# Semantic Similarity A datamodel for representing semantic similarity between terms or lists of terms. URI: https://w3id.org/oak/similarity Name: similarity ## Classes | Class | Description | | --- | --- | | [BestMatch](BestMatch.md) | None | | [PairwiseSimilarity](PairwiseSimilarity.md) | Abstract grouping for representing individual pairwise similarities | |         [TermPairwiseSimilarity](TermPairwiseSimilarity.md) | A simple pairwise similarity between two atomic concepts/terms | |         [TermSetPairwiseSimilarity](TermSetPairwiseSimilarity.md) | A simple pairwise similarity between two sets of concepts/terms | | [TermInfo](TermInfo.md) | None | ## Slots | Slot | Description | | --- | --- | | [ancestor_id](ancestor_id.md) | the most recent common ancestor of the two compared entities | | [ancestor_information_content](ancestor_information_content.md) | The IC of the object | | [ancestor_label](ancestor_label.md) | the name or label of the ancestor concept | | [ancestor_source](ancestor_source.md) | | | [average_score](average_score.md) | | | [best_score](best_score.md) | | | [cosine_similarity](cosine_similarity.md) | the dot product of two node embeddings divided by the product of their length... | | [dice_similarity](dice_similarity.md) | | | [id](id.md) | | | [information_content](information_content.md) | The IC is the negative log of the probability of the concept | | [intersection_count](intersection_count.md) | | | [jaccard_similarity](jaccard_similarity.md) | The number of concepts in the intersection divided by the number in the union | | [label](label.md) | | | [match_source](match_source.md) | | | [match_source_label](match_source_label.md) | | | [match_subsumer](match_subsumer.md) | | | [match_subsumer_label](match_subsumer_label.md) | | | [match_target](match_target.md) | the entity matches | | [match_target_label](match_target_label.md) | | | [metric](metric.md) | | | [object_best_matches](object_best_matches.md) | | | [object_id](object_id.md) | The second of the two entities being compared | | [object_information_content](object_information_content.md) | The IC of the object | | [object_label](object_label.md) | the label or name for the second entity | | [object_source](object_source.md) | the source for the second entity | | [object_termset](object_termset.md) | | | [overlap_coefficient](overlap_coefficient.md) | | | [phenodigm_score](phenodigm_score.md) | the geometric mean of the jaccard similarity and the information content | | [score](score.md) | Abstract base slot for different kinds of scores | | [similarity](similarity.md) | | | [subject_best_matches](subject_best_matches.md) | | | [subject_id](subject_id.md) | The first of the two entities being compared | | [subject_information_content](subject_information_content.md) | The IC of the subject | | [subject_label](subject_label.md) | the label or name for the first entity | | [subject_source](subject_source.md) | the source for the first entity | | [subject_termset](subject_termset.md) | | | [subsumed_by_score](subsumed_by_score.md) | | | [subsumes_score](subsumes_score.md) | | | [union_count](union_count.md) | | ## Enumerations | Enumeration | Description | | --- | --- | ## Types | Type | Description | | --- | --- | | [Boolean](Boolean.md) | A binary (true or false) value | | [Curie](Curie.md) | a compact URI | | [Date](Date.md) | a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar | | [DateOrDatetime](DateOrDatetime.md) | Either a date or a datetime | | [Datetime](Datetime.md) | The combination of a date and time | | [Decimal](Decimal.md) | A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci... | | [Double](Double.md) | A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification | | [Float](Float.md) | A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification | | [Integer](Integer.md) | An integer | | [ItemCount](ItemCount.md) | | | [Jsonpath](Jsonpath.md) | A string encoding a JSON Path | | [Jsonpointer](Jsonpointer.md) | A string encoding a JSON Pointer | | [Ncname](Ncname.md) | Prefix part of CURIE | | [NegativeLogValue](NegativeLogValue.md) | | | [Nodeidentifier](Nodeidentifier.md) | A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model | | [NonNegativeFloat](NonNegativeFloat.md) | | | [Objectidentifier](Objectidentifier.md) | A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model | | [Sparqlpath](Sparqlpath.md) | A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path | | [String](String.md) | A character string | | [Time](Time.md) | A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular... | | [Uri](Uri.md) | a complete URI | | [Uriorcurie](Uriorcurie.md) | a URI or a CURIE | | [ZeroToOne](ZeroToOne.md) | | ## Subsets | Subset | Description | | --- | --- |