Semantic SQL RDF module

Abstractions for working with RDF and RDFS triples

URI: Name: rdf


Class Description
BlankNode A node with an ID that is not preserved between databases
ClassNode A node that represents an RDFS/OWL class
CountOfInstantiatedClasses Number of distinct instantiations of a class
CountOfPredicates Number of distinct usages of a predicate
CountOfSubclasses Number of subclasses for a given class
IsReport Used to describe classes/views that have a reporting function
NamedIndividualNode A node that represents an OWL Named Individual
Node The basic unit of representation in an RDF or OWL graph
NodeToNodeStatement A statement where object is non-null and value is not populated
NodeToValueStatement A statement where value is non-null and object is not populated
NodeTrait abstract groupings/properties for different aspects of the model
Prefix Maps CURIEs to URIs
PropertyNode Note this only directly classifies nodes asserted to be rdf:Properties
RdfFirstStatement A statement that connects a list to its first element
RdfLevelSummaryStatistic Abstract grouping for views/classes that provide some kind of count summary a...
RdfListNode A node representing an RDF list
RdfListStatement A statement that is used to represent aspects of RDF lists
RdfRestStatement A statement that connects a list to its remaining elements
RdfTypeStatement A statement that indicates the asserted type of the subject entity
Statements Represents an RDF triple


Slot Description
base The base URI a prefix will expand to
datatype the rdf datatype of the value, for example, xsd:string
id An identifier for an element
language the human language in which the value is encoded, e
object Note the range of this slot is always a node
predicate The predicate of the statement
prefix A standardized prefix such as 'GO' or 'rdf' or 'FlyBase'
stanza the term which this statement is about
subject The subject of the statement
value Note the range of this slot is always a string


Enumeration Description


Type Description
xsd:boolean A binary (true or false) value
xsd:date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
linkml:DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
xsd:dateTime The combination of a date and time
xsd:decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
xsd:double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
xsd:float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
xsd:integer An integer
xsd:string Prefix part of CURIE
NodeIdType IDs are either CURIEs, IRI, or blank nodes
shex:nonLiteral A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
shex:iri A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
xsd:string A character string
xsd:dateTime A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
xsd:anyURI a complete URI
xsd:anyURI a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description
BaseTable Indicates the class/table is typically not constructed from a view
Export Used to indicate a table/class that should be dumped as part of the export of...