AnnotationPropertyNode |
A node representing an OWL annotation property |
AnonymousClassExpression |
An OWL anonymous class expression, such as for example `SomeValuesFrom(partOf... |
AnonymousExpression |
An OWL expression, such as a class expression |
AnonymousIndividualExpression |
AnonymousPropertyExpression |
AsymmetricPropertyNode |
BlankNode |
A node with an ID that is not preserved between databases |
ClassNode |
A node that represents an RDFS/OWL class |
ClassTrait |
CountOfInstantiatedClasses |
Number of distinct instantiations of a class |
CountOfPredicates |
Number of distinct usages of a predicate |
CountOfSubclasses |
Number of subclasses for a given class |
DeprecatedNode |
IndividualTrait |
IriNode |
IrreflexivePropertyNode |
A node representing an OWL irreflexive object property |
IsReport |
Used to describe classes/views that have a reporting function |
NamedIndividualNode |
A node that represents an OWL Named Individual |
Node |
The basic unit of representation in an RDF or OWL graph |
NodeToNodeStatement |
A statement where object is non-null and value is not populated |
NodeToValueStatement |
A statement where value is non-null and object is not populated |
NodeTrait |
abstract groupings/properties for different aspects of the model |
ObjectPropertyNode |
A node representing an OWL object property |
OntologyNode |
A node representing an ontology |
OwlAllValuesFrom |
OwlAxiom |
OwlAxiomAnnotation |
OwlComplementOfStatement |
OwlComplexAxiom |
An axiom that is composed of two or more statements |
OwlDisjointClassStatement |
OwlEquivalentClassStatement |
A statement that connects two class_nodes where both classes are equivalent |
OwlEquivalentToIntersectionMember |
Composition of OwlEquivalentClass , OwlIntersectionOf , and RdfListMember ... |
OwlHasSelf |
OwlHasValue |
OwlImportsStatement |
OwlInverseOfStatement |
OwlReifiedAxiom |
An OWL axiom that has been reified - i |
OwlRestriction |
An OWL restriction, such as SomeValuesFrom(partOf Hand) |
OwlSameAsStatement |
A statement that connects two individual nodes where both individual are equi... |
OwlSomeValuesFrom |
An OWL SomeValuesFrom restriction |
OwlSubclassOfSomeValuesFrom |
Composition of subClassOf and SomeValuesFrom |
Prefix |
Maps CURIEs to URIs |
PropertyNode |
Note this only directly classifies nodes asserted to be rdf:Properties |
PropertyTrait |
RdfFirstStatement |
A statement that connects a list to its first element |
RdfLevelSummaryStatistic |
Abstract grouping for views/classes that provide some kind of count summary a... |
RdfListMemberStatement |
RdfListNode |
A node representing an RDF list |
RdfListStatement |
A statement that is used to represent aspects of RDF lists |
RdfRestStatement |
A statement that connects a list to its remaining elements |
RdfRestTransitiveStatement |
RdfTypeStatement |
A statement that indicates the asserted type of the subject entity |
RdfsDomainStatement |
RdfsLabelStatement |
RdfsRangeStatement |
RdfsSubclassOfNamedStatement |
RdfsSubclassOfStatement |
RdfsSubpropertyOfStatement |
ReflexivePropertyNode |
A node representing an OWL reflexive object property |
Statements |
Represents an RDF triple |
SymmetricPropertyNode |
A node representing an OWL symmetric object property |
TransitivePropertyNode |
A node representing an OWL transitive object property |