# Class: Result _Abstract base class for any individual report result_ * __NOTE__: this is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly URI: [vm:Result](https://w3id.org/linkml/validation-model/Result) ```{mermaid} classDiagram class Result Result <|-- ValidationResult Result <|-- MappingValidationResult Result <|-- RepairOperation ``` ## Inheritance * **Result** * [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) * [MappingValidationResult](MappingValidationResult.md) * [RepairOperation](RepairOperation.md) ## Slots | Name | Cardinality and Range | Description | Inheritance | | --- | --- | --- | --- | ## Usages | used by | used in | type | used | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Report](Report.md) | [results](results.md) | range | [Result](Result.md) | ## Identifier and Mapping Information ### Schema Source * from schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results ## Mappings | Mapping Type | Mapped Value | | --- | --- | | self | vm:Result | | native | vm:Result | ## LinkML Source ### Direct
```yaml name: Result description: Abstract base class for any individual report result from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results abstract: true ```
### Induced
```yaml name: Result description: Abstract base class for any individual report result from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results abstract: true ```