Source code for oaklib.implementations.obograph.obograph_implementation

import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

import sssom_schema as sssom
from kgcl_schema.datamodel import kgcl
from linkml_runtime.dumpers import json_dumper

from oaklib.converters.obo_graph_to_rdf_owl_converter import SCOPE_MAP
from oaklib.datamodels import obograph
from oaklib.datamodels.obograph import (
from import SearchConfiguration
from oaklib.datamodels.search_datamodel import SearchProperty, SearchTermSyntax
from oaklib.datamodels.vocabulary import (
from oaklib.interfaces.basic_ontology_interface import (
from oaklib.interfaces.differ_interface import DifferInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.dumper_interface import DumperInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.merge_interface import MergeInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.obograph_interface import OboGraphInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.patcher_interface import PatcherInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.rdf_interface import RdfInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.search_interface import SearchInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.validator_interface import ValidatorInterface
from oaklib.resource import OntologyResource
from oaklib.types import CURIE, PRED_CURIE, SUBSET_CURIE, URI
from oaklib.utilities.axioms.logical_definition_utilities import (
from oaklib.utilities.basic_utils import pairs_as_dict
from oaklib.utilities.obograph_utils import load_obograph_document

    "ttl": "ttl",
    "n3": "n3",
    "rdfxml": "xml",
    "xml": "xml",
    "owl": "xml",

def clean_doc(gd: GraphDocument) -> None:
    for g in gd.graphs:
        g.nodes = [n for n in g.nodes if n.lbl]

[docs] @dataclass class OboGraphImplementation( ValidatorInterface, DifferInterface, RdfInterface, OboGraphInterface, SearchInterface, PatcherInterface, DumperInterface, MergeInterface, ): """ OBO Graphs JSON backed implementation. This implementation works off of an in-memory GraphDocument object. To use: .. packages :: python >>> from oaklib import get_adapter >>> oi = get_adapter('obograph:tests/input/go-nucleus.json') >>> for node_id in oi.entities(): ... print(node_id, oi.label(node_id)) <BLANKLINE> ... GO:0043226 organelle ... """ obograph_document: GraphDocument = None _relationship_index_cache: Dict[CURIE, List[RELATIONSHIP]] = None def __post_init__(self): if self.obograph_document is None: resource = self.resource if resource and resource.local_path: gd = load_obograph_document(resource.local_path) # gd = json_loader.load(str(resource.local_path), target_class=GraphDocument) else: gd = GraphDocument() self.obograph_document = gd def uri_to_curie( self, uri: URI, strict: bool = False, use_uri_fallback=True ) -> Optional[CURIE]: # TODO: use a map if uri == "is_a": return IS_A elif uri == "subPropertyOf": return SUBPROPERTY_OF elif uri == "inverseOf": return INVERSE_OF elif uri == EQUIVALENT_CLASS: return EQUIVALENT_CLASS else: return super().uri_to_curie(uri, strict=strict, use_uri_fallback=use_uri_fallback) def store(self, resource: OntologyResource = None) -> None: if resource is None: resource = self.resource od = self.obograph_document if resource.local: if resource.slug: json_dumper.dump(od, resource.slug) else: print(json_dumper.dumps(od)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot dump to {resource}") # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: BasicOntologyInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def _tuple_to_curies(self, t: Tuple) -> Tuple: return tuple([self.uri_to_curie(x) for x in t]) def _all_relationships(self) -> Iterator[RELATIONSHIP]:"Commencing indexing") od = self.obograph_document for g in od.graphs: for e in g.edges: if not e.pred: raise ValueError(f"Missing predicate in {e}") yield self._tuple_to_curies((e.sub, e.pred, e.obj)) for ens in g.equivalentNodesSets: for n1 in ens.nodeIds: for n2 in ens.nodeIds: if n1 != n2: # directionality is lost in OboGraph representation yield self._tuple_to_curies((n1, EQUIVALENT_CLASS, n2)) def entities(self, filter_obsoletes=True, owl_type=None) -> Iterable[CURIE]: od = self.obograph_document for g in od.graphs: for n in g.nodes: if filter_obsoletes and n.meta and n.meta.deprecated: continue if owl_type: t = n.type if t: if t == "CLASS" and owl_type != OWL_CLASS: continue if t == "PROPERTY" and owl_type != OWL_OBJECT_PROPERTY: continue yield self.uri_to_curie( def obsoletes(self) -> Iterable[CURIE]: od = self.obograph_document for g in od.graphs: for n in g.nodes: if n.meta.deprecated: yield # TODO: abstract into separate standalone package def _get_subset_curie(self, curie: str) -> str: if "#" in curie: return curie.split("#")[-1] else: return curie def _node_subsets(self, node: Node) -> List[SUBSET_CURIE]: if node.meta: return [self._get_subset_curie(s) for s in node.meta.subsets] else: return [] def _entire_graph(self) -> Graph: if len(self.obograph_document.graphs) > 1: raise ValueError("Multiple graphs") return self.obograph_document.graphs[0] def _nodes(self) -> Iterator[Node]: for g in self.obograph_document.graphs: for n in g.nodes: yield n def _node(self, curie: CURIE, strict=False) -> Optional[Node]: node: Optional[Node] = None for g in self.obograph_document.graphs: for n in g.nodes: # TODO: make this more efficient if self.uri_to_curie( == curie: # handle duplicates if node: if node.lbl: if strict: raise ValueError(f"Multiple nodes with id {curie}") else: # previously encountered node was dangling/stub; # replace node = n else: node = n if node: node = deepcopy(node) = self.uri_to_curie( return node else: if strict: raise ValueError(f"No such node {curie}") def _meta(self, curie: CURIE, strict=False) -> Optional[Meta]: n = self._node(curie, strict=strict) if n: return n.meta def ontologies(self) -> Iterable[CURIE]: return [ for g in self.obograph_document.graphs] def subsets(self) -> Iterable[CURIE]: raise NotImplementedError def subset_members(self, subset: SUBSET_CURIE) -> Iterable[CURIE]: od = self.obograph_document for g in od.graphs: for n in g.nodes: if subset in self._node_subsets(n): yield n def label(self, curie: CURIE, lang: Optional[LANGUAGE_TAG] = None) -> Optional[str]: if lang: raise NotImplementedError("Language tags not supported") if curie == IS_A: return "subClassOf" n = self._node(curie) if n: return n.lbl def set_label(self, curie: CURIE, label: str, lang: Optional[LANGUAGE_TAG] = None) -> bool: if lang: raise NotImplementedError("Language tags not supported") n = self._node(curie, True) n.lbl = label return True def curies_by_label(self, label: str) -> List[CURIE]: return [self.uri_to_curie( for n in self._nodes() if n.lbl == label] def create_entity( self, curie: CURIE, label: Optional[str] = None, relationships: Optional[RELATIONSHIP_MAP] = None, type: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> CURIE: g = self._entire_graph() g.nodes.append(Node(curie, lbl=label, type=type)) for p, objs in relationships: for obj in objs: g.edges.append(Edge(curie, p, obj)) return curie def definition(self, curie: CURIE, lang: Optional[LANGUAGE_TAG] = None) -> Optional[str]: if lang: raise NotImplementedError("Language tags not supported") m = self._meta(curie) if m: return m.definition.val def comments(self, curies: Iterable[CURIE]) -> Iterable[Tuple[CURIE, str]]: for curie in curies: m = self._meta(curie) if m: for v in m.comments: yield curie, v def entity_alias_map(self, curie: CURIE) -> ALIAS_MAP: meta = self._meta(curie) m = defaultdict(list) lbl = self.label(curie) if lbl: m[LABEL_PREDICATE] = [lbl] if meta is not None: for syn in meta.synonyms: pred = SCOPE_MAP.get(syn.pred, None) m[pred].append(syn.val) return m # TODO: DRY def relationships( self, subjects: List[CURIE] = None, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: List[CURIE] = None, include_tbox: bool = True, include_abox: bool = True, include_entailed: bool = False, exclude_blank: bool = True, invert: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[RELATIONSHIP]: if invert: for s, p, o in self.relationships( subjects=objects, predicates=predicates, objects=subjects, include_tbox=include_tbox, include_abox=include_abox, include_entailed=include_entailed, exclude_blank=exclude_blank, ): yield o, p, s return ei = self.edge_index if include_entailed: raise NotImplementedError("Entailment not supported for pronto") yield from ei.edges( subjects=subjects, predicates=predicates, objects=objects, ) # TODO: DRY def outgoing_relationships( self, curie: CURIE, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, entailed=False ) -> Iterator[Tuple[PRED_CURIE, CURIE]]: for s, p, o in self.relationships([curie], predicates, include_entailed=entailed): if s == curie: yield p, o # TODO: DRY def outgoing_relationship_map(self, *args, **kwargs) -> RELATIONSHIP_MAP: return pairs_as_dict(self.outgoing_relationships(*args, **kwargs)) # TODO: DRY def incoming_relationships( self, curie: CURIE, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, entailed=False ) -> Iterator[Tuple[PRED_CURIE, CURIE]]: for s, p, o in self.relationships(None, predicates, [curie], include_entailed=entailed): if o == curie: yield p, s # TODO: DRY def incoming_relationship_map(self, *args, **kwargs) -> RELATIONSHIP_MAP: return pairs_as_dict(self.incoming_relationships(*args, **kwargs)) # TODO: DRY def basic_search(self, search_term: str, config: SearchConfiguration = None) -> Iterable[CURIE]: # TODO: move up, avoid repeating packages if config is None: config = SearchConfiguration() matches = [] mfunc = None if config.syntax == SearchTermSyntax(SearchTermSyntax.STARTS_WITH): mfunc = lambda label: str(label).startswith(search_term) elif config.syntax == SearchTermSyntax(SearchTermSyntax.REGULAR_EXPRESSION): prog = re.compile(search_term) mfunc = lambda label: elif config.is_partial: mfunc = lambda label: search_term in str(label) else: mfunc = lambda label: label == search_term search_all = SearchProperty(SearchProperty.ANYTHING) in"SEARCH={search_term}") for t in self.entities(): lbl = self.label(t) logging.debug(f"T={t} // {config}") if ( search_all or SearchProperty(SearchProperty.LABEL) or not in ): if lbl and mfunc(lbl): matches.append(t)"Name match to {t}") continue if search_all or SearchProperty(SearchProperty.IDENTIFIER) in if mfunc(t): matches.append(t)"identifier match to {t}") continue if search_all or SearchProperty(SearchProperty.ALIAS) in for syn in self.entity_aliases(t): if mfunc(syn):"Syn match to {t}") matches.append(t) continue for m in matches: yield m def simple_mappings_by_curie(self, curie: CURIE) -> Iterable[Tuple[PRED_CURIE, CURIE]]: meta = self._meta(curie, strict=False) if meta: # TODO: SKOS for x in meta.xrefs: yield HAS_DBXREF, x.val def dump(self, path: str = None, syntax: str = "json", **kwargs):"Dumping graph to {path} syntax: {syntax}") if syntax == "json" or syntax == "obojson": if path is None: clean_doc(self.obograph_document) print(json_dumper.dumps(self.obograph_document)) else: json_dumper.dump(self.obograph_document, to_file=str(path)) else: super().dump(path, syntax, **kwargs) def save( self, ):"Committing and flushing changes") self.dump(self.resource.slug) def load_graph(self, graph: Graph, replace: True) -> None: if not replace: raise NotImplementedError self.obograph_document = GraphDocument(graphs=[graph]) # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: MappingsInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def sssom_mappings( self, curies: Optional[Union[CURIE, Iterable[CURIE]]] = None, source: Optional[str] = None ) -> Iterable[sssom.Mapping]: raise NotImplementedError() # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: OboGraphInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def node( self, curie: CURIE, strict=False, include_metadata=False, expand_curies=False ) -> obograph.Node: return self._node(curie) def as_obograph(self) -> Graph: return self._entire_graph() def logical_definitions( self, subjects: Iterable[CURIE] = None, predicates: Iterable[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: Iterable[CURIE] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Iterable[LogicalDefinitionAxiom]: if subjects: subjects = list(subjects) for g in self.obograph_document.graphs: for ldef in g.logicalDefinitionAxioms: if logical_definition_matches( ldef, subjects=subjects, predicates=predicates, objects=objects ): yield ldef # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: SearchInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: PatcherInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def different_from(self, entity: CURIE, other_ontology: DifferInterface) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError def migrate_curies(self, curie_map: Mapping[CURIE, CURIE]) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def apply_patch( self, patch: kgcl.Change, activity: kgcl.Activity = None, metadata: Mapping[PRED_CURIE, Any] = None, configuration: kgcl.Configuration = None, ) -> kgcl.Change: raise NotImplementedError # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: OwlInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def transitive_object_properties(self) -> Iterable[CURIE]: # TODO: obographs datamodel needs to be expanded to support this pass def simple_subproperty_of_chains(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[CURIE, List[CURIE]]]: for g in self.obograph_document.graphs: for pca in g.propertyChainAxioms: yield self.uri_to_curie(pca.predicateId), [ self.uri_to_curie(p) for p in pca.chainPredicateIds ]