.. _ubergraph_implementation: Ubergraph Adapter ================= About ----- `Ubergraph `_ is a SPARQL endpoint serving multiple OBO ontologies, pre-processed with - relation-graph - information content scores - biolink categories This implementation is a specialization of the :ref:`sparql` interface, tuned for Ubergraph .. note:: This is a remote endpoint implementation - as such, throttling is implemented to limit overuse Interfaces Implemented ---------------------- This implements most interfaces. It also attempts to implement each in the most performant way, avoiding iterative queries, attempting instead to batch queries into larger SPARQL query Connecting ^^^^^^ Use ``ubergraph:`` as a selector. To restrict queries to a particular ontology, use the ontology ID as a suffix, e.g. ``ubergraph:uberon`` Search ^^^^^^ .. code:: runoak -i ubergraph: search hippocampus Code ---- .. currentmodule:: oaklib.implementations.ubergraph.ubergraph_implementation .. autoclass:: UbergraphImplementation .. autoclass:: RelationGraphEnum