# Slot: info _additional information about the issue_ URI: [sh:resultMessage](http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#resultMessage) ## Applicable Classes | Name | Description | Modifies Slot | | --- | --- | --- | | [DefinitionValidationResult](DefinitionValidationResult.md) | | no | | [ValidationResult](ValidationResult.md) | An individual result arising from validation of a data instance using a parti... | no | | [MappingValidationResult](MappingValidationResult.md) | A validation result where the check is to determine if a mapping is correct | no | | [RepairOperation](RepairOperation.md) | The result of performing an individual repair | no | | [ExternalReferenceValidationResult](ExternalReferenceValidationResult.md) | A validation result where the check is to determine if a link to an external ... | no | ## Properties * Range: [String](String.md) ## Identifier and Mapping Information ### Schema Source * from schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results ## LinkML Source
```yaml name: info description: additional information about the issue from_schema: https://w3id.org/linkml/validation_results rank: 1000 slot_uri: sh:resultMessage alias: info domain_of: - ValidationResult - MappingValidationResult - RepairOperation range: string ```