# Class: ExternalReferenceValidationResult _A validation result where the check is to determine if a link to an external resource is still valid_ URI: [vm:ExternalReferenceValidationResult](https://w3id.org/linkml/validation-model/ExternalReferenceValidationResult) ```{mermaid} classDiagram class ExternalReferenceValidationResult ValidationResult <|-- ExternalReferenceValidationResult ExternalReferenceValidationResult : http_response_code ExternalReferenceValidationResult : info ExternalReferenceValidationResult : instantiates ExternalReferenceValidationResult --> Node : instantiates ExternalReferenceValidationResult : number_of_attempts ExternalReferenceValidationResult : object ExternalReferenceValidationResult --> Node : object ExternalReferenceValidationResult : object_str ExternalReferenceValidationResult : predicate ExternalReferenceValidationResult --> Node : predicate ExternalReferenceValidationResult : severity ExternalReferenceValidationResult --> severity_options : severity ExternalReferenceValidationResult : source ExternalReferenceValidationResult : subject ExternalReferenceValidationResult --> Node : subject ExternalReferenceValidationResult : time_checked ExternalReferenceValidationResult : type ExternalReferenceValidationResult --> ConstraintComponent : type ExternalReferenceValidationResult : url ``` ## Inheritance * [Result](Result.md) * [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) * **ExternalReferenceValidationResult** ## Slots | Name | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [url](url.md) | 0..1
[String](String.md) | | direct | | [time_checked](time_checked.md) | 0..1
[String](String.md) | | direct | | [number_of_attempts](number_of_attempts.md) | 0..1
[Integer](Integer.md) | | direct | | [http_response_code](http_response_code.md) | 0..1
[Integer](Integer.md) | | direct | | [type](type.md) | 1..1
[ConstraintComponent](ConstraintComponent.md) | The type of validation result | [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) | | [severity](severity.md) | 0..1
[SeverityOptions](SeverityOptions.md) | the severity of the issue | [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) | | [subject](subject.md) | 1..1
[Node](Node.md) | The instance which the result is about | [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) | | [instantiates](instantiates.md) | 0..1
[Node](Node.md) | The type of the subject | [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) | | [predicate](predicate.md) | 0..1
[Node](Node.md) | The predicate or property of the subject which the result is about | [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) | | [object](object.md) | 0..1
[Node](Node.md) | | [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) | | [object_str](object_str.md) | 0..1
[String](String.md) | | [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) | | [source](source.md) | 0..1
[String](String.md) | | [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) | | [info](info.md) | 0..1
[String](String.md) | additional information about the issue | [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) | ## Identifier and Mapping Information ### Schema Source * from schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results ## Mappings | Mapping Type | Mapped Value | | --- | --- | | self | vm:ExternalReferenceValidationResult | | native | vm:ExternalReferenceValidationResult | ## LinkML Source ### Direct
```yaml name: ExternalReferenceValidationResult description: A validation result where the check is to determine if a link to an external resource is still valid from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results is_a: ValidationResult attributes: url: name: url from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 domain_of: - ExternalReferenceValidationResult time_checked: name: time_checked from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 domain_of: - ExternalReferenceValidationResult number_of_attempts: name: number_of_attempts from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 domain_of: - ExternalReferenceValidationResult range: integer http_response_code: name: http_response_code from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 domain_of: - ExternalReferenceValidationResult range: integer ```
### Induced
```yaml name: ExternalReferenceValidationResult description: A validation result where the check is to determine if a link to an external resource is still valid from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results is_a: ValidationResult attributes: url: name: url from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 alias: url owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ExternalReferenceValidationResult range: string time_checked: name: time_checked from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 alias: time_checked owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ExternalReferenceValidationResult range: string number_of_attempts: name: number_of_attempts from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 alias: number_of_attempts owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ExternalReferenceValidationResult range: integer http_response_code: name: http_response_code from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 alias: http_response_code owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ExternalReferenceValidationResult range: integer type: name: type description: The type of validation result. SHACL validation vocabulary is recommended for checks against a datamodel. For principle checks use the corresponding rule or principle, e.g. GO RULE ID, OBO Principle ID from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 slot_uri: sh:sourceConstraintComponent alias: type owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - TypeSeverityKeyValue - ValidationResult range: ConstraintComponent required: true severity: name: severity description: the severity of the issue from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 slot_uri: sh:resultSeverity alias: severity owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - TypeSeverityKeyValue - ValidationResult range: severity_options subject: name: subject description: The instance which the result is about from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 slot_uri: sh:focusNode alias: subject owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ValidationResult range: Node required: true instantiates: name: instantiates description: The type of the subject from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results exact_mappings: - sh:sourceShape rank: 1000 alias: instantiates owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ValidationResult range: Node predicate: name: predicate description: The predicate or property of the subject which the result is about from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results related_mappings: - sh:resultPath rank: 1000 alias: predicate owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ValidationResult range: Node object: name: object from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 slot_uri: sh:value alias: object owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ValidationResult range: Node object_str: name: object_str from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 alias: object_str owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ValidationResult range: string source: name: source from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 alias: source owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ValidationResult range: string info: name: info description: additional information about the issue from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 slot_uri: sh:resultMessage alias: info owner: ExternalReferenceValidationResult domain_of: - ValidationResult - MappingValidationResult - RepairOperation range: string ```