) | | | [editor_preferred_term](editor_preferred_term.md) | | | [equivalentClass](equivalentClass.md) | | | [equivalentProperty](equivalentProperty.md) | | | [evidence](evidence.md) | | | [exactMatch](exactMatch.md) | | | [example_of_usage](example_of_usage.md) | | | [excluded_axiom](excluded_axiom.md) | | | [excluded_from_QC_check](excluded_from_QC_check.md) | | | [excluded_subClassOf](excluded_subClassOf.md) | | | [excluded_synonym](excluded_synonym.md) | | | [external_ontology](external_ontology.md) | | | [has_alternative_id](has_alternative_id.md) | Relates a live term to a deprecated ID that was merged in | | [has_axiom_label](has_axiom_label.md) | | | [has_broad_synonym](has_broad_synonym.md) | | | [has_curation_status](has_curation_status.md) | | | [has_exact_synonym](has_exact_synonym.md) | | | [has_narrow_synonym](has_narrow_synonym.md) | | | [has_obo_namespace](has_obo_namespace.md) | | | [has_obsolescence_reason](has_obsolescence_reason.md) | | | [has_ontology_root_term](has_ontology_root_term.md) | | | [has_rank](has_rank.md) | | | [has_related_synonym](has_related_synonym.md) | | | [has_synonym_type](has_synonym_type.md) | | | [hasValue](hasValue.md) | | | [id](id.md) | this maps to the URI in RDF | | [IEDB_alternative_term](IEDB_alternative_term.md) | | | [image](image.md) | | | [imported_from](imported_from.md) | | | [imports](imports.md) | | | [in_subset](in_subset.md) | Maps an ontology element to a subset it belongs to | | [informative_property](informative_property.md) | | | [intersectionOf](intersectionOf.md) | | | [inverseOf](inverseOf.md) | | | [is_a_defining_property_chain_axiom](is_a_defining_property_chain_axiom.md) | | | [is_a_defining_property_chain_axiom_where_second_argument_is_reflexive](is_a_defining_property_chain_axiom_where_second_argument_is_reflexive.md) | | | [is_class_level](is_class_level.md) | | | [is_cyclic](is_cyclic.md) | | | [is_inferred](is_inferred.md) | | | [is_metadata_tag](is_metadata_tag.md) | | | [is_transitive](is_transitive.md) | | | [ISA_alternative_term](ISA_alternative_term.md) | | | [isDefinedBy](isDefinedBy.md) | | | [label](label.md) | | | [language](language.md) | | | [license](license.md) | | | [logical_predicate](logical_predicate.md) | | | [match](match.md) | | | [match_aspect](match_aspect.md) | | | [maxQualifiedCardinality](maxQualifiedCardinality.md) | | | [members](members.md) | | | [minCardinality](minCardinality.md) | | | [minQualifiedCardinality](minQualifiedCardinality.md) | | | [narrowMatch](narrowMatch.md) | | | [NCIT_definition_source](NCIT_definition_source.md) | | | [NCIT_term_source](NCIT_term_source.md) | | | [NCIT_term_type](NCIT_term_type.md) | | | [never_in_taxon](never_in_taxon.md) | | | [notes](notes.md) | | | [object](object.md) | | | [OBO_foundry_unique_label](OBO_foundry_unique_label.md) | | | [oboInOwl_id](oboInOwl_id.md) | | | [oboInOwl_ontology](oboInOwl_ontology.md) | | | [obsoletion_related_property](obsoletion_related_property.md) | Grouping class for all properties related to lifecycle | | [onClass](onClass.md) | | | [oneOf](oneOf.md) | | | [onProperty](onProperty.md) | | | [ontology_term_requester](ontology_term_requester.md) | | | [page](page.md) | | | [predicate](predicate.md) | | | [propertyChainAxiom](propertyChainAxiom.md) | | | [provenance_property](provenance_property.md) | | | [qualifiedCardinality](qualifiedCardinality.md) | | | [range](range.md) | | | [reification_predicate](reification_predicate.md) | | | [sameAs](sameAs.md) | | | [seeAlso](seeAlso.md) | | | [shortcut_annotation_property](shortcut_annotation_property.md) | | | [shorthand](shorthand.md) | | | [should_conform_to](should_conform_to.md) | | | [someValuesFrom](someValuesFrom.md) | | | [source](source.md) | | | [subClassOf](subClassOf.md) | | | [synonym](synonym.md) | | | [temporal_interpretation](temporal_interpretation.md) | | | [term_editor](term_editor.md) | | | [term_replaced_by](term_replaced_by.md) | | | [term_tracker_item](term_tracker_item.md) | | | [title](title.md) | | | [type](type.md) | | | [unionOf](unionOf.md) | | | [url](url.md) | | | [version_property](version_property.md) | | | [versionInfo](versionInfo.md) | | | [versionIRI](versionIRI.md) | | ## Enumerations | Enumeration | Description | | --- | --- | | [DefinitionConstraintComponent](DefinitionConstraintComponent.md) | An extension of SHACL constraint component for constraining definitions | ## Types | Type | Description | | --- | --- | | [Boolean](Boolean.md) | A binary (true or false) value | | [Curie](Curie.md) | a compact URI | | [CURIELiteral](CURIELiteral.md) | A string representation of a CURIE | | [Date](Date.md) | a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar | | [DateOrDatetime](DateOrDatetime.md) | Either a date or a datetime | | [Datetime](Datetime.md) | The combination of a date and time | | [Decimal](Decimal.md) | A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci... | | [Double](Double.md) | A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification | | [Float](Float.md) | A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification | | [Integer](Integer.md) | An integer | | [IriType](IriType.md) | An IRI | | [Jsonpath](Jsonpath.md) | A string encoding a JSON Path | | [Jsonpointer](Jsonpointer.md) | A string encoding a JSON Pointer | | [LabelType](LabelType.md) | A string that provides a human-readable name for an entity | | [NarrativeText](NarrativeText.md) | A string that provides a human-readable description of something | | [Ncname](Ncname.md) | Prefix part of CURIE | | [Nodeidentifier](Nodeidentifier.md) | A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model | | [Objectidentifier](Objectidentifier.md) | A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model | | [Sparqlpath](Sparqlpath.md) | A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path | | [String](String.md) | A character string | | [TidyString](TidyString.md) | | | [Time](Time.md) | A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular... | | [Uri](Uri.md) | a complete URI | | [Uriorcurie](Uriorcurie.md) | a URI or a CURIE | | [URLLiteral](URLLiteral.md) | A URL representation of a CURIE | ## Subsets | Subset | Description | | --- | --- | | [AllotropePermittedProfile](AllotropePermittedProfile.md) | | | [AllotropeRequiredProfile](AllotropeRequiredProfile.md) | | | [GoPermittedProfile](GoPermittedProfile.md) | | | [GoRecommendedProfile](GoRecommendedProfile.md) | | | [GoRequiredProfile](GoRequiredProfile.md) | | | [ObiPermittedProfile](ObiPermittedProfile.md) | | | [ObiRequiredProfile](ObiRequiredProfile.md) | |