Exploration of MAxO

The Medical Action Ontology (MAxO) (https://obofoundry.org/ontology/maxo) is an ontology of medical procedures, interventions, therapies, and treatments for disease with an emphasis on rare disease (RD).

This notebooks shows an exploration of the contents of MAxO. It focuses on the ontology content, but as annotations are added we will include these.


We will use the sqlite version of MAxO. In this notebook we will set up an alias for convenience.

Note on the command line the syntax is different, for unix systems:

alias maxo="runoak -i sqlite:obo:maxo"
%alias maxo runoak -i sqlite:obo:maxo

Let’s start by getting some basic metadata about the ontology.

NOTE the first time you run this there may be a lag while the pre-made sqlite database for maxo is downloaded

maxo ontology-metadata --all
- Leigh Carmody
- Peter Robinson
- An ontology to represent medically relevant actions, procedures, therapies, interventions,
  and recommendations.
- Medical Action Ontology
- <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/>
- obo:maxo.owl
- obo:maxo/releases/2022-12-19/maxo.owl
- '2022-12-19'
- owl:Ontology
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/obo.owl
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/maxo.owl
- obo

Root terms

We will query for roots (all terms without an is-a parent)

This reveals a few dangling classes that should be cleared up

maxo roots -p i
id      label
BFO:0000001     entity
CARO:0000003    None
CARO:0000006    None
CARO:0001001    None
CARO:0001010    None
CARO:0010000    None
CL:0000000      cell
CL:0017500      neutrophillic cytoplasm
CL:0017502      acidophilic cytoplasm
CL:0017503      basophilic cytoplasm
CL:0017504      polychromatophilic cytoplasm
CL:0017505      increased nucleus size
HP:0000001      All
MAXO:0000001    medical action
NCBITaxon:110815        None
NCBITaxon:147099        None
NCBITaxon:147554        None
NCBITaxon:189497        None
NCBITaxon:3176  None
NCBITaxon:3312  None
NCBITaxon:33630 None
NCBITaxon:33682 None
NCBITaxon:3378  None
NCBITaxon:38254 None
NCBITaxon:4891  None
NCBITaxon:4895  None
NCBITaxon:4896  None
NCBITaxon:4932  None
NCBITaxon:5782  None
NCBITaxon:Union_0000023 None
SO:0000110      sequence_feature

Roots in the MAXO id space

As can be seen above there is a single root node in the MAXO namespace

We can also query for MAXO-roots, i.e classes in MAXO that have no MAXO is-a parent:

maxo roots -p i --has-prefix MAXO


We can use the viz command to see the full ancestry for any term or set of terms or term query.

For now, we will restrict to is-a parents (-p i):

maxo viz -p i 'biopsy of thymus' 'biopsy of thyroid gland' -o output/maxo-biopsy.png


TODO: add explanation of why BFO processes show up

Upper level

We can use the tree command to explore the upper level:

maxo tree -p i MAXO:0000001 MAXO:0000058 MAXO:0000002 MAXO:0000003 MAXO:0000013 MAXO:0000017 MAXO:0000021 MAXO:0001014
* [] **MAXO:0000001 ! medical action**
    * [i] **MAXO:0000002 ! therapeutic procedure**
        * [i] **MAXO:0000058 ! pharmacotherapy**
    * [i] **MAXO:0000003 ! diagnostic procedure**
    * [i] **MAXO:0000013 ! complementary and alternative medical therapy**
    * [i] **MAXO:0000017 ! preventative therapeutics**
    * [i] **MAXO:0000021 ! palliative care**
    * [i] **MAXO:0001014 ! medical action avoidance**

Summary Statistics

We can get summary statistics using the statistics command.

Note that like many ontologies, MAXO comes “bundled” with other ontologies, so it’s important to pass in --has-prefix to restrict summary statistics only to things in the MAXO space.

maxo statistics --has-prefix MAXO > output/maxo-stats.yaml

This generates a YAML object (download from output/maxo-stats.yaml).

let’s take a look at the output. It’s quite large so we’ll use the unix head command:

!head -25 output/maxo-stats.yaml
annotation_property_count: 0
class_count: 1440
class_count_with_text_definitions: 1374
class_count_without_text_definitions: 66
    contributor_id: <http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961>
        facet: oio:created_by
        filtered_count: 822
    contributor_id: <http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7463-6306>
        facet: oio:created_by
        filtered_count: 3
    contributor_id: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961
    contributor_name: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961
        facet: oio:created_by
        filtered_count: 491

Note that the main stats are buried further down.

You can get the same thing in JSON. There is a cached copy you can view on https://jsonblob.com/1069350711447535616

maxo statistics --has-prefix MAXO -O json > output/maxo-stats.json

The YAML and JSON view is best for seeing the more complete granular results, but for many purposes a tabular view is better.

We can do that with -O csv (the -O is short for --output-type, which is available for more OAK commands)

maxo statistics --has-prefix MAXO -O csv -o output/maxo-stats.tsv

Download: output/maxo-stats.tsv

You can then browse the output using whatever method you prefer, e.g. load into excel.

In a Jupyter notebook, pandas dataframes are a convenient way to explore tabular data:

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
df = pd.read_csv("output/maxo-stats.tsv", sep="\t").fillna("")
id compared_with agents class_count deprecated_class_count non_deprecated_class_count class_count_with_text_definitions class_count_without_text_definitions object_property_count annotation_property_count named_individual_count subset_count rdf_triple_count subclass_of_axiom_count equivalent_classes_axiom_count entailed_edge_count_by_predicate distinct_synonym_count synonym_statement_count class_count_by_category contributor_summary change_summary merged_class_query deprecated_property_count edge_count_by_predicate_BFO:0000051 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0000521 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0000864 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0001015 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0001027 edge_count_by_predicate_RO:0002233 edge_count_by_predicate_rdfs:subClassOf synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasBroadSynonym synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasExactSynonym synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasNarrowSynonym synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasRelatedSynonym mapping_statement_count_by_predicate_hasDbXref mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OGMS mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCIT mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OAE mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_SIO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_ERO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCRO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_SCDO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OMIT mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_CHEBI mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_MeSH mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OBI mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_IDO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_VO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_https mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_PMID mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCIt mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_UMLS_CUI mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_CMO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCBIBook mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_MMO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_VSO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_http mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_EFO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_IDOMAL mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OGMS mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCIT mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OAE mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_SIO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_ERO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCRO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_SCDO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OMIT mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_CHEBI mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_MeSH mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OBI mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_IDO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_VO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_https mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_PMID mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCIt mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_UMLS_CUI mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_CMO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCBIBook mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_MMO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_VSO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_http mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_EFO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_IDOMAL was_generated_by_started_at_time was_generated_by_was_associated_with was_generated_by_acted_on_behalf_of ontologies_id ontologies_version ontologies_version_info
0 AllOntologies [] [] 1440 53 1387 1374 66 4 0 0 0 15642 2842 584 {} 4391 4391 {} {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {} 0 0 8 20 134 9 76 441 2154 25 4250 97 19 554 8 330 2 1 4 2 5 5 134 20 15 1 4 3 11 1 1 6 5 1 4 2 1 1 8 321 2 1 4 2 5 5 133 20 15 1 4 3 11 1 1 6 5 1 4 2 1 1 2023-01-29T12:44:00.348450 OAK cjm obo:maxo.owl obo:maxo/releases/2022-12-19/maxo.owl 2022-12-19

the default TSV output for most OAK commands follows a TidyData format, with one row per item.

Let’s unpivot this for easy viewing, using pandas melt:

variable value
0 id AllOntologies
1 compared_with []
2 agents []
3 class_count 1440
4 deprecated_class_count 53
5 non_deprecated_class_count 1387
6 class_count_with_text_definitions 1374
7 class_count_without_text_definitions 66
8 object_property_count 4
9 annotation_property_count 0
10 named_individual_count 0
11 subset_count 0
12 rdf_triple_count 15642
13 subclass_of_axiom_count 2842
14 equivalent_classes_axiom_count 584
15 entailed_edge_count_by_predicate {}
16 distinct_synonym_count 4391
17 synonym_statement_count 4391
18 class_count_by_category {}
19 contributor_summary {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr...
20 change_summary {}
21 merged_class_query 0
22 deprecated_property_count 0
23 edge_count_by_predicate_BFO:0000051 8
24 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0000521 20
25 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0000864 134
26 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0001015 9
27 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0001027 76
28 edge_count_by_predicate_RO:0002233 441
29 edge_count_by_predicate_rdfs:subClassOf 2154
30 synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasBroadS... 25
31 synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasExactS... 4250
32 synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasNarrow... 97
33 synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasRelate... 19
34 mapping_statement_count_by_predicate_hasDbXref 554
35 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OGMS 8
36 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCIT 330
37 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OAE 2
38 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_SIO 1
39 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_ERO 4
40 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCRO 2
41 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_SCDO 5
42 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OMIT 5
43 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_CHEBI 134
44 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_MeSH 20
45 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OBI 15
46 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_IDO 1
47 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_VO 4
48 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_https 3
49 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_PMID 11
50 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCIt 1
51 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_UMLS_CUI 1
52 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_CMO 6
53 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCBIBook 5
54 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_MMO 1
55 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_VSO 4
56 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_http 2
57 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_EFO 1
58 mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_IDOMAL 1
59 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 8
60 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 321
61 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 2
62 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 1
63 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 4
64 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 2
65 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 5
66 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 5
67 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 133
68 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 20
69 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 15
70 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 1
71 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 4
72 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 3
73 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 11
74 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 1
75 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 1
76 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 6
77 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 5
78 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 1
79 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 4
80 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 2
81 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 1
82 mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_sour... 1
83 was_generated_by_started_at_time 2023-01-29T12:44:00.348450
84 was_generated_by_was_associated_with OAK
85 was_generated_by_acted_on_behalf_of cjm
86 ontologies_id obo:maxo.owl
87 ontologies_version obo:maxo/releases/2022-12-19/maxo.owl
88 ontologies_version_info 2022-12-19

Note that the original YAML report included many “nested” summaries, where counts were broken down by a facet - e.g. edge counts:

    facet: BFO:0000051
    filtered_count: 8
    facet: MAXO:0000521
    filtered_count: 20
    facet: MAXO:0000864
    filtered_count: 134

These get flattened (“denormalized”) in the conversion to TSV, creating a new column for each facet, but this isn’t done for all objects since this would make too wide a table (e.g. the contributor report, some ontologies may have 100s of contributors).










The fields names may be verbose but they are intended to be unambiguous. One problem with ontology stats reporting is that there is often built in ambiguity; e.g what does “number of terms” mean?

  • number of classes

  • number of classes plus relations (object properties?)

  • are obsolete classes included? what about merged classes?

If you want to look up documentation for any of these fields, just prefix with https://incatools.github.io/ontology-access-kit/datamodels/summary-statistics/

E.g. https://incatools.github.io/ontology-access-kit/datamodels/summary-statistics/non_deprecated_class_count.html

(in future these elements may have their own w3id URIs)

Note this only works for “non-denormalized” fields - to interpret “edge_count_by_predicate_BFO:0000051” you must split this into the base statistic edge_count_by_predicate and the entity (BFO:0000051, aka has-part). Or you can simply look at the native normalized YAML output.

Summarizing by branches

We can pass in a list of branches:

maxo statistics --has-prefix MAXO -O csv -o output/maxo-stats-roots.tsv MAXO:0000001 MAXO:0000058 MAXO:0000002 MAXO:0000003 MAXO:0000013 MAXO:0000017 MAXO:0000021 MAXO:0001014

You can download this: output/maxo-stats-roots.tsv and use excel etc to view.

Or see this google sheet

df = pd.read_csv("output/maxo-stats-roots.tsv", sep="\t").fillna("")
id compared_with agents class_count deprecated_class_count non_deprecated_class_count class_count_with_text_definitions class_count_without_text_definitions object_property_count annotation_property_count named_individual_count subset_count rdf_triple_count subclass_of_axiom_count equivalent_classes_axiom_count entailed_edge_count_by_predicate distinct_synonym_count synonym_statement_count class_count_by_category contributor_summary change_summary merged_class_query deprecated_property_count edge_count_by_predicate_BFO:0000051 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0000521 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0000864 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0001015 edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0001027 edge_count_by_predicate_RO:0002233 edge_count_by_predicate_rdfs:subClassOf synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasBroadSynonym synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasExactSynonym synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasNarrowSynonym synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasRelatedSynonym mapping_statement_count_by_predicate_hasDbXref mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OGMS mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCIT mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OAE mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_SIO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_ERO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCRO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_SCDO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OMIT mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_CHEBI mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_MeSH mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OBI mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_IDO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_VO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_https mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_PMID mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCIt mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_UMLS_CUI mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_CMO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCBIBook mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_MMO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_VSO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_http mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_EFO mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_IDOMAL mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OGMS mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCIT mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OAE mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_SIO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_ERO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCRO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_SCDO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OMIT mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_CHEBI mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_MeSH mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OBI mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_IDO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_VO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_https mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_PMID mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCIt mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_UMLS_CUI mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_CMO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCBIBook mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_MMO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_VSO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_http mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_EFO mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_IDOMAL
0 medical action [] [] 1387 0 1387 1374 13 0 0 0 0 15355 2789 584 {} 4385 4385 {} {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {} 0 0 8.0 20.0 134.0 9.0 76.0 441.0 2101 25.0 4246 97.0 17.0 553.0 8.0 329.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 134.0 19.0 15.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 11.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 5.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 320.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 133.0 19.0 15.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 11.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 5.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0
1 pharmacotherapy [] [] 256 0 256 248 8 0 0 0 0 3772 556 134 {} 1553 1553 {} {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {} 0 0 134.0 422 12.0 1515 19.0 7.0 196.0 1.0 57.0 1.0 1.0 134.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 56.0 1.0 1.0 133.0 2.0 1.0
2 therapeutic procedure [] [] 898 0 898 885 13 0 0 0 0 10555 1853 394 {} 3363 3363 {} {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {} 0 0 9.0 134.0 76.0 260.0 1374 24.0 3262 65.0 12.0 386.0 6.0 203.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 134.0 19.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 195.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 133.0 19.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0
3 diagnostic procedure [] [] 556 0 556 556 0 0 0 0 0 5888 1140 254 {} 1492 1492 {} {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {} 0 0 8.0 246.0 886 2.0 1452 32.0 6.0 180.0 1.0 151.0 1.0 12.0 5.0 6.0 3.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 150.0 1.0 12.0 5.0 6.0 3.0 1.0 4.0
4 complementary and alternative medical therapy [] [] 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 53 6 0 {} 9 9 {} {'<http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961>': Con... {} 0 0 6 7 2.0 8.0 6.0 2.0 6.0 2.0
5 preventative therapeutics [] [] 22 0 22 22 0 0 0 0 0 206 34 1 {} 46 46 {} {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {} 0 0 11.0 23 46 14.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0
6 palliative care [] [] 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 59 8 0 {} 15 15 {} {'<http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961>': Con... {} 0 0 8 7 8.0 6.0 5.0 1.0 4.0 1.0
7 medical action avoidance [] [] 9 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 81 18 0 {} 18 18 {} {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {} 0 0 9.0 9 18

Here each row is a branch (note that numbers are cumulative, so numbers for a parent include numbers for children, even if there is a separate row for that child).

Note that you will never see deprecated classes when using this option, if the deprecated classes are not in the hierarchy (as is conventional for OBO ontologies)

We may prefer to view the transposed form:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
id medical action pharmacotherapy therapeutic procedure diagnostic procedure complementary and alternative medical therapy preventative therapeutics palliative care medical action avoidance
compared_with [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
agents [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
class_count 1387 256 898 556 6 22 6 9
deprecated_class_count 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
non_deprecated_class_count 1387 256 898 556 6 22 6 9
class_count_with_text_definitions 1374 248 885 556 6 22 6 9
class_count_without_text_definitions 13 8 13 0 0 0 0 0
object_property_count 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
annotation_property_count 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
named_individual_count 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
subset_count 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rdf_triple_count 15355 3772 10555 5888 53 206 59 81
subclass_of_axiom_count 2789 556 1853 1140 6 34 8 18
equivalent_classes_axiom_count 584 134 394 254 0 1 0 0
entailed_edge_count_by_predicate {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
distinct_synonym_count 4385 1553 3363 1492 9 46 15 18
synonym_statement_count 4385 1553 3363 1492 9 46 15 18
class_count_by_category {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
contributor_summary {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {'<http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961>': Con... {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr... {'<http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961>': Con... {'http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7941-2961': Contr...
change_summary {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
merged_class_query 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
deprecated_property_count 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
edge_count_by_predicate_BFO:0000051 8.0 8.0
edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0000521 20.0 9.0 11.0
edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0000864 134.0 134.0 134.0
edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0001015 9.0 9.0
edge_count_by_predicate_MAXO:0001027 76.0 76.0
edge_count_by_predicate_RO:0002233 441.0 260.0 246.0
edge_count_by_predicate_rdfs:subClassOf 2101 422 1374 886 6 23 8 9
synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasBroadSynonym 25.0 12.0 24.0 2.0
synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasExactSynonym 4246 1515 3262 1452 7 46 7 18
synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasNarrowSynonym 97.0 19.0 65.0 32.0 2.0 8.0
synonym_statement_count_by_predicate_hasRelatedSynonym 17.0 7.0 12.0 6.0
mapping_statement_count_by_predicate_hasDbXref 553.0 196.0 386.0 180.0 8.0 14.0 6.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OGMS 8.0 1.0 6.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCIT 329.0 57.0 203.0 151.0 6.0 6.0 5.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OAE 2.0 2.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_SIO 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_ERO 4.0 4.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCRO 2.0 1.0 2.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_SCDO 5.0 3.0 2.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OMIT 5.0 1.0 4.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_CHEBI 134.0 134.0 134.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_MeSH 19.0 19.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_OBI 15.0 1.0 12.0 2.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_IDO 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_VO 4.0 4.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_https 3.0 2.0 3.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_PMID 11.0 1.0 6.0 5.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCIt 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_UMLS_CUI 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_CMO 6.0 6.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_NCBIBook 5.0 2.0 3.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_MMO 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_VSO 4.0 4.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_http 2.0 2.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_EFO 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_by_object_source_IDOMAL 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OGMS 8.0 1.0 6.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCIT 320.0 56.0 195.0 150.0 6.0 6.0 4.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OAE 2.0 2.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_SIO 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_ERO 4.0 4.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCRO 2.0 1.0 2.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_SCDO 5.0 3.0 2.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OMIT 5.0 1.0 4.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_CHEBI 133.0 133.0 133.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_MeSH 19.0 19.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_OBI 15.0 1.0 12.0 2.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_IDO 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_VO 4.0 4.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_https 3.0 2.0 3.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_PMID 11.0 1.0 6.0 5.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCIt 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_UMLS_CUI 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_CMO 6.0 6.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_NCBIBook 5.0 2.0 3.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_MMO 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_VSO 4.0 4.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_http 2.0 2.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_EFO 1.0 1.0
mapping_statement_count_subject_by_object_source_IDOMAL 1.0 1.0

Note that the categories are not disjoint - some terms can be in more than one branch, and “medical action” covers everything.

Exploring mappings

Next let’s use OAK to query mappings in MAXO. There are a lot, so for exploration purposes let’s fetch this for all terms that have the string “biopsy” in them:

maxo mappings l~biopsy -O sssom
# curie_map: {}
# license: UNSPECIFIED
# mapping_set_id: temp
subject_id      subject_label   predicate_id    object_id       object_label    mapping_justification   subject_source  object_source
MAXO:0000332    biopsy of anus  oio:hasDbXref   NCIT:C51586             semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    NCIT
MAXO:0001269    clinical biopsy oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002650     biopsy  semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001269    clinical biopsy oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002650     biopsy  semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001270    clinical computed tomography assisted biopsy    oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002652     computed tomography assisted biopsy     semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001270    clinical computed tomography assisted biopsy    oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002652     computed tomography assisted biopsy     semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001271    clinical core needle biopsy     oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002656     core needle biopsy      semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001271    clinical core needle biopsy     oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002656     core needle biopsy      semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001272    clinical fine needle aspiration biopsy  oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002655     fine needle aspiration biopsy   semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001272    clinical fine needle aspiration biopsy  oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002655     fine needle aspiration biopsy   semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001273    clinical image guided biopsy    oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002651     image guided biopsy     semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001273    clinical image guided biopsy    oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002651     image guided biopsy     semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001274    clinical needle biopsy  oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002654     needle biopsy   semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001274    clinical needle biopsy  oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002654     needle biopsy   semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001275    clinical surgical biopsy        oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002657     surgical biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001275    clinical surgical biopsy        oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002657     surgical biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001276    clinical ultrasound-guided needle biopsy        oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002653     ultrasound-guided needle biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI
MAXO:0001276    clinical ultrasound-guided needle biopsy        oio:hasDbXref   OBI:0002653     ultrasound-guided needle biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching      MAXO    OBI

maxo mappings l~biopsy -O sssom -o output/maxo-biopsy.sssom.tsv
df = pd.read_csv("output/maxo-biopsy.sssom.tsv", sep="\t", comment="#").fillna("")
subject_id subject_label predicate_id object_id object_label mapping_justification subject_source object_source
0 MAXO:0000332 biopsy of anus oio:hasDbXref NCIT:C51586 semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO NCIT
1 MAXO:0001269 clinical biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002650 biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
2 MAXO:0001269 clinical biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002650 biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
3 MAXO:0001270 clinical computed tomography assisted biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002652 computed tomography assisted biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
4 MAXO:0001270 clinical computed tomography assisted biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002652 computed tomography assisted biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
5 MAXO:0001271 clinical core needle biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002656 core needle biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
6 MAXO:0001271 clinical core needle biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002656 core needle biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
7 MAXO:0001272 clinical fine needle aspiration biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002655 fine needle aspiration biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
8 MAXO:0001272 clinical fine needle aspiration biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002655 fine needle aspiration biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
9 MAXO:0001273 clinical image guided biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002651 image guided biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
10 MAXO:0001273 clinical image guided biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002651 image guided biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
11 MAXO:0001274 clinical needle biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002654 needle biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
12 MAXO:0001274 clinical needle biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002654 needle biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
13 MAXO:0001275 clinical surgical biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002657 surgical biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
14 MAXO:0001275 clinical surgical biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002657 surgical biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
15 MAXO:0001276 clinical ultrasound-guided needle biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002653 ultrasound-guided needle biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
16 MAXO:0001276 clinical ultrasound-guided needle biopsy oio:hasDbXref OBI:0002653 ultrasound-guided needle biopsy semapv:UnspecifiedMatching MAXO OBI
maxo -a sqlite:obo:ncit lexmatch l~biopsy -o output/maxo-lexmatch-ncit-biopsy.sssom.tsv
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#A> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#B> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#C> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#D> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#a1> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#a2> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#d> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#e> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#eff> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#g1> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#g2> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#in> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#mf2> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#mf> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#p> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#w> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#x> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#y> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl#z> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl:var#p> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl:var#q> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl:var#u> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl:var#x> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl:var#y> as it is not a valid CURIE
WARNING:root:Skipping <urn:swrl:var#z> as it is not a valid CURIE
df = pd.read_csv("output/maxo-lexmatch-ncit-biopsy.sssom.tsv", sep="\t", comment="#").fillna("")
subject_id subject_label predicate_id object_id object_label mapping_justification mapping_tool confidence subject_match_field object_match_field match_string
0 MAXO:0000332 biopsy of anus skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51586 Biopsy of Anus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of anus
1 MAXO:0000332 biopsy of anus skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51586 Biopsy of Anus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of anus
2 MAXO:0000336 biopsy of bone marrow skos:closeMatch NCIT:C15193 Bone Marrow Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of bone marrow
3 MAXO:0000336 biopsy of bone marrow skos:closeMatch NCIT:C15193 Bone Marrow Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label bone marrow biopsy
4 MAXO:0000336 biopsy of bone marrow skos:closeMatch NCIT:C15193 Bone Marrow Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym bone marrow biopsy
5 MAXO:0000336 biopsy of bone marrow skos:closeMatch NCIT:C15193 Bone Marrow Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym bone marrow biopsy
6 MAXO:0000338 biopsy of brain skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51766 Biopsy of Brain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of brain
7 MAXO:0000338 biopsy of brain skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51766 Biopsy of Brain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of brain
8 MAXO:0000338 biopsy of brain skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51766 Biopsy of Brain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym brain biopsy
9 MAXO:0000340 biopsy of breast skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51698 Biopsy of Breast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of breast
10 MAXO:0000340 biopsy of breast skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51698 Biopsy of Breast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym breast biopsy
11 MAXO:0000340 biopsy of breast skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51698 Biopsy of Breast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of breast
12 MAXO:0000341 biopsy of bronchus skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51782 Bronchial Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of bronchus
13 MAXO:0000350 biopsy of colon skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51678 Biopsy of Colon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of colon
14 MAXO:0000350 biopsy of colon skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51678 Biopsy of Colon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of colon
15 MAXO:0000355 biopsy of duodenum skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51683 Biopsy of Duodenum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of duodenum
16 MAXO:0000355 biopsy of duodenum skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51683 Biopsy of Duodenum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of duodenum
17 MAXO:0000359 biopsy of esophagus skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51686 Esophageal Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of esophagus
18 MAXO:0000366 biopsy of heart skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51794 Biopsy of Heart semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of heart
19 MAXO:0000366 biopsy of heart skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51794 Biopsy of Heart semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of heart
20 MAXO:0000373 biopsy of larynx skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51663 Biopsy of Larynx semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of larynx
21 MAXO:0000373 biopsy of larynx skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51663 Biopsy of Larynx semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of larynx
22 MAXO:0000375 biopsy of lip skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51653 Biopsy of Lip semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of lip
23 MAXO:0000375 biopsy of lip skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51653 Biopsy of Lip semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of lip
24 MAXO:0000376 biopsy of liver skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51677 Liver Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of liver
25 MAXO:0000376 biopsy of liver skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51677 Liver Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label liver biopsy
26 MAXO:0000376 biopsy of liver skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51677 Liver Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym liver biopsy
27 MAXO:0000380 biopsy of lung skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51748 Lung Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of lung
28 MAXO:0000380 biopsy of lung skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51748 Lung Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label lung biopsy
29 MAXO:0000380 biopsy of lung skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51748 Lung Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym lung biopsy
30 MAXO:0000380 biopsy of lung skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51748 Lung Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym lung biopsy
31 MAXO:0000381 biopsy of lymph node skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51900 Lymph Node Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of lymph node
32 MAXO:0000381 biopsy of lymph node skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51900 Lymph Node Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label lymph node biopsy
33 MAXO:0000381 biopsy of lymph node skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51900 Lymph Node Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym lymph node biopsy
34 MAXO:0000385 biopsy of mouth skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51895 Muscle Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym muscle biopsy
35 MAXO:0000385 biopsy of mouth skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51895 Muscle Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label muscle biopsy
36 MAXO:0000385 biopsy of mouth skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51650 Biopsy of Mouth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of mouth
37 MAXO:0000385 biopsy of mouth skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51650 Biopsy of Mouth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of mouth
38 MAXO:0000386 biopsy of muscle skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51895 Muscle Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of muscle
39 MAXO:0000389 biopsy of nasopharynx skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51768 Biopsy of Nasopharynx semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of nasopharynx
40 MAXO:0000389 biopsy of nasopharynx skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51768 Biopsy of Nasopharynx semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of nasopharynx
41 MAXO:0000392 biopsy of pancreas skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51671 Biopsy of Pancreas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of pancreas
42 MAXO:0000392 biopsy of pancreas skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51671 Biopsy of Pancreas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of pancreas
43 MAXO:0000395 biopsy of peritoneum skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51627 Biopsy of Peritoneum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of peritoneum
44 MAXO:0000395 biopsy of peritoneum skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51627 Biopsy of Peritoneum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of peritoneum
45 MAXO:0000397 biopsy of pleura skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51897 Pleural Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of pleura
46 MAXO:0000398 biopsy of rectum skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51693 Rectal Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of rectum
47 MAXO:0000403 biopsy of small intestine skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51600 Biopsy of Small Intestine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of small intestine
48 MAXO:0000403 biopsy of small intestine skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51600 Biopsy of Small Intestine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of small intestine
49 MAXO:0000406 biopsy of stomach skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51685 Gastric Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of stomach
50 MAXO:0000409 biopsy of testis skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51894 Biopsy of Testis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of testis
51 MAXO:0000409 biopsy of testis skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51894 Biopsy of Testis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of testis
52 MAXO:0000411 biopsy of thyroid gland skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51613 Biopsy of Thyroid Gland semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of thyroid gland
53 MAXO:0000411 biopsy of thyroid gland skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51613 Biopsy of Thyroid Gland semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of thyroid gland
54 MAXO:0000412 biopsy of tongue skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51930 Biopsy of Tongue semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of tongue
55 MAXO:0000412 biopsy of tongue skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51930 Biopsy of Tongue semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of tongue
56 MAXO:0000414 biopsy of trachea skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51631 Biopsy of Trachea semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of trachea
57 MAXO:0000414 biopsy of trachea skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51631 Biopsy of Trachea semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of trachea
58 MAXO:0000418 biopsy of urethra skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51640 Biopsy of Urethra semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of urethra
59 MAXO:0000418 biopsy of urethra skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51640 Biopsy of Urethra semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy of urethra
60 MAXO:0000423 biopsy of skin skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51692 Skin Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of skin
61 MAXO:0000423 biopsy of skin skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51692 Skin Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label skin biopsy
62 MAXO:0000423 biopsy of skin skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51692 Skin Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym skin biopsy
63 MAXO:0000755 liquid biopsy skos:closeMatch NCIT:C135727 Liquid Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label liquid biopsy
64 MAXO:0000755 liquid biopsy skos:closeMatch NCIT:C135727 Liquid Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym liquid biopsy
65 MAXO:0001121 biopsy of kidney skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51699 Kidney Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy of kidney
66 MAXO:0001121 biopsy of kidney skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51699 Kidney Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label kidney biopsy
67 MAXO:0001121 biopsy of kidney skos:closeMatch NCIT:C51699 Kidney Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym kidney biopsy
68 NCIT:C137909 Computed Tomography Assisted Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002652 computed tomography assisted biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label computed tomography assisted biopsy
69 NCIT:C137909 Computed Tomography Assisted Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002652 computed tomography assisted biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label computed tomography assisted biopsy
70 NCIT:C15189 Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002650 biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label biopsy
71 NCIT:C15189 Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002650 biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biopsy
72 NCIT:C15189 Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002650 biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label biopsy
73 NCIT:C15189 Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002650 biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label biopsy
74 NCIT:C15190 Needle Biopsy skos:closeMatch NCIT:C15680 Core Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym needle biopsy
75 NCIT:C15190 Needle Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002654 needle biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needle biopsy
76 NCIT:C15190 Needle Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002654 needle biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label needle biopsy
77 NCIT:C15190 Needle Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002654 needle biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label needle biopsy
78 NCIT:C15190 Needle Biopsy skos:closeMatch NCIT:C15680 Core Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym needle biopsy
79 NCIT:C15190 Needle Biopsy skos:closeMatch NCIT:C15680 Core Biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym needle biopsy
80 NCIT:C15385 Excisional Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002657 surgical biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label surgical biopsy
81 NCIT:C15652 Image Guided Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002651 image guided biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label image guided biopsy
82 NCIT:C15652 Image Guided Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002651 image guided biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label image guided biopsy
83 NCIT:C15680 Core Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002654 needle biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label needle biopsy
84 NCIT:C15680 Core Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002656 core needle biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label core needle biopsy
85 NCIT:C15680 Core Biopsy skos:closeMatch OBI:0002656 core needle biopsy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym rdfs:label core needle biopsy
86 NCIT:C174241 EWS Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table skos:closeMatch NCIT:C177402 GCT Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy/surgical procedures table
87 NCIT:C174241 EWS Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table skos:closeMatch NCIT:C179482 OS Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy/surgical procedures table
88 NCIT:C174241 EWS Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table skos:closeMatch NCIT:C186321 HL Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy/surgical procedures table
89 NCIT:C177402 GCT Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table skos:closeMatch NCIT:C179482 OS Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy/surgical procedures table
90 NCIT:C177402 GCT Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table skos:closeMatch NCIT:C186321 HL Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy/surgical procedures table
91 NCIT:C179482 OS Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table skos:closeMatch NCIT:C186321 HL Biopsy/Surgical Procedures Table semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym biopsy/surgical procedures table
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