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Slot: has_direct_replacement

An obsoletion replacement where it IS valid to automatically update annotations/edges pointing at the node with its direct replacement

URI: kgcl:has_direct_replacement

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
NodeObsoletion Obsoletion of a node deprecates usage of that node, but does not delete it no
NodeDirectMerge An obsoletion change in which all metadata (including name/label) from the so... yes
NodeObsoletionWithDirectReplacement An obsoletion change in which information from the obsoleted node is selectiv... yes
NodeObsoletionWithNoDirectReplacement An obsoletion change in which there is no direct replacement no



  • if a node obsoletion C, C about N1, and C has direct replacement N2, and there exists an edge with an edge property referencing N1, it is possible to replace with N2
  • if a node obsoletion C C about N1, and Chas direct replacement N2, then N1 IAO:0100001 N2

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: has_direct_replacement
description: An obsoletion replacement where it IS valid to automatically update annotations/edges
  pointing at the node with its direct replacement
- if a node obsoletion C, C about N1, and C has direct replacement N2, and there exists
  an edge with an edge property referencing N1, it is possible to replace with N2
- if a node obsoletion C C about N1, and Chas direct replacement N2, then N1 IAO:0100001
- IAO:0100001
rank: 1000
multivalued: false
alias: has_direct_replacement
- NodeObsoletion
range: Node