Source code for oaklib.converters.obo_graph_to_obo_format_converter

import logging
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import rdflib

from oaklib.converters.data_model_converter import DataModelConverter
from oaklib.datamodels.obograph import Edge, Graph, GraphDocument, Node
from oaklib.datamodels.vocabulary import IS_A, SYNONYM_PRED_TO_SCOPE_MAP
from oaklib.implementations.simpleobo.simple_obo_parser import (
from oaklib.types import CURIE
from oaklib.utilities.oboformat_utils import subset_to_shorthand
from oaklib.utilities.obograph_utils import index_graph_edges_by_subject

TRIPLE = Tuple[rdflib.URIRef, rdflib.URIRef, Any]

    "is_a": TAG_IS_A,
    IS_A: TAG_IS_A,  # sometime obographs use the predicate rather than shorthand
    "subPropertyOf": TAG_IS_A,
    "inverseOf": TAG_INVERSE_OF,

typedef_type_map = {
    "CLASS": "Term",
    "PROPERTY": "Typedef",

def _escape(s: str) -> str:
    return s.replace('"', '\\"').replace("\n", "\\n")

[docs] @dataclass class OboGraphToOboFormatConverter(DataModelConverter): """Converts from OboGraph to OBO Format.""" use_shorthand: bool = True
[docs] def dump(self, source: GraphDocument, target: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """ Dump an OBO Graph Document to a FHIR CodeSystem :param source: :param target: :return: """ obodoc = self.convert(source) if target is None: obodoc.dump(sys.stdout) else: with open(target, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as f: obodoc.dump(f)
[docs] def dumps( self, source: Union[GraphDocument, Graph], aux_graphs: Optional[List[Graph]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> str: """ Dump an OBO Graph Document to a string :param source: :return: """ obodoc = self.convert(source, aux_graphs=aux_graphs) io = StringIO() obodoc.dump(io) return io.getvalue()
[docs] def as_bytes_io(self, source: GraphDocument, **kwargs) -> BytesIO: """ Dump an OBO Graph Document to a string :param source: :return: """ s = self.dumps(source) return BytesIO(s.encode("UTF-8"))
[docs] def convert( self, source: Union[GraphDocument, Graph], target: OboDocument = None, aux_graphs: Optional[List[Graph]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> OboDocument: """ Convert an OBO Format Document. :param source: :param target: if None, one will be created :param aux_graphs: additional graphs to use for label lookup :return: """ if target is None: target = OboDocument() if isinstance(source, Graph): source = GraphDocument(graphs=[source]) for g in source.graphs:"Converting graph {}, nodes: {len(g.nodes)}, edges: {len(g.edges)}") self._convert_graph(g, target=target, aux_graphs=aux_graphs)"Converted {len(target.stanzas)} stanzas") return target
def _commentify( self, curie: CURIE, graph: Graph, aux_graphs: Optional[List[Graph]] = None ) -> str: graphs = [graph] + (aux_graphs or []) for g in graphs: for n in g.nodes: if == curie and n.lbl: return f"{curie} ! {n.lbl}" return curie def _id(self, uri_or_curie: CURIE) -> CURIE: if not self.curie_converter: return uri_or_curie return self.curie_converter.compress(uri_or_curie, passthrough=True) def _predicate_id(self, uri_or_curie: CURIE, target: OboDocument) -> CURIE: curie = self._id(uri_or_curie) return target.curie_to_shorthand_map.get(curie, curie) def _convert_graph( self, source: Graph, target: OboDocument, aux_graphs: Optional[List[Graph]] = None ) -> OboDocument: edges_by_subject = index_graph_edges_by_subject(source) for n in source.nodes: if n.type == "PROPERTY" and n.lbl: shorthand = n.lbl.replace(" ", "_") target.curie_to_shorthand_map[self._id(] = shorthand for n in source.nodes: logging.debug(f"Converting node {}") self._convert_node( n, index=edges_by_subject, target=target, graph=source, aux_graphs=aux_graphs ) for lda in source.logicalDefinitionAxioms: defined_class_id = self._id(lda.definedClassId) if defined_class_id not in target.stanzas: target.add_stanza(Stanza(id=defined_class_id, type="Term")) stanza = target.stanzas[defined_class_id] for g in lda.genusIds: obj = self._id(g) obj = self._commentify(obj, source, aux_graphs) stanza.add_tag_value(TAG_INTERSECTION_OF, obj) for r in lda.restrictions: filler = self._id(r.fillerId) filler = self._commentify(filler, source, aux_graphs) pred = self._id(r.propertyId) stanza.add_tag_value_pair(TAG_INTERSECTION_OF, pred, filler) return target def _convert_node( self, source: Node, index: Dict[CURIE, List[Edge]], target: OboDocument, graph: Graph = None, aux_graphs: Optional[List[Graph]] = None, ) -> None: id = self._id( shorthand_xref = None if id in target.curie_to_shorthand_map: shorthand_xref = id id = target.curie_to_shorthand_map[id] logging.debug(f"Converting node {id} from {source}") t = source.type # if not t: # logging.warning(f"No type for {id}") # return if id.startswith("oio:"): return typedef_type = typedef_type_map.get(t, None) if not typedef_type: return stanza = Stanza(id=id, type=typedef_type) target.add_stanza(stanza) if source.lbl: stanza.add_tag_value(TAG_NAME, source.lbl) if source.meta: self._convert_meta(source, target=stanza) if shorthand_xref: stanza.add_tag_value(TAG_XREF, shorthand_xref) for e in index.get(, []): obj = self._id(e.obj) obj_labeled = self._commentify(obj, graph, aux_graphs) pred = self._predicate_id(e.pred, target) if e.pred in DIRECT_PREDICATE_MAP: stanza.add_tag_value(DIRECT_PREDICATE_MAP[e.pred], f"{obj_labeled}") else: stanza.add_tag_value(TAG_RELATIONSHIP, f"{pred} {obj_labeled}") return def _convert_meta(self, source: Node, target: Stanza): meta = source.meta logging.debug(f"ADDING DEF {target}") if meta.definition: xrefs = ", ".join(meta.definition.xrefs) target.add_tag_value(TAG_DEFINITION, f'"{_escape(meta.definition.val)}" [{xrefs}]') if meta.xrefs: for x in meta.xrefs: target.add_tag_value(TAG_XREF, x.val) for x in meta.subsets: target.add_tag_value(TAG_SUBSET, subset_to_shorthand(x)) for s in meta.synonyms: xrefs = ", ".join(s.xrefs) scope = SYNONYM_PRED_TO_SCOPE_MAP[f"oio:{s.pred}"] target.add_tag_value(TAG_SYNONYM, f'"{_escape(s.val)}" {scope} [{xrefs}]')