KGCL Commands.
Example: Rename node.
Class: NodeRename
Command: rename GO:0005635 from 'nuclear envelope' to 'foo bar'
id: CHANGE:001
type: NodeRename
old_value: nuclear envelope
new_value: foo bar
about_node: GO:0005635
about_node_representation: curie
Example: Obsolete node.
Class: NodeObsoletion
Command: obsolete GO:0005634
id: CHANGE:001
type: NodeObsoletion
about_node: GO:0005634
about_node_representation: curie
Example: Replacement of node after obsoletion.
Class: NodeObsoletionWithDirectReplacement
Command: obsolete GO:0005634 with replacement GO:999
id: CHANGE:001
type: NodeObsoletionWithDirectReplacement
about_node: GO:0005634
about_node_representation: curie
has_direct_replacement: GO:999
Example: Addition of a new synonym.
Class: NewSynonym
Command: create exact synonym 'foo' for GO:0005634
id: CHANGE:001
type: NewSynonym
new_value: foo
about_node: GO:0005634
about_node_representation: curie
qualifier: exact
Example: Removal of a synonym.
Class: RemoveSynonym
Command: remove synonym 'foo' for GO:0005634
id: CHANGE:001
type: RemoveSynonym
old_value: foo
about_node: GO:0005634
about_node_representation: curie
Example: Replace synonym of a node.
Class: SynonymReplacement
Command: change synonym 'cell nucleus' for GO:0005634 to 'cell NUCLEUS'
id: CHANGE:001
type: SynonymReplacement
old_value: cell nucleus
new_value: cell NUCLEUS
about_node: GO:0005634
about_node_representation: label
Example: Addition of a node to a subset.
Class: AddNodeToSubset
Command: add GO:0005634 to subset foo
id: CHANGE:001
type: AddNodeToSubset
about_node: GO:0005634
about_node_representation: curie
in_subset: foo
Example: Removal of a node from a subset.
Class: RemoveNodeFromSubset
Command: remove GO:0005634 from subset foo
id: CHANGE:001
type: RemoveNodeFromSubset
about_node: GO:0005634
about_node_representation: curie
in_subset: foo
Example: Creation of new class.
Class: ClassCreation
Command: create GO:9999999
id: CHANGE:001
type: ClassCreation
about_node: GO:9999999
about_node_representation: curie
Example: Creation of new node.
Class: NodeCreation
Command: create node GO:9999999 'foo'
id: CHANGE:001
type: NodeCreation
about_node: GO:9999999
about_node_representation: curie
name: foo
Example: Creation of new edge.
Class: EdgeCreation
Command: create edge GO:0005634 BFO:0000050 GO:0009411
id: CHANGE:001
type: EdgeCreation
object_type: curie
subject: GO:0005634
predicate: BFO:0000050
object: GO:0009411
subject_type: curie
predicate_type: curie
Example: Place node under another node.
Class: PlaceUnder
Command: create edge GO:0005634 rdfs:subClassOf GO:0009411
id: CHANGE:001
type: PlaceUnder
object_type: curie
subject: GO:0005634
predicate: rdfs:subClassOf
object: GO:0009411
subject_type: curie
predicate_type: curie
Example: Change predicate.
Class: PredicateChange
Command: change relationship between GO:0005635 and GO:0005634 from BFO:0000050 to rdfs:subClassOf
id: CHANGE:001
type: PredicateChange
old_value: BFO:0000050
new_value: rdfs:subClassOf
old_value_type: curie
new_value_type: curie
subject: GO:0005635
predicate: BFO:0000050
object: GO:0005634
subject_representation: curie
predicate_representation: curie
object_representation: curie
Example: Remove node from under another node.
Class: RemoveUnder
Command: delete edge GO:0005634 rdfs:subClassOf GO:0043231
id: CHANGE:001
type: RemoveUnder
object_type: curie
subject: GO:0005634
predicate: rdfs:subClassOf
object: GO:0043231
subject_type: curie
predicate_type: curie
Example: Deletion of an edge.
Class: EdgeDeletion
Command: delete edge GO:0005635 BFO:0000050 GO:0005634
id: CHANGE:001
type: EdgeDeletion
object_type: curie
subject: GO:0005635
predicate: BFO:0000050
object: GO:0005634
subject_type: curie
predicate_type: curie
Example: Deepening of a node.
Class: NodeDeepening
Command: deepen GO:0005739 from GO:0043231 to GO:0005634
id: CHANGE:001
type: NodeDeepening
old_value: GO:0043231
new_value: GO:0005634
subject: GO:0005739
object: GO:0043231
subject_representation: curie
object_representation: curie
old_object_type: curie
new_object_type: curie
Example: New definition of a node.
Class: NewTextDefinition
Command: add definition 'this is dummy description' to GO:0005635
id: CHANGE:001
type: NewTextDefinition
new_value: this is dummy description
about_node: GO:0005635
about_node_representation: curie
Example: Update defintion of a node.
Class: NodeTextDefinitionChange
Command: change definition of GO:0005635 to 'this is dummy description'
id: CHANGE:001
type: NodeTextDefinitionChange
new_value: this is dummy description
about_node: GO:0005635
about_node_representation: curie
Example: Remove definition of a node.
Class: RemoveTextDefinition
Command: remove definition for GO:0005634
id: CHANGE:001
type: RemoveTextDefinition
about_node: GO:0005634
about_node_representation: curie