.. _bioportal_implementation: Bioportal Adapter ================== The Bioportal adapter uses `ontoportal-client `_ to connect to any OntoPortal endpoint. .. warning :: Highly incomplete! So far this only implements: - :ref:`search_interface` - :ref:`text_annotator_interface` - :ref:`mapping_provider_interface` API Keys -------------------- First you will need to go to `BioPortal `_ and get an API key, if you don't already have one. You will then need to set it: .. code-block:: runoak set-apikey bioportal YOUR-API-KEY This stores it in an OS-dependent folder Command Line Examples ---------------------- Use the :code:`bioportal` selector: .. code:: runoak -i bioportal: COMMAND [COMMAND-ARGUMENTS-AND-OPTIONS] Currently ontology sub-selectors are not supported Search ^^^^^^ .. code:: runoak -i bioportal: search tentacle Note that bioportal implements relevance-ranked search, so if you search with a multiword term like "octopus brain", after first returning any exact matches it will return matches to "octopus" and "brain". Mappings ^^^^^^^^ .. code:: runoak -i bioportal: term-mappings UBERON:0002101 -O sssom -o my-mappings.sssom.tsv Currently mappings may be missing some crucial metadata Code ---- .. currentmodule:: oaklib.implementations.bioportal.bioportal_implementation .. autoclass:: BioportalImplementation