Source code for oaklib.interfaces.summary_statistics_interface

import getpass
import logging
from abc import ABC
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List

from linkml_runtime.utils.metamodelcore import XSDDateTime

from oaklib.datamodels.summary_statistics_datamodel import (
from oaklib.datamodels.vocabulary import IS_A, OWL_CLASS
from oaklib.interfaces.basic_ontology_interface import BasicOntologyInterface
from oaklib.interfaces.obograph_interface import OboGraphInterface
from oaklib.types import CURIE, PRED_CURIE


[docs] class SummaryStatisticsInterface(BasicOntologyInterface, ABC): """ generates summary statistics Uses SummaryStatistics datamodel, see :ref:`datamodels` """ include_residuals = False _metadata_property_summary_statistics: Dict[PRED_CURIE, Dict[Any, int]] = None
[docs] def global_summary_statistics( self, branches: Dict[str, List[CURIE]] = None, group_by: PRED_CURIE = None, values: List[Any] = None, include_entailed: bool = False, prefixes: List[CURIE] = None, ) -> GroupedStatistics: """ Gets summary statistics for all ontologies treated as a single ontology. :param branches: if provided, only statistics for the given branch roots will be returned :param group_by: if provided, statistics will be grouped by the values of this property :param values: if provided, only statistics where the group_by property value matches this will be considered :param include_entailed: include inference :param prefixes: if provided, only statistics for entities with these prefixes will be considered :return: """ onts = list(self._ontologies()) stats = GroupedStatistics(id=f"{onts[0].version}-statistics") self._add_statistics_metadata(stats) if group_by is not None and branches is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both metadata_property and branches") if branches is not None: for branch_name, branch_roots in branches.items():"Getting summary statistics for branch {branch_name}") branch_statistics = self.branch_summary_statistics( branch_name=branch_name, branch_roots=branch_roots, include_entailed=include_entailed, parent=stats, prefixes=prefixes, ) stats.partitions[branch_name] = branch_statistics if group_by is not None:"Getting summary statistics for metadata property {group_by}") if values is None: values = list(self.metadata_property_summary_statistics(group_by).keys())"Found {len(values)} values for metadata property {group_by}") if self.include_residuals: values += [None] for v in values: f"Getting summary statistics for metadata property {group_by} value {v}" ) branch_statistics = self.branch_summary_statistics( v, property_values={group_by: v}, include_entailed=include_entailed, parent=stats, prefixes=prefixes, ) if v is None: v = "__RESIDUAL__" stats.partitions[v] = branch_statistics if group_by is None and branches is None: branch_statistics = self.branch_summary_statistics( include_entailed=include_entailed, parent=stats, prefixes=prefixes, ) stats.partitions[] = branch_statistics return stats
[docs] def branch_summary_statistics( self, branch_name: str = None, branch_roots: List[CURIE] = None, property_values: Dict[CURIE, Any] = None, include_entailed=False, parent: GroupedStatistics = None, prefixes: List[CURIE] = None, ) -> UngroupedStatistics: """ Gets summary statistics for all ontologies treated as a single ontology. Note that different implementations may implement subsets of the full stats datamodel. :param branch_name: :param branch_roots: if provided, only statistics for the given branch roots will be returned :param property_values: if provided, only statistics for entities that match these will be considered :param include_entailed: if True, include statistics for entailed edges :param parent: set if this is a partition of a larger group :param prefixes: if provided, only statistics for entities with these prefixes will be considered :return: """ if branch_name is None: branch_name = "AllBranches" if branch_roots is not None: if not isinstance(self, OboGraphInterface): raise NotImplementedError(f"branch_roots not implemented for {type(self)}") filtered_entities = self.descendants(branch_roots, predicates=[IS_A]) elif property_values is not None: def _match(e: CURIE): for p, v in property_values.items(): if v not in self.entity_metadata_map(e).get(p, []): return False return True filtered_entities = [e for e in self.entities(filter_obsoletes=False) if _match(e)] else: filtered_entities = list(self.entities(filter_obsoletes=False)) filtered_entities = set(filtered_entities)"Getting summary statistics for branch {branch_name}") ssc = UngroupedStatistics(branch_name) if not parent: self._add_statistics_metadata(ssc) class_entities = filtered_entities.intersection( list(self.entities(owl_type=OWL_CLASS, filter_obsoletes=False)) ) obsoletes = filtered_entities.intersection(list(self.obsoletes())) ssc.class_count = len(class_entities) ssc.class_count_with_text_definitions = len( [c for c in class_entities if self.definition(c)] ) ssc.deprecated_class_count = len(set(class_entities).intersection(obsoletes)) rel_counts = defaultdict(int) if isinstance(self, OboGraphInterface): for r in self.relationships(): if r[0] in filtered_entities: rel_counts[r[1]] += 1 for k, v in rel_counts.items(): ssc.edge_count_by_predicate[k] = FacetedCount(k, filtered_count=v) ssc.edge_count = sum(rel_counts.values()) synonyms = [ s for e in filtered_entities for s in self.alias_relationships(e, exclude_labels=True) ] ssc.synonym_statement_count = len(synonyms) ssc.distinct_synonym_count = len(set([s[1] for s in synonyms])) self._add_derived_statistics(ssc) return ssc
def _add_statistics_metadata(self, report: SummaryStatisticsReport): """ Adds metadata to a report :param report: :return: """ onts = list(self._ontologies()) report.ontologies = onts report.was_generated_by = SummaryStatisticsCalculationActivity( was_associated_with="OAK", acted_on_behalf_of=getpass.getuser(), started_at_time=XSDDateTime(, ) def _ontologies(self) -> Iterator[Ontology]: """ Maps ontology metadata to Ontology object in stats datamodel. :return: """ property_map = { "version_info": "owl:versionInfo", "version": "owl:versionIRI", "title": "dcterms:title", "description": "dcterms:description", } for ontology in self.ontologies(): metadata = self.ontology_metadata_map(ontology) params = {} for slot, pred in property_map.items(): if pred in metadata: params[slot] = metadata[pred][0] yield Ontology(id=ontology, **params)
[docs] def metadata_property_summary_statistics(self, metadata_property: PRED_CURIE) -> Dict[Any, int]: """ Gets summary statistics for all ontologies wrapped as multiple dictionaries keyed by ontology CURIE :return: """ if not self._metadata_property_summary_statistics: self._metadata_property_summary_statistics = defaultdict(dict) for e in self.entities(filter_obsoletes=False): for p, vs in self.entity_metadata_map(e).items(): for v in vs: if v not in self._metadata_property_summary_statistics[p]: self._metadata_property_summary_statistics[p][v] = 0 self._metadata_property_summary_statistics[p][v] += 1 return self._metadata_property_summary_statistics[metadata_property]
def _add_derived_statistics(self, ssc: UngroupedStatistics) -> None: """ Adds derived statistics to the summary statistics collection :param ssc: :return: """ logging.debug("Adding derived statistics") ssc.non_deprecated_class_count = ssc.class_count - ssc.deprecated_class_count ssc.class_count_without_text_definitions = ( ssc.class_count - ssc.class_count_with_text_definitions )
[docs] def summary_statistic_description(self, metric: str) -> str: """ Examines the data dictionary to retrieve the definition of a metric Any dictionary can be used, but summary_statistics_datamodel is favored :param metric: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError