# Slot: id URI: [summary_statistics:id](https://w3id.org/oaklib/summary_statistics.id) ## Applicable Classes | Name | Description | Modifies Slot | | --- | --- | --- | | [GroupedStatistics](GroupedStatistics.md) | summary statistics for the entire resource | no | | [SummaryStatisticsReport](SummaryStatisticsReport.md) | abstract base class for all summary statistics reports | no | | [ContributorRole](ContributorRole.md) | A role that a contributor can have | no | | [UngroupedStatistics](UngroupedStatistics.md) | A summary statistics report object | no | | [Agent](Agent.md) | An agent | no | | [Ontology](Ontology.md) | An ontology | no | ## Properties * Range: [String](String.md) ## Identifier and Mapping Information ## LinkML Source
```yaml name: id alias: id domain_of: - SummaryStatisticsReport - Ontology - Agent - ContributorRole range: string ```