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Slot: about_edge

URI: kgcl:about_edge


Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
EdgeChange A change in which the element that is the focus of the change is an edge no
EdgeCreation An edge change in which a de-novo edge is created no
PlaceUnder An edge creation where the predicate is owl:subClassOf no
EdgeDeletion An edge change in which an edge is removed no
RemoveUnder An edge deletion where the predicate is owl:subClassOf no
EdgeObsoletion An edge change in which an edge is obsoleted no
EdgeRewiring An edge change where one node is replaced with another, as in the case of obs... no
MappingCreation A specific kind of edge creation in which the created edge is a mapping no
NodeMove A node move is a combination of deleting a parent edge and adding a parent ed... no
NodeDeepening A node move in which a node where the destination is a proper descendant of t... no
NodeShallowing The opposite of node deepening no
PredicateChange An edge change where the predicate (relationship type) is modified no
EdgeLogicalInterpretationChange An edge change where the subject, object, and predicate are unchanged, but th... no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: about_edge
rank: 1000
is_a: about
multivalued: false
alias: about_edge
- EdgeChange
range: Edge