# Slot: information_content _The IC is the negative log of the probability of the concept_ URI: [sim:information_content](https://w3id.org/linkml/similarity/information_content) ## Inheritance * [score](score.md) * **information_content** * [subject_information_content](subject_information_content.md) * [object_information_content](object_information_content.md) * [ancestor_information_content](ancestor_information_content.md) ## Properties * Range: [NegativeLogValue](NegativeLogValue.md) ## Aliases * IC ## Identifier and Mapping Information ### Schema Source * from schema: https://w3id.org/oak/similarity ## LinkML Source
```yaml name: information_content description: The IC is the negative log of the probability of the concept from_schema: https://w3id.org/oak/similarity aliases: - IC rank: 1000 is_a: score abstract: true alias: information_content range: NegativeLogValue ```