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A data model for describing change operations at a high level on an ontology or ontology-like artefact, such as a Knowledge Graph. * Browse Schema * GitHub



Class Description
ChangeLanguageElement A broad grouping for all elements of the change language
        Change Any change perform on an ontology or knowledge graph
                ComplexChange A change that is is a composition of other changes
                        MultiNodeObsoletion A complex change consisting of multiple obsoletions
                SimpleChange A change that is about a single ontology element
                        EdgeChange A change in which the element that is the focus of the change is an edge
                                EdgeCreation An edge change in which a de-novo edge is created
                                        MappingCreation A specific kind of edge creation in which the created edge is a mapping
                                        PlaceUnder An edge creation where the predicate is owl:subClassOf
                                EdgeDeletion An edge change in which an edge is removed
                                        RemoveUnder An edge deletion where the predicate is owl:subClassOf
                                EdgeLogicalInterpretationChange An edge change where the subject, object, and predicate are unchanged, but th...
                                EdgeObsoletion An edge change in which an edge is obsoleted
                                EdgeRewiring An edge change where one node is replaced with another, as in the case of obs...
                                NodeMove A node move is a combination of deleting a parent edge and adding a parent ed...
                                        NodeDeepening A node move in which a node where the destination is a proper descendant of t...
                                        NodeShallowing The opposite of node deepening
                                PredicateChange An edge change where the predicate (relationship type) is modified
                        LogicalAxiomChange A simple change where a logical axiom is changed, where the logical axiom can...
                        NodeChange A simple change where the change is about a node
                                AddNodeToSubset Places a node inside a subset, by annotating that node
                                NodeAnnotationChange A node change where the change alters node properties/annotations
                                        NodeAnnotationReplacement A node annotation change where the change replaces a particular property valu...
                                NodeCreation a node change in which a new node is created
                                        ClassCreation A node creation where the owl type is 'owl:Class'
                                        ObjectPropertyCreation A node creation where the owl type is 'ObjectProperty'
                                NodeDeletion Deletion of a node from the graph
                                NodeMappingChange A node change where the mappings for that node are altered
                                        MappingPredicateChange A node mapping change where the predicate of a mapping is changed
                                        MappingReplacement A node mapping change where the object of a mapping is changed
                                        NewMapping A node mapping change where a mapping is added to a node
                                        RemoveMapping A node mapping change where a mapping is deleted
                                NodeMetadataAssertionChange A node change where the metadata assertion (OWL annotations) for that node ar...
                                        MetadataAssertionPredicateChange A node metadata assertion change where the predicate of a metadata assertion ...
                                        MetadataAssertionReplacement A node metadata assertion change where the object of a metadata assertion is ...
                                        NewMetadataAssertion A node metadata assertion change where a metadata assertion is added to a nod...
                                        RemoveMetadataAssertion A node metadata assertion change where a metadata assertion is deleted
                                NodeObsoletion Obsoletion of a node deprecates usage of that node, but does not delete it
                                        NodeDirectMerge An obsoletion change in which all metadata (including name/label) from the so...
                                        NodeObsoletionWithDirectReplacement An obsoletion change in which information from the obsoleted node is selectiv...
                                        NodeObsoletionWithNoDirectReplacement An obsoletion change in which there is no direct replacement
                                NodeRename A node change where the name (aka rdfs:label) of the node changes
                                        NameBecomesSynonym A node synonym where the name NAME of an node NODE moves to a synonym, and NO...
                                        NewSynonym A node synonym change where a de-novo synonym is created
                                        RemoveSynonym A node synonym change where a synonym is deleted
                                        SynonymPredicateChange A node synonym change where the predicate of a synonym is changed
                                        SynonymReplacement A node synonym change where the text of a synonym is changed
                                NodeTextDefinitionChange A node change where the text definition is changed
                                        NewTextDefinition A node change where a de-novo text definition is created
                                        RemoveTextDefinition A node change where a text definition is deleted
                                        TextDefinitionReplacement A node change where a text definition is modified
                                NodeUnobsoletion unobsoletion of a node deprecates usage of that node
                                RemoveNodeFromSubset Removes a node from a subset, by removing an annotation
                                SetLanguageForName A node change where the string value for the name is unchanged but the langua...
                Transaction A change that is a composition of a set of changes, where those changes are t...
        ChangeSetSummaryStatistic A summary statistic for a set of changes of the same type, grouped by zero or...
        Configuration The meaning of operations can be configured
        Session A session consists of a set of change sets bundled with the activities that g...
        TextualDiff A summarizing of a change on a piece of text
ChangeMixin root class for all change mixins
        Creation Creation of an element
        DatatypeOrLanguageTagChange A change in a value assertion where the value remain unchanged but either the...
        Deletion Removal of an element
        Obsoletion Obsoletion of an element deprecates usage of that element, but does not delet...
                AllowsAutomaticReplacementOfEdges Applies to an obsoletion in which annotations or edges pointing at the obsole...
        SubsetMembershipChange A change in the membership status of a node with respect to a subset (view)
                AddToSubset placing an element inside a subset
                RemoveFromSubset removing an element from a subset
        Unobsoletion Opposite operation of obsoletion
OntologyElement Any component of an ontology or knowledge graph
        Edge A relationship between two nodes
        Node Any named entity in an ontology
                ClassNode A node that is a class
                InstanceNode A node that is an individual
        PropertyValue a property-value pair
                Annotation owl annotations
ProvElement A grouping for prov elements
        Activity a provence-generating activity
        Agent a provence-generating agent


Slot Description
about The 'focus' entity on which the change operates
about_node_representation The representation of a node (URI, CURIE, label)
annotation_property An annotation property
annotation_property_type The type of a property (URI, CURIE, label)
change_description A string serialization of the change
change_set A collection of changes
datatype The datatype of a literal
has_direct_replacement An obsoletion replacement where it IS valid to automatically update annotatio...
has_nondirect_replacement An obsoletion replacement where it is NOT valid to automatically update annot...
has_replacement A single node obsoletion event may be accompanied by one or more suggested re...
has_textual_diff A representation of character-level changes on a textual literal property
has_undo A change that reverses this change
in_subset The subset that pertains to this change
language The language tag of a literal
new_datatype The new datatype of a literal
new_filler The new filler of an OWL restriction
new_language The new language tag of a literal
new_object_type The type (IRI or Literal) of a new object
new_property The new property of an OWL restriction
new_subclass The new subclass of a subsumption axiom
new_value The value of a property held in the new instance of the ontology
new_value_type The type (IRI or Literal) of a new value
node_id id of a node to be created
object_type The type (IRI or Literal) of an object
obsolete_node_label_prefix A prefix to add to the label of an obsolete node
obsolete_subclass_of_shadow_property specifies the annotation property to be used to create a shadow annotation as...
old_datatype The old datatype of a literal
old_language The old language tag of a literal
old_object_type The type (IRI or Literal) of an old object
old_value The value of a property held in the old instance of the ontology
old_value_type The type (IRI or Literal) of an old value
predicate_type The type (IRI or Literal) of an edge's subject
qualifier The qualifier of a change operation
subclass The subclass of a subsumption axiom
subclass_type The type of a subclass
subject_type The type (IRI or Literal) of an edge's subject
superclass_type The type of a superclass
target The secondary entity on which the change operates


Enumeration Description


Type Description
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
ChangeClassType CURIE for a class within this data model
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
Jsonpath A string encoding a JSON Path
Jsonpointer A string encoding a JSON Pointer
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
Sparqlpath A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description