Source code for oaklib.implementations.sqldb.sql_implementation

import logging
import math
import re
import shutil
import typing
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from operator import or_
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import rdflib
import semsql.builder.builder as semsql_builder
import sqlalchemy.orm
from kgcl_schema.datamodel import kgcl
from linkml_runtime import SchemaView
from linkml_runtime.dumpers import json_dumper
from linkml_runtime.utils.introspection import package_schemaview
from linkml_runtime.utils.metamodelcore import URIorCURIE
from semsql.sqla.semsql import (  # HasMappingStatement,
from sqlalchemy import and_, create_engine, delete, distinct, func, insert, select, text, update
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased, sessionmaker
from sssom_schema import Mapping

import oaklib.datamodels.ontology_metadata as om
import oaklib.datamodels.validation_datamodel as vdm
from oaklib.constants import FILE_CACHE
from oaklib.datamodels import obograph, ontology_metadata
from oaklib.datamodels.association import Association
from oaklib.datamodels.obograph import (
from import SearchConfiguration
from oaklib.datamodels.search_datamodel import SearchProperty, SearchTermSyntax
from oaklib.datamodels.similarity import TermPairwiseSimilarity
from oaklib.datamodels.summary_statistics_datamodel import (
from oaklib.datamodels.vocabulary import (
from oaklib.implementations.sqldb import SEARCH_CONFIG
from oaklib.interfaces import SubsetterInterface, TextAnnotatorInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.association_provider_interface import EntityNormalizer
from oaklib.interfaces.basic_ontology_interface import (
from oaklib.interfaces.class_enrichment_calculation_interface import (
from oaklib.interfaces.differ_interface import DifferInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.dumper_interface import DumperInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.mapping_provider_interface import MappingProviderInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.merge_interface import MergeInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.metadata_interface import MetadataInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.obograph_interface import GraphTraversalMethod, OboGraphInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.owl_interface import OwlInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.patcher_interface import PatcherInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.relation_graph_interface import RelationGraphInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.search_interface import SearchInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.semsim_interface import SemanticSimilarityInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.summary_statistics_interface import SummaryStatisticsInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.taxon_constraint_interface import TaxonConstraintInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.usages_interface import UsagesInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.validator_interface import ValidatorInterface
from oaklib.types import CATEGORY_CURIE, CURIE, SUBSET_CURIE
from oaklib.utilities.axioms.logical_definition_utilities import (
from oaklib.utilities.format_utilities import (
from oaklib.utilities.graph.relationship_walker import walk_down, walk_up
from oaklib.utilities.identifier_utils import (

__all__ = [

from oaklib.utilities.iterator_utils import chunk
from oaklib.utilities.mapping.sssom_utils import inject_mapping_sources

SUBJECT_REL_KEY = Tuple[CURIE, Optional[List[PRED_CURIE]], Tuple]

class SqlSchemaError(Exception):
    """Raised when there are issues with the version of the SQL DDL uses"""


class ViewNotFoundError(SqlSchemaError):
    """Raised when a SQL view is not found"""


def _is_blank(curie: CURIE) -> bool:
    return curie and curie.startswith("_:")

def _python_value(val: Any, datatype: CURIE = None) -> Any:
    if datatype == "xsd:integer":
        return int(val)
    elif datatype == "xsd:float":
        return float(val)
    elif datatype == "xsd:boolean":
        return bool(val)
        return val

def get_range_xsd_type(sv: SchemaView, rng: str) -> Optional[URIorCURIE]:
    t = sv.get_type(rng)
    if t.uri:
        return t.uri
    elif t.typeof:
        return get_range_xsd_type(sv, t.typeof)
        raise ValueError(f"No xsd type for {rng}")

def regex_to_sql_like(regex: str) -> str:
    convert a regex to a LIKE

    * ``.*`` => ``%``
    * ``.`` => ``_``
    * ``^`` => ``%`` (at start of string)
    * ``$`` => ``%`` (at end of string)

    TODO: implement various different DBMS flavors

    :param regex:
    for c in r"()[]{}|":
        if c in regex:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"Regex engine not implemented for SQL and cannot parse char {c} in {regex}"
    like = regex.replace(".*", "%")
    like = like.replace(".", "_")
    if like.startswith("^"):
        like = like[1:]
        like = f"%{like}"
    if like.endswith("$"):
        like = like[0:-1]
        like = f"{like}%""Translated {regex} => LIKE {like}")
    return like

def _is_quoted_url(curie: CURIE):
    return curie.startswith("<")

def _remove_uri_quotes(curie: CURIE):
    if _is_quoted_url(curie):
        return curie[1:-1]
        return curie

[docs] @dataclass class SqlImplementation( RelationGraphInterface, OboGraphInterface, ValidatorInterface, SearchInterface, SubsetterInterface, MappingProviderInterface, PatcherInterface, SemanticSimilarityInterface, MetadataInterface, DifferInterface, # AssociationProviderInterface, ClassEnrichmentCalculationInterface, TaxonConstraintInterface, TextAnnotatorInterface, SummaryStatisticsInterface, OwlInterface, DumperInterface, MergeInterface, UsagesInterface, ): """ A :class:`OntologyInterface` implementation that wraps a SQL Relational Database. Currently this must be a SQLite database. PostgreSQL support is planned. To connect, either use SqlImplementation directly: >>> from oaklib.implementations.sqldb.sql_implementation import SqlImplementation >>> from oaklib.resource import OntologyResource >>> adapter = SqlImplementation(OntologyResource("tests/input/go-nucleus.db")) or >>> from oaklib import get_adapter >>> adapter = get_adapter("sqlite:tests/input/go-nucleus.db") you can also load from the semantic-sql repository: >>> adapter = get_adapter("sqlite:obo:obi") The schema is assumed to follow the `semantic-sql <>`_ schema. This uses SQLAlchemy ORM Models: - :class:`Statements` - :class:`Edge` See Also -------- - `Tutorial <>`_ - `SQL Implementation <>`_ """ # TODO: use SQLA types engine: Any = None _session: Any = None _connection: Any = None _ontology_metadata_model: SchemaView = None _prefix_map: PREFIX_MAP = None _information_content_cache: Dict[Tuple, float] = None _relationships_by_subject_index: Dict[CURIE, List[RELATIONSHIP]] = None max_items_for_in_clause: int = field(default_factory=lambda: 100) can_store_associations: bool = False """True if the underlying sqlite database has term_association populated.""" def __post_init__(self): if self.engine is None: locator = str(self.resource.slug)"Locator: {locator}") if locator.startswith("obo:"): # easter egg feature, to be documented: # The selector 'sqlite:obo:ONTOLOGY' will use a pre-generated # sqlite db of an OBO ontology after downloading from S3. # Note: this can take some time prefix = locator[len("obo:") :] # Option 1 uses direct URL construction: url = f"{prefix}.db.gz""Ensuring gunzipped for {url}") db_path = FILE_CACHE.ensure_gunzip(url=url, autoclean=False) # Option 2 uses botocore to interface with the S3 API directly: # db_path = OAKLIB_MODULE.ensure_from_s3(s3_bucket="bbop-sqlite", s3_key=f"{prefix}.db") locator = f"sqlite:///{db_path}" if locator.endswith(".owl"): # this is currently an "Easter Egg" feature. It allows you to specify a locator # such as sqlite:/path/to/my.owl # then semsql will be invoked to build a sqlite db from this. # the same sqlite db will be reused until the timestamp of the owl file changes. # the catch is that EITHER the user must have BOTH rdftab and relation-graph installed, OR # they should be running through ODK docker locator = locator.replace(".owl", ".db").replace("sqlite:", "")"Building {locator} using semsql") semsql_builder.make(locator) locator = f"sqlite:///{locator}" else: path = Path(locator.replace("sqlite:///", "")).absolute() if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File does not exist: {path}") locator = f"sqlite:///{path}""Locator, post-processed: {locator}") self.engine = create_engine(locator) if logging.root.level <= logging.DEBUG: # If oaklib is running at DEBUG level logging; record all queries from sqlachemy on execution. # This line is equivalent to create_engine(locator,echo=True) logging.getLogger("sqlalchemy.engine.Engine").setLevel(logging.INFO) @property def session(self): if self._session is None: session_cls = sessionmaker(self.engine) self._session = session_cls() return self._session @property def connection(self): if self._connection is None: self._connection = self.engine.connect() return self._connection @property def ontology_metadata_model(self): if self._ontology_metadata_model is None: self._ontology_metadata_model = package_schemaview(ontology_metadata.__name__) return self._ontology_metadata_model def is_mysql(self): # TODO return False def is_postgres(self): # TODO return False def _check_has_view( self, sqla_class: Type[Base], minimum_version=None, fail_if_absent=True ) -> bool: engine = self.session.get_bind() tn = sqla_class.__tablename__ cn = sqla_class.__name__ has_view = sqlalchemy.inspect(engine).has_table(tn) if fail_if_absent and not has_view: raise ViewNotFoundError( f"View {tn} does not exist (required semsql v{minimum_version})" f""" Potential remedies: (1) obtain a new ready-made copy of the database, OR (2) rebuild the database from source OWL, OR (3) add the missing table to the database using CREATE VIEW {tn} AS ... Using the definition in{cn}""" ) return has_view def prefix_map(self) -> PREFIX_MAP: if self._prefix_map is None: self._prefix_map = {row.prefix: row.base for row in self.session.query(Prefix)} return self._prefix_map def languages(self) -> Iterable[LANGUAGE_TAG]: for row in self.session.query(Statements.language).distinct(): if row.language: yield row.language def entities(self, filter_obsoletes=True, owl_type=None) -> Iterable[CURIE]: # TODO: figure out how to pass through ESCAPE at SQL Alchemy level # s = text('SELECT id FROM class_node WHERE id NOT LIKE "\_:%" ESCAPE "\\"') # noqa W605 q = self.session.query(Node) if owl_type: subquery = self.session.query(RdfTypeStatement.subject).filter( RdfTypeStatement.object == owl_type ) q = q.filter( if filter_obsoletes: obs_subq = self.session.query( q = q.filter("Query: {q}") for row in q: if row: if not _is_blank( and not"<urn:swrl"): yield def owl_types(self, entities: Iterable[CURIE]) -> Iterable[Tuple[CURIE, CURIE]]: q = self.session.query(RdfTypeStatement).filter(RdfTypeStatement.subject.in_(entities)) for row in q: yield row.subject, row.object def obsoletes(self, include_merged=True) -> Iterable[CURIE]: q = self.session.query(DeprecatedNode) if not include_merged: subq = ( self.session.query(Statements.subject) .filter(Statements.predicate == HAS_OBSOLESCENCE_REASON) .filter(Statements.object == TERMS_MERGED) ) q = q.filter( for row in q: yield def obsoletes_migration_relationships( self, entities: Iterable[CURIE] ) -> Iterable[RELATIONSHIP]: q = ( self.session.query(Statements) .filter(Statements.subject.in_(entities)) .filter(Statements.predicate.in_(OBSOLETION_RELATIONSHIP_PREDICATES)) ) for row in q: yield row.subject, row.predicate, row.object if row.object else row.value def all_relationships(self) -> Iterable[RELATIONSHIP]: for row in self.session.query(Edge): yield row.subject, row.predicate, row.object def _add_language_filter(self, q, lang, typ: Type[Statements] = Statements): if lang: if not self.multilingual: logging.warning( f"Source does not appear to be multilingual, filtering by @{lang} may not work" ) if lang == self.default_language: q = q.filter(typ.language.is_(None)) else: q = q.filter(typ.language == lang) return q def label(self, curie: CURIE, lang: Optional[LANGUAGE_TAG] = None) -> Optional[str]: q = self.session.query(RdfsLabelStatement.value).filter(RdfsLabelStatement.subject == curie) q = self._add_language_filter(q, lang, RdfsLabelStatement) for (lbl,) in q: return lbl if lang and lang != self.default_language: return self.label(curie, lang=self.default_language) def labels( self, curies: Iterable[CURIE], allow_none=True, lang: LANGUAGE_TAG = None ) -> Iterable[Tuple[CURIE, str]]: for curie_it in chunk(curies, self.max_items_for_in_clause): curr_curies = list(curie_it) has_label = set() q = self.session.query(RdfsLabelStatement).filter( RdfsLabelStatement.subject.in_(tuple(curr_curies)) ) q = self._add_language_filter(q, lang, RdfsLabelStatement) for row in q: yield row.subject, row.value has_label.add(row.subject) if lang and lang != self.default_language: # fill missing curies_with_no_labels = set(curr_curies) - has_label yield from self.labels(curies_with_no_labels, allow_none=allow_none, lang=None) allow_none = False if allow_none: for curie in curr_curies: if curie not in has_label: yield curie, None def multilingual_labels( self, curies: Iterable[CURIE], allow_none=True, langs: Optional[List[LANGUAGE_TAG]] = None ) -> Iterable[Tuple[CURIE, str, LANGUAGE_TAG]]: if isinstance(curies, str): logging.warning(f"multilingual_labels called with a single curie: {curies}") curies = [curies] for curie_it in chunk(curies, self.max_items_for_in_clause): curr_curies = list(curie_it) has_label = defaultdict(set) q = self.session.query(RdfsLabelStatement).filter( RdfsLabelStatement.subject.in_(tuple(curr_curies)) ) if langs is not None: if self.default_language in langs: q = q.filter( or_( RdfsLabelStatement.language.is_(None), RdfsLabelStatement.language.in_(langs), ) ) else: q = q.filter(RdfsLabelStatement.language.in_(langs)) for row in q: yield row.subject, row.value, row.language if allow_none: has_label[row.subject].add(row.language) if allow_none: for curie in curr_curies: if curie not in has_label: yield curie, None, None def curies_by_label(self, label: str) -> List[CURIE]: q = self.session.query(RdfsLabelStatement.subject) q = q.filter(RdfsLabelStatement.value == label) return list(set([row.subject for row in q])) def entity_alias_map(self, curie: CURIE) -> ALIAS_MAP: m = defaultdict(list) m[LABEL_PREDICATE] = [self.label(curie)] for row in self.session.query(HasSynonymStatement).filter( HasSynonymStatement.subject == curie ): m[row.predicate].append(row.value) return m def comments( self, curies: Iterable[CURIE], allow_none=True, lang: LANGUAGE_TAG = None ) -> Iterable[Tuple[CURIE, str]]: for curie_it in chunk(curies, self.max_items_for_in_clause): curr_curies = list(curie_it) has_comment = set() q = self.session.query(Statements).filter(Statements.subject.in_(tuple(curr_curies))) q = q.filter(Statements.predicate == RDFS_COMMENT) q = self._add_language_filter(q, lang, Statements) for row in q: yield row.subject, row.value has_comment.add(row.subject) if lang and lang != self.default_language: # fill missing curies_with_no_labels = set(curr_curies) - has_comment yield from self.labels(curies_with_no_labels, allow_none=allow_none, lang=None) allow_none = False if allow_none: for curie in curr_curies: if curie not in has_comment: yield curie, None def definition(self, curie: CURIE, lang: Optional[LANGUAGE_TAG] = None) -> Optional[str]: q = self.session.query(HasTextDefinitionStatement.value).filter( HasTextDefinitionStatement.subject == curie ) q = self._add_language_filter(q, lang, HasTextDefinitionStatement) for (lbl,) in q: return lbl if lang and lang != self.default_language: return self.definition(curie, lang=self.default_language) def definitions( self, curies: Iterable[CURIE], include_metadata=False, include_missing=False, lang: Optional[LANGUAGE_TAG] = None, ) -> Iterator[DEFINITION]: curies = list(curies) has_definition = set() metadata_map: Dict[Tuple[str, Optional[str]], METADATA_MAP] = defaultdict(dict) if include_metadata: # definition metadata may be axiom annotations for aa in self._axiom_annotations_multi(curies, predicate=HAS_DEFINITION_CURIE): k = (aa.subject, aa.value) metadata = metadata_map[k] if aa.annotation_predicate not in metadata: metadata[aa.annotation_predicate] = [] metadata[aa.annotation_predicate].append(aa.annotation_value) # or direct annotations q = ( self.session.query(Statements) .filter(Statements.predicate.in_(ENTITY_LEVEL_DEFINITION_PREDICATES)) .filter(Statements.subject.in_(curies)) ) for row in q: # note that direct annotation is unable to distinguish between multiple definitions; # set to match all k = (row.subject, None) metadata = metadata_map[k] if row.predicate not in metadata: metadata[row.predicate] = [] metadata[row.predicate].append(row.value if row.value else row.object) q = self.session.query(HasTextDefinitionStatement).filter( HasTextDefinitionStatement.subject.in_(curies) ) q = self._add_language_filter(q, lang, HasTextDefinitionStatement) curr_curies = list(curies) for row in q: reification_metadata = metadata_map.get((row.subject, row.value), {}) direct_metadata = metadata_map.get((row.subject, None), {}) yield row.subject, row.value, {**reification_metadata, **direct_metadata} has_definition.add(row.subject) if lang and lang != self.default_language: # fill missing curies_with_no_defs = set(curr_curies) - has_definition yield from self.definitions(curies_with_no_defs, lang=None) if include_missing: for curie in curies: if curie not in has_definition: yield curie, None, None def _definitions_with_metadata( self, curies: Iterable[CURIE], include_missing=False ) -> Iterator[DEFINITION]: curies = list(curies) has_definition = set() q = self.session.query(HasTextDefinitionStatement) q.filter(HasTextDefinitionStatement.subject.in_(curies)) q.join(HasTextDefinitionStatement.metadata) for row in self.session.query(HasTextDefinitionStatement).filter( HasTextDefinitionStatement.subject.in_(curies) ): yield row.subject, row.value, row.source, if include_missing: has_definition.add(row.subject) if include_missing: for curie in curies: if curie not in has_definition: yield curie, None, None, None def entity_metadata_map(self, curie: CURIE, include_all_triples=False) -> METADATA_MAP: m = defaultdict(list) m["id"] = [curie] q = self.session.query(Statements) if not include_all_triples: subquery = self.session.query(RdfTypeStatement.subject).filter( RdfTypeStatement.object == "owl:AnnotationProperty" ) annotation_properties = {row.subject for row in subquery} annotation_properties = annotation_properties.union(STANDARD_ANNOTATION_PROPERTIES) q = q.filter(Statements.predicate.in_(tuple(annotation_properties))) for row in q.filter(Statements.subject == curie): if row.value is not None: v = _python_value(row.value, row.datatype) elif row.object is not None: v = row.object else: v = None m[row.predicate].append(v) self.add_missing_property_values(curie, m) return dict(m) def entities_metadata_statements( self, curies: Iterable[CURIE], predicates: Optional[List[PRED_CURIE]] = None, include_nested_metadata=False, **kwargs, ) -> Iterator[METADATA_STATEMENT]: q = self.session.query(Statements) if not include_nested_metadata: subquery = self.session.query(RdfTypeStatement.subject).filter( RdfTypeStatement.object == "owl:AnnotationProperty" ) annotation_properties = {row.subject for row in subquery} annotation_properties = annotation_properties.union(STANDARD_ANNOTATION_PROPERTIES) q = q.filter(Statements.predicate.in_(tuple(annotation_properties))) q = q.filter(Statements.subject.in_(curies)) if predicates is not None: q = q.filter(Statements.predicate.in_(predicates)) for row in q: if row.value is not None: v = _python_value(row.value, row.datatype) elif row.object is not None: v = row.object else: v = None yield row.subject, row.predicate, v, row.datatype, {} def ontologies(self) -> Iterable[CURIE]: for row in self.session.query(OntologyNode): yield def ontology_versions(self, ontology: CURIE) -> Iterable[str]: q = self.session.query(RdfsLabelStatement).filter(RdfsLabelStatement.subject == ontology) q = q.filter(RdfsLabelStatement.predicate == OWL_VERSION_IRI) for row in q: yield row.object def ontology_metadata_map(self, ontology: CURIE) -> METADATA_MAP: return self.entity_metadata_map(ontology, include_all_triples=True) def _get_subset_curie(self, curie: str) -> str: if "#" in curie: return curie.split("#")[-1] else: return curie def _subset_uri_to_curie_map(self) -> Dict[str, CURIE]: m = {} for row in self.session.query(Statements.object).filter(Statements.predicate == IN_SUBSET): uri = row.object m[uri] = self._get_subset_curie(row.object) return m def _subset_curie_to_uri_map(self) -> Dict[CURIE, str]: m = {} for row in self.session.query(Statements.object, Statements.value).filter( Statements.predicate == IN_SUBSET ): uri = row.object if row.object is None: logging.warning(f"Subset may be incorrectly encoded as value for {row.value}") else: m[self._get_subset_curie(row.object)] = uri return m def subsets(self) -> Iterable[SUBSET_CURIE]: for s in self._subset_curie_to_uri_map().keys(): yield s def subset_members(self, subset: SUBSET_CURIE) -> Iterable[CURIE]: sm = self._subset_curie_to_uri_map() if subset not in sm: raise ValueError(f"Subset {subset} not found in {sm}") for row in self.session.query(Statements.subject).filter( Statements.predicate == IN_SUBSET, Statements.object == sm[subset] ): yield self._get_subset_curie(row.subject) def terms_subsets(self, curies: Iterable[CURIE]) -> Iterable[Tuple[CURIE, SUBSET_CURIE]]: for row in self.session.query(Statements).filter( Statements.predicate == IN_SUBSET, Statements.subject.in_(list(curies)) ): yield row.subject, self._get_subset_curie(row.object) def terms_categories(self, curies: Iterable[CURIE]) -> Iterable[Tuple[CURIE, CATEGORY_CURIE]]: for row in self.session.query(Statements).filter( Statements.predicate.in_(IN_CATEGORY_PREDS), Statements.subject.in_(list(curies)) ): yield row.subject, self._get_subset_curie(row.object) def _execute(self, stmt): self.session.execute(stmt) self.session.flush() if self.autosave: def set_label(self, curie: CURIE, label: str) -> bool: existing_label = self.label(curie) if existing_label: stmt = ( update(Statements) .where(and_(Statements.subject == curie, Statements.predicate == LABEL_PREDICATE)) .values(value=label) ) else: stmt = ( insert(Statements) .values(subject=curie, predicate=LABEL_PREDICATE, value=label) .execution_options(autocommit=True) ) self._execute(stmt) def basic_search(self, search_term: str, config: SearchConfiguration = None) -> Iterable[CURIE]: if config is None: config = SEARCH_CONFIG if config.force_case_insensitive: # in sqlite, LIKEs are case insensitive if config.syntax: if config.syntax != SearchTermSyntax(SearchTermSyntax.SQL): raise ValueError( f"Cannot force case insensitive search with syntax {config.syntax}" ) else: config.syntax = SearchTermSyntax(SearchTermSyntax.SQL) preds = [] preds.append(omd_slots.label.curie) search_all = SearchProperty(SearchProperty.ANYTHING) in if search_all or SearchProperty(SearchProperty.ALIAS) in preds += SYNONYM_PREDICATES if search_all or SearchProperty(SearchProperty.MAPPED_IDENTIFIER) in preds += ALL_MATCH_PREDICATES view = Statements def make_query(qcol, preds, scol=view.subject): q = self.session.query(scol).filter(view.predicate.in_(tuple(preds))) if config.syntax == SearchTermSyntax(SearchTermSyntax.STARTS_WITH): q = q.filter("{search_term}%")) elif config.syntax == SearchTermSyntax(SearchTermSyntax.SQL): q = q.filter( elif config.syntax == SearchTermSyntax(SearchTermSyntax.REGULAR_EXPRESSION): if self.is_mysql(): q = q.filter(qcol.op("regex")(search_term)) elif self.is_postgres(): q = q.filter(qcol.op("~")(search_term)) else: q = q.filter( elif config.is_partial: q = q.filter("%{search_term}%")) else: q = q.filter(qcol == search_term) return q q = make_query(view.value, preds) for row in q.distinct(): if row.subject.startswith("_:"): continue yield str(row.subject) if search_all or SearchProperty(SearchProperty.IDENTIFIER) in q = make_query(view.subject, preds) for row in q.distinct(): yield str(row.subject) if search_all or SearchProperty(SearchProperty.REPLACEMENT_IDENTIFIER) in q = make_query(view.subject, [TERM_REPLACED_BY], view) for row in q.distinct(): yield str(row.object) if row.object else str(row.value) def entailed_outgoing_relationships( self, curie: CURIE, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None ) -> Iterable[Tuple[PRED_CURIE, CURIE]]: return self.outgoing_relationships(curie, predicates, entailed=True) def _rebuild_relationship_index(self): self._relationships_by_subject_index = None self.precompute_lookups() def precompute_lookups(self) -> None: if self._relationships_by_subject_index is None: self._relationships_by_subject_index = {}"Precomputing lookups") def add(row): if not row.object: # logging.warning(f"Bad row: {row}") return s = row.subject if s not in self._relationships_by_subject_index: self._relationships_by_subject_index[s] = [] self._relationships_by_subject_index[s].append((s, row.predicate, row.object)) q = self.session.query(Edge.subject, Edge.predicate, Edge.object) for row in q: add(row) q = self.session.query(Statements.subject, Statements.predicate, Statements.object) q = q.filter(Statements.predicate.in_((RDF_TYPE, RDFS_DOMAIN, RDFS_RANGE, INVERSE_OF))) for row in q: add(row) q = self.session.query(Statements.subject, Statements.predicate, Statements.object) op_subq = self.session.query( q = q.filter(Statements.predicate.in_(op_subq)) for row in q: add(row) def relationships( self, subjects: List[CURIE] = None, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: List[CURIE] = None, include_tbox: bool = True, include_abox: bool = True, include_entailed: bool = False, include_dangling: bool = True, exclude_blank: bool = True, invert: bool = False, bypass_index: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[RELATIONSHIP]: if invert: for s, p, o in self.relationships( subjects=objects, predicates=predicates, objects=subjects, include_tbox=include_tbox, include_abox=include_abox, include_entailed=include_entailed, exclude_blank=exclude_blank, ): yield o, p, s return if subjects is not None: # materialize iterators subjects = list(subjects) if subjects and not objects and self._relationships_by_subject_index: # TODO: unify indexes with other implementations for s in subjects: for _, p, o in self._relationships_by_subject_index.get(s, []): if not o: raise ValueError(f"No object for {s} {p}") if predicates and p not in predicates: continue if not include_abox and p == RDF_TYPE: continue if self.exclude_owl_top_and_bottom and o == OWL_THING: continue if self.exclude_owl_top_and_bottom and s == OWL_NOTHING: continue if exclude_blank and (_is_blank(s) or _is_blank(o)): continue if p == RDF_TYPE and o in OWL_META_CLASSES: continue yield s, p, o return if subjects is not None and len(subjects) > self.max_items_for_in_clause: f"Chunking {len(subjects)} subjects into subqueries to avoid large IN clauses" ) for subjects_it in chunk(subjects, self.max_items_for_in_clause): for r in self.relationships( list(subjects_it), predicates, objects, include_tbox=include_tbox, include_abox=include_abox, include_entailed=include_entailed, include_dangling=include_dangling, exclude_blank=exclude_blank, ): yield r return if objects is not None and len(objects) > self.max_items_for_in_clause: f"Chunking {len(objects)} objects into subqueries to avoid large IN clauses" ) for objects_it in chunk(objects, self.max_items_for_in_clause): for r in self.relationships( subjects, predicates, list(objects_it), include_tbox=include_tbox, include_abox=include_abox, include_entailed=include_entailed, include_dangling=include_dangling, exclude_blank=exclude_blank, ): yield r return logging.debug(f"Relationships for s={subjects} p={predicates} o={objects}") if include_tbox: for s, p, o in self._tbox_relationships( subjects, predicates, objects, include_entailed=include_entailed ): if self.exclude_owl_top_and_bottom and o == OWL_THING: continue if self.exclude_owl_top_and_bottom and s == OWL_NOTHING: continue if exclude_blank and (_is_blank(s) or _is_blank(o)): continue yield s, p, o for s, p, o in self._equivalent_class_relationships(subjects, predicates, objects): if exclude_blank and (_is_blank(s) or _is_blank(o)): continue yield s, p, o if subjects or objects: for s, p, o in self._equivalent_class_relationships(objects, predicates, subjects): if exclude_blank and (_is_blank(s) or _is_blank(o)): continue yield o, p, s for s, p, o in self._rbox_relationships(subjects, predicates, objects): if exclude_blank and (_is_blank(s) or _is_blank(o)): continue yield s, p, o if include_abox: for s, p, o in self._rdf_type_relationships(subjects, predicates, objects): if exclude_blank and (_is_blank(s) or _is_blank(o)): continue yield s, p, o for s, p, o in self._subclass_of_has_value_relationships(subjects, predicates, objects): if exclude_blank and (_is_blank(s) or _is_blank(o)): continue yield s, p, o for s, p, o in self._object_property_assertion_relationships( subjects, predicates, objects ): if exclude_blank and (_is_blank(s) or _is_blank(o)): continue yield s, p, o def _tbox_relationships( self, subjects: List[CURIE] = None, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: List[CURIE] = None, include_entailed: bool = False, include_dangling: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[RELATIONSHIP]: if include_entailed: tbl = EntailedEdge else: tbl = Edge q = self.session.query(tbl) if subjects: q = q.filter(tbl.subject.in_(tuple(subjects))) if predicates: q = q.filter(tbl.predicate.in_(tuple(predicates))) if objects: q = q.filter(tbl.object.in_(tuple(objects))) if not include_dangling: subq = self.session.query(Statements.subject) q = q.filter(tbl.object.in_(subq)) logging.debug(f"Tbox query: {q}") for row in q: yield row.subject, row.predicate, row.object def _object_property_assertion_relationships( self, subjects: List[CURIE] = None, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: List[CURIE] = None, ) -> Iterator[RELATIONSHIP]: q = self.session.query(Statements.subject, Statements.predicate, Statements.object) if subjects: q = q.filter(Statements.subject.in_(tuple(subjects))) if predicates: predicates = set(predicates).difference( {IS_A, RDF_TYPE, SUBPROPERTY_OF, RDFS_DOMAIN, RDFS_RANGE, INVERSE_OF} ) if not predicates: return q = q.filter(Statements.predicate.in_(tuple(predicates))) else: op_subq = self.session.query( q = q.filter(Statements.predicate.in_(op_subq)) if objects: q = q.filter(Statements.object.in_(tuple(objects))) logging.debug(f"Abox query: {q}") for row in q: if not row.object: # edge case: see logging.warning(f"Invalid triple for S:{row.subject} P:{row.predicate}") continue yield row.subject, row.predicate, row.object def _subclass_of_has_value_relationships( self, subjects: List[CURIE] = None, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: List[CURIE] = None, ) -> Iterator[RELATIONSHIP]: sc = aliased(RdfsSubclassOfStatement) hv = aliased(OwlHasValue) stmt = select(sc.subject, hv.on_property, hv.filler).join(hv, sc.object == if subjects: stmt = stmt.where(sc.subject.in_(tuple(subjects))) if predicates: predicates = set(predicates).difference( {IS_A, RDF_TYPE, SUBPROPERTY_OF, RDFS_DOMAIN, RDFS_RANGE, INVERSE_OF} ) if not predicates: return stmt = stmt.where(hv.on_property.in_(tuple(predicates))) if objects: stmt = stmt.where(hv.filler.in_(tuple(objects))) logging.debug(f"Abox HasValue query: {stmt}") result = self.session.execute(stmt) for row in result: yield row.subject, row.on_property, row.filler def _rdf_type_relationships( self, subjects: List[CURIE] = None, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: List[CURIE] = None, include_dangling: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[RELATIONSHIP]: if predicates and RDF_TYPE not in predicates: return q = self.session.query(Statements.subject, Statements.object).filter( Statements.predicate == RDF_TYPE ) if subjects: q = q.filter(Statements.subject.in_(tuple(subjects))) if objects: q = q.filter(Statements.object.in_(tuple(objects))) cls_subq = self.session.query( q = q.filter(Statements.object.in_(cls_subq))"ClassAssertion query: {q}") for row in q: yield row.subject, RDF_TYPE, row.object def _equivalent_class_relationships( self, subjects: List[CURIE] = None, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: List[CURIE] = None, ) -> Iterator[RELATIONSHIP]: if predicates and EQUIVALENT_CLASS not in predicates: return q = self.session.query(Statements.subject, Statements.predicate, Statements.object) q = q.filter(Statements.predicate == EQUIVALENT_CLASS) if subjects: q = q.filter(Statements.subject.in_(tuple(subjects))) if objects: q = q.filter(Statements.object.in_(tuple(objects))) cls_subq = self.session.query( q = q.filter(Statements.object.in_(cls_subq))"ECA query: {q}") for row in q: yield row.subject, row.predicate, row.object def _rbox_relationships( self, subjects: List[CURIE] = None, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: List[CURIE] = None, ) -> Iterator[RELATIONSHIP]: rbox_predicates = {RDFS_DOMAIN, RDFS_RANGE, INVERSE_OF} if predicates: rbox_predicates = rbox_predicates.intersection(predicates) if not predicates: return q = self.session.query(Statements.subject, Statements.predicate, Statements.object) q = q.filter(Statements.predicate.in_(tuple(rbox_predicates))) if subjects: q = q.filter(Statements.subject.in_(tuple(subjects))) if objects: q = q.filter(Statements.object.in_(tuple(objects))) logging.debug(f"RBOX query: {q}") for row in q: yield row.subject, row.predicate, row.object def relationships_metadata( self, relationships: Iterable[RELATIONSHIP], **kwargs ) -> Iterator[Tuple[RELATIONSHIP, List[Tuple[PRED_CURIE, Any]]]]: for rel in relationships: anns = [(ann.predicate, ann.object) for ann in self._axiom_annotations(*rel)] yield rel, anns def node_exists(self, curie: CURIE) -> bool: return self.session.query(Statements).filter(Statements.subject == curie).count() > 0 def check_node_exists(self, curie: CURIE) -> None: if not self.node_exists(curie): raise ValueError(f"Node {curie} does not exist") def simple_mappings_by_curie( self, curie: CURIE, bidirectional=False ) -> Iterable[Tuple[PRED_CURIE, CURIE]]: for mpg in self.sssom_mappings(curies=curie, bidirectional=bidirectional): yield mpg.predicate_id, mpg.object_id def query( self, query: str, syntax: str = None, prefixes: List[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> Iterator[Any]: q = text(query) resultset = self.connection.execute(q) m = resultset.mappings() for d in m: yield dict(d) def clone(self, resource: Any) -> None: if self.resource.scheme == "sqlite": if resource.scheme == "sqlite": shutil.copyfile(self.resource.slug, resource.slug) new_oi = type(self)(resource) return new_oi raise NotImplementedError("Can only clone sqlite to sqlite") def as_rdflib_graph(self) -> rdflib.Graph: g = rdflib.Graph() bnodes = {} uri_re = re.compile(r"^<(.*)>$") def tr(n: str, v: str = None, datatype: str = None): if n: uri_match = uri_re.match(n) if n.startswith("_"): if n not in bnodes: bnodes[n] = rdflib.BNode() return bnodes[n] elif uri_match: return rdflib.URIRef( else: return rdflib.URIRef(self.curie_to_uri(n)) else: lit = rdflib.Literal(v, datatype=datatype) return lit for row in self.session.query(Statements): s = tr(row.subject) p = tr(row.predicate) o = tr(row.object, row.value, row.datatype) logging.debug(f"Triple {s} {p} {o}") g.add((s, p, o)) return g def dump(self, path: str = None, syntax: str = None, **kwargs): """ Implements :ref:`dump`. Supported syntaxes: - ttl - json :param path: :param syntax: :param kwargs: :return: """ if syntax is None: syntax = "ttl" if syntax in ["ttl", "rdfxml", "owl"]: if syntax in RDFLIB_SYNTAX_ALIAS_MAP: syntax = RDFLIB_SYNTAX_ALIAS_MAP[syntax] g = self.as_rdflib_graph()"Dumping to {path}") g.serialize(path, format=syntax) elif syntax in OBOGRAPHS_SYNTAX_ALIAS_MAP.keys(): syntax = OBOGRAPHS_SYNTAX_ALIAS_MAP[syntax] g = self.as_obograph(expand_curies=True) gd = obograph.GraphDocument(graphs=[g]) json_dumper.dump(gd, path) elif syntax == "sqlite": raise NotImplementedError else: super().dump(path, syntax) # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: AssocationProviderInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def associations(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterator[Association]: if not self.can_store_associations:"Using base method") yield from super().associations(*args, **kwargs) return"Using SQL queries") q = self._associations_query(*args, **kwargs) for row_it in chunk(q): assocs = [] for row in row_it: association = Association( row.subject, row.predicate, row.object, primary_knowledge_source=row.source ) assocs.append(association) subjects = {a.subject for a in assocs} label_map = {s: name for s, name in self.labels(subjects)} for association in assocs: if association.subject in label_map: association.subject_label = label_map[association.subject] yield from assocs def _associations_query( self, subjects: Iterable[CURIE] = None, predicates: Iterable[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: Iterable[CURIE] = None, property_filter: Dict[PRED_CURIE, Any] = None, subject_closure_predicates: Optional[List[PRED_CURIE]] = None, predicate_closure_predicates: Optional[List[PRED_CURIE]] = None, object_closure_predicates: Optional[List[PRED_CURIE]] = None, include_modified: bool = False, query: sqlalchemy.orm.Query = None, add_closure_fields: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Any: if query: q = query else: q = self.session.query(TermAssociation) if property_filter: raise NotImplementedError if subjects: if subject_closure_predicates: subquery = self.session.query(EntailedEdge.subject).filter( EntailedEdge.object.in_(objects) ) subquery = subquery.filter(EntailedEdge.predicate.in_(subject_closure_predicates))"Object subquery: {q} // {object_closure_predicates}") q = q.filter(TermAssociation.subject.in_(subquery)) else: q = q.filter(TermAssociation.subject.in_(tuple(subjects))) if predicates: if predicate_closure_predicates: raise NotImplementedError else: q = q.filter(TermAssociation.predicate.in_(tuple(predicates))) if objects: if object_closure_predicates: subquery = self.session.query(EntailedEdge.subject).filter( EntailedEdge.object.in_(objects) ) subquery = subquery.filter(EntailedEdge.predicate.in_(object_closure_predicates))"Object subquery: {q} // {object_closure_predicates}") q = q.filter(TermAssociation.object.in_(subquery)) else: q = q.filter(TermAssociation.object.in_(tuple(objects)))"_associations_query: {q}") return q def add_associations( self, associations: Iterable[Association], normalizers: List[EntityNormalizer] = None, **kwargs, ) -> bool: if not self.can_store_associations:"Using base method to store associations") return super().add_associations(associations, normalizers=normalizers) for a in associations: if normalizers: a = a.normalize(normalizers) if a.property_values: raise NotImplementedError stmt = insert(TermAssociation).values( subject=a.subject, predicate=a.predicate, object=a.object, source=a.primary_knowledge_source, ) self._execute(stmt) if a.subject_label: stmt = insert(Statements).values( subject=a.subject, predicate=RDFS_LABEL, value=a.subject_label, ) self._execute(stmt) self.session.flush() return True # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: OboGraphInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def node( self, curie: CURIE, strict=False, include_metadata=False, expand_curies=False ) -> obograph.Node: logging.debug(f"Node lookup: {curie}") meta = obograph.Meta() uri = self.curie_to_uri(curie) if expand_curies else curie n = obograph.Node(id=uri, meta=meta) q = self.session.query(Statements).filter(Statements.subject == curie) builtin_preds = [IS_A, DISJOINT_WITH] q = q.filter(Statements.predicate.not_in(builtin_preds)) rows = list(q) def _anns_to_xrefs_and_meta(parent_pv: obograph.PropertyValue, anns: List[om.Annotation]): parent_pv.xrefs = [ann.object for ann in anns if ann.predicate == HAS_DBXREF] if isinstance(parent_pv, obograph.SynonymPropertyValue): synonym_types = [ann.object for ann in anns if ann.predicate == HAS_SYNONYM_TYPE] if len(synonym_types) > 0: parent_pv.synonymType = synonym_type_code_from_curie(synonym_types[0]) if len(synonym_types) > 1: logging.warning( f"Ignoring multiple synonym types: {synonym_types} for {curie}" ) pvs = [ obograph.BasicPropertyValue(pred=ann.predicate, val=ann.object) for ann in anns if ann.predicate != HAS_DBXREF ] if pvs: parent_pv.meta = obograph.Meta(basicPropertyValues=pvs) for row in rows: if row.value is not None: v = row.value elif row.object is not None: v = row.object else: continue pred = row.predicate if pred == omd_slots.label.curie: n.lbl = v elif pred == RDF_TYPE: if v == OWL_CLASS: n.type = "CLASS" elif v in [OWL_NAMED_INDIVIDUAL]: n.type = "INDIVIDUAL" else: n.type = "PROPERTY" else: if include_metadata: anns = self._axiom_annotations(curie, pred, row.object, row.value) else: anns = [] if pred == omd_slots.definition.curie: meta.definition = obograph.DefinitionPropertyValue(val=v) _anns_to_xrefs_and_meta(meta.definition, anns) elif pred in SYNONYM_PREDICATES: # TODO: handle in a separate util if pred.startswith("oio:"): pred = pred.replace("IAO:", "IAO_") scope_pred = pred.replace("oio:", "") else: scope_pred = "hasExactSynonym" pv = obograph.SynonymPropertyValue(pred=scope_pred, val=v) _anns_to_xrefs_and_meta(pv, anns) meta.synonyms.append(pv) elif pred == HAS_DBXREF: pv = obograph.XrefPropertyValue(val=v) _anns_to_xrefs_and_meta(pv, anns) meta.xrefs.append(pv) elif pred == IN_SUBSET: meta.subsets.append(v) else: pv = obograph.BasicPropertyValue(pred=pred, val=v) _anns_to_xrefs_and_meta(pv, anns) meta.basicPropertyValues.append(pv) return n def nodes(self, expand_curies=False) -> Iterator[Node]: """ Yields all nodes in all graphs :param expand_curies: :return: """ for e in self.entities(): if not e.startswith("<"): n = self.node(e, include_metadata=True, expand_curies=expand_curies) if n.lbl: yield n def synonym_property_values( self, subject: Union[CURIE, Iterable[CURIE]] ) -> Iterator[Tuple[CURIE, obograph.SynonymPropertyValue]]: if isinstance(subject, CURIE): subject = [subject] q = self.session.query(Statements).filter(Statements.subject.in_(tuple(subject))) q = q.filter(Statements.predicate.in_(SYNONYM_PREDICATES)) for row in q: pred = row.predicate.replace("oio:", "") spv = obograph.SynonymPropertyValue(pred=pred, val=row.value) anns = self._axiom_annotations(row.subject, row.predicate, value=row.value) for ann in anns: if ann.predicate == HAS_SYNONYM_TYPE: spv.synonymType = synonym_type_code_from_curie(ann.object) if ann.predicate == HAS_DBXREF: spv.xrefs.append(ann.object) yield row.subject, spv def _axiom_annotations( self, subject: CURIE, predicate: CURIE, object: CURIE = None, value: Any = None ) -> List[om.Annotation]: q = self.session.query(OwlAxiomAnnotation) q = q.filter(OwlAxiomAnnotation.subject == subject) q = q.filter(OwlAxiomAnnotation.predicate == predicate) if object: q = q.filter(OwlAxiomAnnotation.object == object) if value: q = q.filter(OwlAxiomAnnotation.value == value) return [ om.Annotation( row.annotation_predicate, row.annotation_value if row.annotation_value is not None else row.annotation_object, ) for row in q ] def _axiom_annotations_multi( self, subjects: List[CURIE], predicate: CURIE, objects: List[CURIE] = None, values: List[Any] = None, ) -> Iterator[OwlAxiomAnnotation]: q = self.session.query(OwlAxiomAnnotation) if subjects: q = q.filter(OwlAxiomAnnotation.subject.in_(subjects)) q = q.filter(OwlAxiomAnnotation.predicate == predicate) if objects: q = q.filter(OwlAxiomAnnotation.object.in_(objects)) if values: q = q.filter(OwlAxiomAnnotation.value.in_(values)) for row in q: yield row def ancestors( self, start_curies: Union[CURIE, List[CURIE]], predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, reflexive: bool = True, method: Optional[GraphTraversalMethod] = None, ) -> Iterable[CURIE]: if method and method == GraphTraversalMethod.HOP: if not isinstance(start_curies, list): start_curies = [start_curies] ancs = {o for _s, _p, o in walk_up(self, start_curies, predicates, include_abox=False)} if reflexive: ancs.update(start_curies) for o in ancs: yield o return q = self.session.query(EntailedEdge.object).distinct() if isinstance(start_curies, list): q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.subject.in_(tuple(start_curies))) else: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.subject == start_curies) if predicates is not None: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.predicate.in_(tuple(predicates))) if not reflexive: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.subject != EntailedEdge.object) if reflexive: if isinstance(start_curies, list): yield from start_curies else: yield start_curies logging.debug(f"Ancestors query: {q}") for row in q: yield row.object def _multi_ancestors( self, start_curies: Union[CURIE, List[CURIE]], predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None ) -> Iterable[RELATIONSHIP]: q = self.session.query(EntailedEdge) if isinstance(start_curies, list): q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.subject.in_(tuple(start_curies))) else: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.subject == start_curies) start_curies = list(start_curies) if predicates is not None: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.predicate.in_(tuple(predicates))) logging.debug(f"Ancestors query, start from {start_curies}: {q}") for row in q: yield row.subject, row.predicate, row.object def descendants( self, start_curies: Union[CURIE, List[CURIE]], predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, reflexive=True, method: Optional[GraphTraversalMethod] = None, ) -> Iterable[CURIE]: if method and method == GraphTraversalMethod.HOP: descs = {s for s, _p, _o in walk_down(self, start_curies, predicates)} for s in descs: yield s return q = self.session.query(EntailedEdge) if isinstance(start_curies, list): q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.object.in_(tuple(start_curies))) else: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.object == start_curies) if predicates is not None: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.predicate.in_(tuple(predicates))) if not reflexive: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.subject != EntailedEdge.object) for row in q: yield row.subject def descendant_count( self, start_curies: Union[CURIE, List[CURIE]], predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, reflexive=True, ) -> int: q = self.session.query(EntailedEdge.subject) if isinstance(start_curies, list): q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.object.in_(tuple(start_curies))) else: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.object == start_curies) if predicates is not None: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.predicate.in_(tuple(predicates))) if not reflexive: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.subject != EntailedEdge.object) return q.count() def _rdf_list(self, bnode: str) -> Iterable[str]: for row in self.session.query(RdfFirstStatement).filter(RdfFirstStatement.subject == bnode): yield row.object for row in self.session.query(RdfRestStatement.object).filter( RdfRestStatement.subject == bnode ): for x in self._rdf_list(row.object): yield x def _ixn_definition(self, ixn: str, subject: CURIE) -> Optional[LogicalDefinitionAxiom]: ldef = LogicalDefinitionAxiom(definedClassId=subject) n = 0 for ixn_node in self._rdf_list(ixn): n += 1 if _is_blank(ixn_node): svfq = self.session.query(OwlSomeValuesFrom).filter( == ixn_node ) svfq = list(svfq) if svfq: if len(svfq) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Incorrect rdf structure for equiv axioms for {ixn_node}") svf = svfq[0] ldef.restrictions.append( ExistentialRestrictionExpression( propertyId=svf.on_property, fillerId=svf.filler ) ) else: ldef = None break else: ldef.genusIds.append(ixn_node) if n and ldef: return ldef def logical_definitions( self, subjects: Optional[Iterable[CURIE]] = None, predicates: Iterable[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: Iterable[CURIE] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Iterable[LogicalDefinitionAxiom]:"Getting logical definitions") q = self.session.query(OwlEquivalentClassStatement) if predicates is not None: predicates = list(predicates) if objects is not None: objects = list(objects) if subjects is None: for ldef in self._logical_definitions_from_eq_query(q, predicates, objects): yield ldef return for curie_it in chunk(subjects, self.max_items_for_in_clause):"Getting logical definitions for {curie_it} from {subjects}") q = q.filter(OwlEquivalentClassStatement.subject.in_(tuple(curie_it))) for ldef in self._logical_definitions_from_eq_query(q, predicates, objects): yield ldef def _logical_definitions_from_eq_query( self, query, predicates: Iterable[PRED_CURIE] = None, objects: Iterable[CURIE] = None, ) -> Iterable[LogicalDefinitionAxiom]: for eq_row in query: ixn_q = self.session.query(Statements).filter( and_( Statements.subject == eq_row.object, Statements.predicate == "owl:intersectionOf", ) ) for ixn in ixn_q: ldef = self._ixn_definition(ixn.object, eq_row.subject) if ldef: if not logical_definition_matches(ldef, predicates=predicates, objects=objects): continue yield ldef def _node_to_class_expression( self, node: str ) -> Optional[Union[CURIE, ExistentialRestrictionExpression]]: if not _is_blank(node): return node svfq = self.session.query(OwlSomeValuesFrom).filter( == node) svfq = list(svfq) if svfq: if len(svfq) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Incorrect rdf structure for equiv axioms for {node}") svf = svfq[0] return ExistentialRestrictionExpression(propertyId=svf.on_property, fillerId=svf.filler) else: return None def disjoint_class_expressions_axioms( self, subjects: Optional[Iterable[CURIE]] = None, predicates: Iterable[PRED_CURIE] = None, group=False, **kwargs, ) -> Iterable[DisjointClassExpressionsAxiom]:"Getting disjoint class expression axioms") q = self.session.query(OwlDisjointClassStatement) if predicates is not None: predicates = list(predicates) if subjects: subjects = list(subjects) axs = [] for da in q: # blank sx = self._node_to_class_expression(da.subject) ox = self._node_to_class_expression(da.object) allx = [sx, ox] allx_named = [x for x in allx if isinstance(x, str)] allx_exprs = [x for x in allx if isinstance(x, ExistentialRestrictionExpression)] allx_fillers = [x.fillerId for x in allx_exprs] if subjects: if not any(x for x in allx_named if x in subjects) and not any( x for x in allx_fillers if x in subjects ): continue if predicates: if not any(x for x in allx_exprs if x.propertyId in predicates): continue ax = DisjointClassExpressionsAxiom( classIds=allx_named, classExpressions=allx_exprs, ) axs.append(ax) q = self.session.query(RdfTypeStatement.subject).filter( RdfTypeStatement.object == "owl:AllDisjointClasses" ) for adc in q: class_ids = [] class_exprs = [] for (m,) in self.session.query(Statements.object).filter( and_( Statements.subject == adc.subject, Statements.predicate == "owl:members", ) ): if isinstance(m, str): class_ids.append(m) else: class_exprs.append(self._node_to_class_expression(m)) axs.append( DisjointClassExpressionsAxiom( classIds=class_ids, classExpressions=class_exprs, ) ) yield from axs # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: RelationGraphInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def entailed_relationships_between(self, subject: CURIE, object: CURIE) -> Iterable[PRED_CURIE]: preds = [] for row in ( self.session.query(EntailedEdge.predicate) .filter(EntailedEdge.subject == subject) .filter(EntailedEdge.object == object) ): p = row.predicate if p not in preds: yield p preds.append(p) # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: MappingsInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def sssom_mappings_by_source(self, subject_or_object_source: str = None) -> Iterable[Mapping]: predicates = tuple(ALL_MATCH_PREDICATES) base_query = self.session.query(Statements).filter(Statements.predicate.in_(predicates)) for row in base_query: v = row.value if row.value is not None else row.object # TODO: this check is slow if URIorCURIE.is_valid(v): if row.subject.startswith("_:"): continue mpg = Mapping( subject_id=row.subject, object_id=v, predicate_id=row.predicate, mapping_justification=SEMAPV.UnspecifiedMatching.value, ) inject_mapping_sources(mpg) if subject_or_object_source: # TODO: consider moving to query for efficiency if ( mpg.subject_source != subject_or_object_source and mpg.object_source != subject_or_object_source ): continue yield mpg else: if self.strict: raise ValueError(f"not a CURIE: {v}") def sssom_mappings( self, curies: Optional[Union[CURIE, Iterable[CURIE]]] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, bidirectional=True, ) -> Iterator[Mapping]: if isinstance(curies, CURIE): curies = [curies] elif curies is not None: curies = list(curies) justification = str(SEMAPV.UnspecifiedMatching.value) predicates = tuple(ALL_MATCH_PREDICATES) base_query = self.session.query(Statements).filter(Statements.predicate.in_(predicates)) def normalize(curie: Optional[CURIE]) -> Optional[CURIE]: if curie is None: return None if curie.startswith("<"): return curie[1:-1] return curie if curies is None: by_subject_query = base_query else: by_subject_query = base_query.filter(Statements.subject.in_(curies)) for row in by_subject_query: try: mpg = Mapping( subject_id=row.subject, object_id=normalize(row.value if row.value is not None else row.object), predicate_id=row.predicate, mapping_justification=justification, ) except ValueError as e: logging.error(f"Skipping {row}; ValueError: {e}") continue inject_mapping_sources(mpg) if source and mpg.subject_source != source and mpg.object_source != source: continue yield mpg if curies is None: # all mappings have been returned return if bidirectional: # xrefs are stored as literals for row in base_query.filter(Statements.value.in_(curies)): mpg = Mapping( subject_id=row.subject, object_id=row.value, predicate_id=row.predicate, mapping_justification=justification, ) inject_mapping_sources(mpg) if source and mpg.subject_source != source and mpg.object_source != source: continue yield mpg # skos mappings are stored as objects for row in base_query.filter(Statements.object.in_(curies)): mpg = Mapping( subject_id=row.subject, object_id=row.object, predicate_id=row.predicate, mapping_justification=justification, ) inject_mapping_sources(mpg) if source and mpg.subject_source != source and mpg.object_source != source: continue yield mpg # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: ValidatorInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def validate( self, configuration: vdm.ValidationConfiguration = None ) -> Iterable[vdm.ValidationResult]: if configuration and configuration.schema_path: sv = SchemaView(configuration.schema_path) self._ontology_metadata_model = sv else: sv = self.ontology_metadata_model sv.materialize_patterns() for slot_name in sv.all_slots(): for r in self._check_slot(slot_name): yield r for r in self._check_for_unknown_slots(): yield r def _missing_value( self, predicate_table: Type, type_table: Type = ClassNode ) -> Iterable[CURIE]: pred_subq = self.session.query(predicate_table.subject) obs_subq = self.session.query( main_q = self.session.query(type_table).join(IriNode, == for row in main_q.filter( ): yield def term_curies_without_definitions(self) -> Iterable[CURIE]: return self._missing_value(HasTextDefinitionStatement) def term_curies_without_labels(self) -> Iterable[CURIE]: return self._missing_value(RdfsLabelStatement) def _check_for_unknown_slots(self) -> Iterable[vdm.ValidationResult]: sv = self.ontology_metadata_model preds = [sv.get_uri(s, expand=False) for s in sv.all_slots().values()]"Known preds: {len(preds)} -- checking for other uses") main_q = ( self.session.query(Statements) .filter(Statements.predicate.not_in(preds)) .join(IriNode, Statements.subject == ) try: for row in main_q: result = vdm.ValidationResult( subject=row.subject, predicate=row.predicate, severity=vdm.SeverityOptions.ERROR, type=vdm.ValidationResultType.ClosedConstraintComponent.meaning, info=f"Unknown pred ({row.predicate}) = {row.object} {row.value}", ) yield result except ValueError as e: logging.error(f"EXCEPTION: {e}") def _check_slot( self, slot_name: str, class_name: str = "Class" ) -> Iterable[vdm.ValidationResult]: """ Validates all data with respect to a specific slot. :param slot_name: :param class_name: :return: """ sv = self.ontology_metadata_model # for efficiency we map directly to table/view names rather # than querying over rdf:type; this allows for optimization via view materialization if class_name == "Class": sqla_cls = ClassNode elif class_name == "ObjectProperty": sqla_cls = ObjectPropertyNode elif class_name == "AnnotationProperty": sqla_cls = AnnotationPropertyNode elif class_name == "NamedIndividual": sqla_cls = NamedIndividualNode else: raise NotImplementedError(f"cannot handle {class_name}") slot = sv.induced_slot(slot_name, class_name) if slot.designates_type:"Ignoring type designator: {slot_name}") return"Validating: {slot_name}") predicate = sv.get_uri(slot, expand=False) is_used = ( self.session.query(Statements.predicate) .filter(Statements.predicate == predicate) .first() is not None ) pred_subq = self.session.query(Statements.subject).filter(Statements.predicate == predicate) obs_subq = self.session.query( if (slot.required or slot.recommended) and not slot.identifier: # MinCardinality == 1 if slot.required: severity = vdm.SeverityOptions.ERROR else: severity = vdm.SeverityOptions.WARNING"MinCard check: Leaving off: {slot_name} is {severity.text}") # exclude blank nodes main_q = self.session.query(sqla_cls).join(IriNode, == main_q = main_q.filter( main_q = main_q.filter( for row in main_q: result = vdm.ValidationResult(, predicate=predicate, severity=severity, type=vdm.ValidationResultType.MinCountConstraintComponent.meaning, info=f"Missing slot ({slot_name}) for {}", ) yield result if not is_used: return if slot.pattern: # check values against regexes # NOTE: this may be slow as we have to do this in # packages rather than SQL. Some SQL engines have regex support, # and we should leverage that when it exists re_pattern = re.compile(slot.pattern) main_q = self.session.query(Statements).filter(Statements.predicate == predicate) for row in main_q: val = row.value if row.value is not None else row.object if val is not None: if not re_pattern.match(val): result = vdm.ValidationResult( subject=row.subject, predicate=row.predicate, severity=vdm.SeverityOptions.ERROR, type=vdm.ValidationResultType.PatternConstraintComponent.meaning, info=f"Pattern violation: {slot_name} = {val} does not conform to {slot.pattern}", ) yield result if slot.deprecated: main_q = self.session.query(Statements.subject).filter( Statements.predicate == predicate ) main_q = main_q.join(sqla_cls, Statements.subject == for row in main_q: result = vdm.ValidationResult( subject=row.subject, predicate=predicate, severity=vdm.SeverityOptions.WARNING, type=vdm.ValidationResultType.DeprecatedPropertyComponent.meaning, info=f"Deprecated slot ({slot_name}) for {row.subject}", ) yield result if not slot.multivalued: # MaxCardinality == 1 # TODO is_object_iri = slot.range in sv.all_classes() st1 = aliased(Statements) st2 = aliased(Statements) main_q = self.session.query(st1.subject).join(st2, st1.subject == st2.subject) main_q = main_q.filter(st1.predicate == predicate) main_q = main_q.filter(st2.predicate == predicate) if is_object_iri: main_q = main_q.filter(st1.object != st2.object) else: main_q = main_q.filter(st1.value != st2.value) main_q = main_q.join(sqla_cls, st1.subject == for row in main_q: result = vdm.ValidationResult( subject=row.subject, predicate=predicate, severity=vdm.SeverityOptions.ERROR, type=vdm.ValidationResultType.MaxCountConstraintComponent.meaning, info=f"Too many vals for {slot_name}", ) yield result if slot.range: rng = slot.range rng_elements = sv.slot_applicable_range_elements(slot) # for now we don't handle Union or Any if len(rng_elements) < 2:"Datatype check: {slot_name} range is {rng_elements}") is_object_iri = rng in sv.all_classes() if is_object_iri: constr = Statements.object.is_(None) else: constr = Statements.value.is_(None) main_q = self.session.query(Statements.subject) main_q = main_q.join(IriNode, Statements.subject == main_q = main_q.join(sqla_cls, Statements.subject == main_q = main_q.filter(Statements.predicate == predicate, constr) for row in main_q: result = vdm.ValidationResult( subject=row.subject, predicate=predicate, severity=vdm.SeverityOptions.ERROR, type=vdm.ValidationResultType.DatatypeConstraintComponent.meaning, info=f"Incorrect object type for {slot_name} range = {rng} should_be_iri = {is_object_iri}", ) yield result if rng in sv.all_types(): uri = get_range_xsd_type(sv, rng) # uri = rng_type.uri main_q = self.session.query(Statements.subject) main_q = main_q.join(IriNode, Statements.subject == main_q = main_q.join(sqla_cls, Statements.subject == main_q = main_q.filter( Statements.predicate == predicate, Statements.datatype != uri ) for row in main_q: result = vdm.ValidationResult( subject=row.subject, predicate=predicate, severity=vdm.SeverityOptions.ERROR, type=vdm.ValidationResultType.DatatypeConstraintComponent.meaning, info=f"Incorrect datatype for {slot_name} expected: {uri} for {rng}", ) yield result def gap_fill_relationships( self, seed_curies: List[CURIE], predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None ) -> Iterator[RELATIONSHIP]: seed_curies = tuple(seed_curies)"Gap fill for {len(seed_curies)} seed terms") q = self.session.query(EntailedEdge).filter(EntailedEdge.subject.in_(seed_curies)) q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.object.in_(seed_curies)) q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.subject != EntailedEdge.object) if predicates: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.predicate.in_(tuple(predicates))) for row in q: if row.subject != row.object: e1 = aliased(EntailedEdge) e2 = aliased(EntailedEdge) q2 = self.session.query(e1, e2) q2 = q2.filter(e1.subject == row.subject) q2 = q2.filter(e1.object.in_(seed_curies)) q2 = q2.filter(e1.object == e2.subject) q2 = q2.filter(e2.object == row.object) q2 = q2.filter(e1.subject != e1.object) q2 = q2.filter(e2.subject != e2.object) if predicates: q2 = q2.filter(e1.predicate.in_(tuple(predicates))) q2 = q2.filter(e2.predicate.in_(tuple(predicates))) redundant = False for e1row, e2row in q2: if predicates is None: redundant = True else: if e1row.predicate in predicates: if e2row.predicate in predicates or e2row.predicate == IS_A: redundant = True elif e2row.predicate in predicates: if e1row.predicate == IS_A: redundant = True if redundant: break if not redundant: yield row.subject, row.predicate, row.object # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: OwlInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def disjoint_pairs(self, subjects: Iterable[CURIE] = None) -> Iterable[Tuple[CURIE, CURIE]]: q = self.session.query(Statements).filter(Statements.predicate == DISJOINT_WITH) if subjects: q = q.filter( or_(Statements.subject.in_(tuple(subjects)), Statements.object.in_(tuple(subjects))) ) for row in q: if not row.subject.startswith("_") and not row.object.startswith("_"): yield row.subject, row.object def is_disjoint(self, subject: CURIE, object: CURIE, bidirectional=True) -> bool: q = self.session.query(Statements).filter(Statements.predicate == DISJOINT_WITH) ee1 = aliased(EntailedEdge) ee2 = aliased(EntailedEdge) q = q.filter( ee1.subject == subject, ee1.object == Statements.subject, ee1.predicate == IS_A ) q = q.filter(ee2.subject == object, ee2.object == Statements.object, ee2.predicate == IS_A) if q.first(): return True if bidirectional: return self.is_disjoint(object, subject, bidirectional=False) return False def transitive_object_properties(self) -> Iterable[CURIE]: for row in self.session.query( yield row[0] def simple_subproperty_of_chains(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[CURIE, List[CURIE]]]: q = self.session.query(Statements) q = q.filter(Statements.predicate == OWL_PROPERTY_CHAIN_AXIOM) for row in q: chain = list(self._rdf_list(row.object)) yield row.subject, chain # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: SemSim # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def information_content_scores( self, curies: Iterable[CURIE], predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, object_closure_predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, use_associations: bool = None, **kwargs, ) -> Iterator[Tuple[CURIE, float]]: curies = list(curies) if self.cached_information_content_map: yield from super().information_content_scores(curies) return if use_associations:"Using associations to calculate IC") if not self.can_store_associations: yield from super().information_content_scores( curies, predicates=predicates, object_closure_predicates=object_closure_predicates, use_associations=use_associations, **kwargs, ) return # raise ValueError("Cannot use associations, not stored") q = self.session.query(EntailedEdge.object, func.count(TermAssociation.subject)) q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.subject == TermAssociation.object) if curies is not None: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.object.in_(curies)) if predicates: q = q.filter(TermAssociation.predicate.in_(predicates)) if object_closure_predicates: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.predicate.in_(object_closure_predicates)) q = q.group_by(EntailedEdge.object)"QUERY: {q}") num_nodes = ( self.session.query(TermAssociation).distinct(TermAssociation.subject).count() ) else: num_nodes = ( self.session.query(EntailedEdge.subject).distinct(EntailedEdge.subject).count() )"Number of nodes in background set={num_nodes}") q = self.session.query(EntailedEdge.object, func.count(distinct(EntailedEdge.subject))) if predicates: raise ValueError( "predicates not valid unless use_associations=True" "did you mean object_closure_predicates?" ) if object_closure_predicates: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.predicate.in_(object_closure_predicates)) if curies is not None: q = q.filter(EntailedEdge.object.in_(curies)) q = q.group_by(EntailedEdge.object) yielded_owl_thing = False for row in q: curie, freq = row yield curie, -math.log(freq / num_nodes) / math.log(2) if curie == OWL_THING: yielded_owl_thing = True # inject owl:Thing, which always has zero information if (OWL_THING in curies or not curies) and not yielded_owl_thing: yield OWL_THING, 0.0 def all_by_all_pairwise_similarity( self, subjects: Iterable[CURIE], objects: Iterable[CURIE], predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, min_jaccard_similarity: Optional[float] = None, min_ancestor_information_content: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Iterator[TermPairwiseSimilarity]: def tuples_to_map( entities: List[CURIE], relationships: Iterable[RELATIONSHIP] ) -> Dict[CURIE, Set[CURIE]]: rmap = defaultdict(set) for r in relationships: rmap[r[0]].add(r[2]) for e in entities: rmap[e].add(e) return rmap subjects = list(subjects) objects = list(objects) subjects_ancs = tuples_to_map( subjects, self._multi_ancestors(subjects, predicates=predicates) ) objects_ancs = tuples_to_map(objects, self._multi_ancestors(objects, predicates=predicates))"SUBJECT ANCS={len(subjects_ancs)}")"OBJECT ANCS={len(objects_ancs)}") for s, s_ancs in subjects_ancs.items(): for o, o_ancs in objects_ancs.items():"s={s} o={o}") sim = self.pairwise_similarity( s, o, predicates=predicates, subject_ancestors=list(s_ancs), object_ancestors=list(o_ancs), min_jaccard_similarity=min_jaccard_similarity, min_ancestor_information_content=min_ancestor_information_content, ) if sim: yield sim def common_descendants( self, subject: CURIE, object: CURIE, predicates: List[PRED_CURIE] = None, include_owl_nothing: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[CURIE]: ee1 = aliased(EntailedEdge) ee2 = aliased(EntailedEdge) q = self.session.query(ee1.subject) q = q.filter(ee1.object == subject) q = q.filter(ee2.object == object) q = q.filter(ee1.subject == ee2.subject) if predicates: q = q.filter(ee1.predicate.in_(predicates)) q = q.filter(ee2.predicate.in_(predicates)) for row in q: if include_owl_nothing or row.subject != OWL_NOTHING: yield row.subject # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: PatcherInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def migrate_curies(self, curie_map: Dict[CURIE, CURIE]) -> None: # TODO: add an operation for this to KGCL for k, v in curie_map.items(): for cls in [Statements, EntailedEdge]: cmd = update(cls).where(cls.subject == k).values(subject=v) self.session.execute(cmd) cmd = update(cls).where(cls.predicate == k).values(predicate=v) self.session.execute(cmd) cmd = update(cls).where(cls.object == k).values(object=v) self.session.execute(cmd) if self.autosave: def _set_predicate_value( self, subject: CURIE, predicate: PRED_CURIE, value: str, datatype: str ): stmt = delete(Statements).where( and_(Statements.subject == subject, Statements.predicate == predicate) ) self._execute(stmt) stmt = insert(Statements).values( subject=subject, predicate=predicate, value=value, datatype=datatype ) self._execute(stmt) def apply_patch( self, patch: kgcl.Change, activity: kgcl.Activity = None, metadata: typing.Mapping[PRED_CURIE, Any] = None, configuration: kgcl.Configuration = None, strict=False, ) -> Optional[kgcl.Change]: if isinstance(patch, kgcl.NodeChange): about = patch.about_node if isinstance(patch, kgcl.NodeRename): self.set_label(patch.about_node, patch.new_value) elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.NewSynonym): # TODO: synonym type if not patch.predicate: patch.predicate = HAS_EXACT_SYNONYM self._execute( insert(Statements).values( subject=about, predicate=patch.predicate, value=patch.new_value ) ) elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.RemoveSynonym): q = self.session.query(Statements).filter( Statements.subject == about, Statements.value == patch.old_value ) self._execute( delete(Statements).where( and_( Statements.subject == about, Statements.predicate.in_(SYNONYM_PREDICATES), Statements.value == patch.old_value, ) ) ) elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.AddNodeToSubset): # TODO: implement deterministic subset mapping pfx = about.split(":")[0].lower() subset_curie = f"obo:{pfx}#{patch.in_subset}" self._execute( insert(Statements).values( subject=about, predicate=IN_SUBSET, object=subset_curie ) ) elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.RemoveNodeFromSubset): # TODO: implement deterministic subset mapping pfx = about.split(":")[0].lower() subset_curie = f"obo:{pfx}#{patch.in_subset}" self._execute( delete(Statements).where( and_( Statements.subject == about, Statements.predicate == IN_SUBSET, Statements.object == subset_curie, ) ) ) elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.NodeObsoletion): self.check_node_exists(about) self._set_predicate_value( about, DEPRECATED_PREDICATE, value="true", datatype="xsd:string" ) if isinstance(patch, kgcl.NodeObsoletionWithDirectReplacement): # TODO: allow switching between value and object self._set_predicate_value( about, TERM_REPLACED_BY, value=patch.has_direct_replacement, datatype="xsd:string", ) elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.NodeDeletion): self._execute(delete(Statements).where(Statements.subject == about)) elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.NameBecomesSynonym): label = self.label(about) self.apply_patch( kgcl.NodeRename(id=f"{}-1", about_node=about, new_value=patch.new_value) ) self.apply_patch( kgcl.NewSynonym(id=f"{}-2", about_node=about, new_value=label) ) elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.SynonymReplacement): q = self.session.query(Statements).filter( Statements.subject == about, Statements.value == patch.old_value ) predicate = None for row in q: if predicate is None: predicate = row.predicate else: if predicate != row.predicate: if predicate in SYNONYM_PREDICATES: predicate = row.predicate else: raise ValueError( f"Multiple predicates for synonym: {about} " + f"syn: {patch.old_value} preds={predicate}, {row.predicate}" ) logging.debug(f"replacing synonym with predicate: {predicate}") self._execute( delete(Statements).where( and_( Statements.subject == about, Statements.predicate == predicate, Statements.value == patch.old_value, ) ) ) self._execute( insert(Statements).values( subject=about, predicate=predicate, value=patch.new_value ) ) elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.NewTextDefinition): q = self.session.query(Statements).filter( Statements.subject == about, Statements.predicate == HAS_DEFINITION_CURIE ) if q.count() == 0: self._execute( insert(Statements).values( subject=about, predicate=HAS_DEFINITION_CURIE, value=patch.new_value ) ) else: self.apply_patch( kgcl.NodeTextDefinitionChange(subject=about, value=patch.new_value) ) elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.NodeTextDefinitionChange): # TODO: if patch.new_value is provided, check. stmt = ( update(Statements) .where( and_( Statements.subject == about, Statements.predicate == HAS_DEFINITION_CURIE, ) ) .values(value=patch.new_value) ) self._execute(stmt) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown patch type: {type(patch)}") elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.EdgeChange): about = patch.about_edge if isinstance(patch, kgcl.EdgeCreation): self._execute( insert(Statements).values( subject=patch.subject, predicate=patch.predicate, object=patch.object ) ) self._rebuild_relationship_index() logging.warning("entailed_edge is now stale") elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.EdgeDeletion): self._execute( delete(Statements).where( and_( Statements.subject == patch.subject, Statements.predicate == patch.predicate, Statements.object == patch.object, ) ) ) logging.warning("entailed_edge is now stale") elif isinstance(patch, kgcl.NodeMove): raise NotImplementedError # self._execute(delete(Statements).where(and_(Statements.subject==patch.subject, # Statements.predicate==patch.predicate, # Statements.object==patch.object))) logging.warning("entailed_edge is now stale") else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot handle patches of type {type(patch)}") else: raise NotImplementedError if self.autosave: return patch def save( self, ):"Committing and flushing changes") self.session.commit() self.session.flush() # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: MetadataInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def statements_with_annotations(self, curie: CURIE) -> Iterable[om.Axiom]: m = self.entity_metadata_map(curie) q = self.session.query(OwlAxiomAnnotation) q = q.filter(OwlAxiomAnnotation.subject == curie) axiom_by_id = {} visited = {} for row in q: if row.value is not None: v = row.value elif row.object is not None: v = row.object else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected null object/value in {row}") axiom_id = if axiom_id in axiom_by_id: ax = axiom_by_id[axiom_id] else: ax = om.Axiom( annotatedSource=curie, annotatedProperty=row.predicate, annotatedTarget=v ) axiom_by_id[axiom_id] = ax v = row.annotation_object if v is None: v = row.annotation_value ax.annotations.append(om.Annotation(predicate=row.annotation_predicate, object=v)) for ax in axiom_by_id.values(): visited[(ax.annotatedSource, ax.annotatedProperty, ax.annotatedTarget)] = True yield ax for k, vs in m.items(): if not isinstance(vs, list): vs = [vs] for v in vs: if (curie, k, v) not in visited: if not _is_quoted_url(curie): ax = om.Axiom(annotatedSource=curie, annotatedProperty=k, annotatedTarget=v) yield ax # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: DifferInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def compare_term_in_two_ontologies( self, other_ontology: BasicOntologyInterface, curie: CURIE, other_curie: CURIE = None ) -> Any: if other_curie is None: other_curie = curie"Comparing {curie} with {other_curie}") if isinstance(other_ontology, SqlImplementation): def nullify_subject(row): return f"{row.predicate} {row.object} {row.value} {row.datatype} {row.language}" this_rows = [ nullify_subject(row) for row in self.session.query(Statements).filter(Statements.subject == curie) ] other_rows = [ nullify_subject(row) for row in other_ontology.session.query(Statements).filter( Statements.subject == other_curie ) ] this_only = set(this_rows).difference(set(other_rows)) other_only = set(other_rows).difference(set(this_rows)) return this_only, other_only else: raise NotImplementedError( f"other ontology {other_ontology} must implement SqlInterface" ) # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # Implements: SummaryStatisticsInterface # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ def branch_summary_statistics( self, branch_name: str = None, branch_roots: List[CURIE] = None, property_values: Dict[CURIE, Any] = None, include_entailed=False, parent: GroupedStatistics = None, prefixes: List[CURIE] = None, ) -> UngroupedStatistics: session = self.session not_in = False if branch_name is None: branch_name = "AllOntologies" if branch_roots is not None: branch_subq = session.query(EntailedEdge.subject) branch_subq = branch_subq.filter(EntailedEdge.predicate == IS_A) branch_subq = branch_subq.filter(EntailedEdge.object.in_(branch_roots)) elif property_values is not None:"Filtering by {property_values}") if len(property_values) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Only one property value is supported at this time") k, v = list(property_values.items())[0] if k == PREFIX_PREDICATE: self._check_has_view(NodeIdentifier, "0.2.5") branch_subq = session.query( branch_subq = branch_subq.filter(NodeIdentifier.prefix == v) else: branch_subq = session.query(Statements.subject) branch_subq = branch_subq.filter(Statements.predicate == k) if v is None: not_in = True elif isinstance(v, list): branch_subq = branch_subq.filter(Statements.value.in_(v)) else: branch_subq = branch_subq.filter(Statements.value == v) else: branch_subq = None if prefixes: self._check_has_view(NodeIdentifier, "0.2.5") branch_subq = session.query( branch_subq = branch_subq.filter(NodeIdentifier.prefix.in_(tuple(prefixes))) def q(x): return session.query(x) def _filter(select_expr, filter_expr=None): if not filter_expr: filter_expr = select_expr q = session.query(select_expr) if branch_subq is not None: if not_in: q = q.filter(filter_expr.not_in(branch_subq)) else: q = q.filter(filter_expr.in_(branch_subq)) if False and prefixes: if len(prefixes) == 1: q = q.filter(filter_expr.startswith(prefixes[0])) else: self._check_has_view(NodeIdentifier, "0.2.5") prefix_subq = session.query( prefix_subq = prefix_subq.filter(NodeIdentifier.prefix.in_(tuple(prefixes))) q = q.filter(filter_expr.in_(prefix_subq)) return q ssc = UngroupedStatistics(branch_name) if not parent: self._add_statistics_metadata(ssc) obsoletion_subq = q( text_defn_subq = q(HasTextDefinitionStatement.subject) logging.debug(f"Subqueries: {obsoletion_subq} {text_defn_subq}") logging.debug("Getting basic counts") ssc.class_count = _filter( ssc.named_individual_count = _filter( depr_class_query = _filter( ssc.deprecated_class_count = depr_class_query.count() logging.debug(f"Calculated basic counts. Classes: {ssc.class_count}") merged_class_query = ( _filter(Statements.subject) .filter(Statements.predicate == HAS_OBSOLESCENCE_REASON) .filter(Statements.object == TERMS_MERGED) ) ssc.merged_class_query = merged_class_query.count() logging.debug(f"Calculated merged counts. Classes: {ssc.merged_class_count}") ssc.class_count_with_text_definitions = ( _filter( ) ssc.object_property_count = _filter( ssc.annotation_property_count = _filter( ssc.deprecated_property_count = ( _filter( .filter( .count() ) logging.debug(f"Calculated basic property counts. OPs: {ssc.object_property_count}") ssc.rdf_triple_count = _filter(Statements.subject).count() ssc.equivalent_classes_axiom_count = _filter(OwlEquivalentClassStatement.subject).count() ssc.subclass_of_axiom_count = _filter(RdfsSubclassOfStatement.subject).count() logging.debug(f"Calculated basic axiom counts. SCAs: {ssc.subclass_of_axiom_count}") subset_query = _filter(Statements.object, Statements.subject).filter( Statements.predicate == IN_SUBSET ) ssc.subset_count = subset_query.distinct(Statements.object).count() subset_agg_query = session.query( Statements.object, func.count(Statements.subject.distinct()) ) subset_agg_query = subset_agg_query.filter(Statements.predicate == IN_SUBSET) if branch_subq: subset_agg_query = subset_agg_query.filter(Statements.subject.in_(branch_subq)) for row in subset_agg_query.group_by(Statements.object): subset = row.object if subset is None: logging.warning("Skipping subsets modeled as strings") continue ssc.class_count_by_subset[subset] = FacetedCount(row[0], filtered_count=row[1]) logging.debug(f"Agg count for subset {subset}: {ssc.class_count_by_subset[subset]}") synonym_query = q(Statements.value).filter(Statements.predicate.in_(SYNONYM_PREDICATES)) if branch_subq: synonym_query = synonym_query.filter(Statements.subject.in_(branch_subq)) ssc.synonym_statement_count = synonym_query.count() ssc.distinct_synonym_count = synonym_query.distinct().count() logging.debug(f"Calculated basic synonym counts. Statements: {ssc.synonym_statement_count}") synonym_agg_query = session.query( Statements.predicate, func.count(Statements.value.distinct()) ) synonym_agg_query = synonym_agg_query.filter(Statements.predicate.in_(SYNONYM_PREDICATES)) if branch_subq: synonym_agg_query = synonym_agg_query.filter(Statements.subject.in_(branch_subq)) for row in synonym_agg_query.group_by(Statements.predicate): pred = row.predicate ssc.synonym_statement_count_by_predicate[pred] = FacetedCount( row[0], filtered_count=row[1] ) logging.debug(f"Agg count for synonym {pred}: {row}") edge_agg_query = session.query(Edge.predicate, func.count(Edge.subject)) if branch_subq: edge_agg_query = edge_agg_query.filter(Edge.subject.in_(branch_subq)) for row in edge_agg_query.group_by(Edge.predicate): ssc.edge_count_by_predicate[row.predicate] = FacetedCount(row[0], filtered_count=row[1]) if include_entailed: logging.debug("Calculating entailed counts") entailed_edge_agg_query = session.query( EntailedEdge.predicate, func.count(Edge.subject) ) if branch_subq: entailed_edge_agg_query = entailed_edge_agg_query.filter( Edge.subject.in_(branch_subq) ) for row in entailed_edge_agg_query.group_by(EntailedEdge.predicate): ssc.entailed_edge_count_by_predicate[row.predicate] = FacetedCount( row[0], filtered_count=row[1] ) logging.debug(f"Agg count for entailed edge {row}") match_agg_query = session.query( Statements.predicate, func.count(Statements.value.distinct()) ).filter(Statements.predicate.in_(ALL_MATCH_PREDICATES)) if branch_subq: match_agg_query = match_agg_query.filter(Statements.subject.in_(branch_subq)) for row in match_agg_query.group_by(Statements.predicate): ssc.mapping_statement_count_by_predicate[row.predicate] = FacetedCount( row[0], filtered_count=row[1] ) logging.debug(f"Agg count for mapping {row}") # non-aggregate query for matches match_query = session.query(Statements).filter( Statements.predicate.in_(ALL_MATCH_PREDICATES) ) if branch_subq: match_query = match_query.filter(Statements.subject.in_(branch_subq)) subject_ids_by_object_source = defaultdict(list) bad_ids = set() for row in match_query: subject_id = row.subject object_id = row.value if row.value else row.object if ":" not in object_id: if object_id not in bad_ids: logging.warning(f"bad mapping: {object_id}") bad_ids.add(object_id) object_source = object_id.split(":")[0] subject_ids_by_object_source[object_source].append(subject_id) for object_source, subject_ids in subject_ids_by_object_source.items(): ssc.mapping_statement_count_by_object_source[object_source] = FacetedCount( object_source, filtered_count=len(subject_ids) ) ssc.mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source[object_source] = FacetedCount( object_source, filtered_count=len(set(subject_ids)) ) logging.debug("Calculating contributor stats") contributor_agg_query = session.query( Statements.predicate, Statements.object, Statements.value, func.count(Statements.subject.distinct()), ) contributor_agg_query = contributor_agg_query.filter( Statements.predicate.in_(ALL_CONTRIBUTOR_PREDICATES) ) if branch_subq: contributor_agg_query = contributor_agg_query.filter( Statements.subject.in_(branch_subq) ) for row in contributor_agg_query.group_by( Statements.predicate, Statements.object, Statements.value ): if row.object: contributor_id = row.object contributor_name = None else: contributor_id = row.value contributor_name = row.value if " " in contributor_id or ":" not in contributor_id: logging.debug( f"Ad-hoc repair of literal value for contributor: {contributor_id}" ) contributor_id = string_as_base64_curie(contributor_id) contributor_id = _remove_uri_quotes(contributor_id) if contributor_id not in ssc.contributor_summary: ssc.contributor_summary[contributor_id] = ContributorStatistics( contributor_id=contributor_id, contributor_name=contributor_name ) ssc.contributor_summary[contributor_id].role_counts[row.predicate] = FacetedCount( row.predicate, row[-1] ) logging.debug(f"Agg count for contributor {row}") # TODO: axiom contributor stats self._add_derived_statistics(ssc) return ssc def metadata_property_summary_statistics(self, metadata_property: PRED_CURIE) -> Dict[Any, int]: if metadata_property == PREFIX_PREDICATE: d = defaultdict(int) for e in self.entities(filter_obsoletes=False): prefix = e.split(":")[0] d[prefix] += 1 return dict(d) session = self.session q = session.query(Statements.value, func.count(Statements.value)) q = q.filter(Statements.predicate == metadata_property) q = q.group_by(Statements.value) return dict(q)