Analysis of differences with different gene to disease sources

Load all associations from multiple sources

The mondo-g2d input spec includes metadata about where to download

  • gencc

  • medgen_mim2gene

Note these use heterogeneous IDs, the spec includes normalizers for these

from oaklib import get_adapter
from oaklib.conf import CONF_DIR_PATH
adapter = get_adapter(CONF_DIR_PATH/ "mondo-g2d-input-spec.yaml")
associations = list(adapter.associations())
from linkml_runtime.dumpers import json_dumper
import pandas as pd
def _as_dict(a):
    obj = json_dumper.to_dict(a)
    obj["subject_prefix"] = a.subject.split(":")[0]
    obj["object_prefix"] = a.object.split(":")[0]
    return obj
df = pd.DataFrame([_as_dict(a) for a in associations])
df.to_csv("g2d.tsv", sep="\t", index=False)
subject predicate object primary_knowledge_source aggregator_knowledge_source original_object original_subject subject_prefix object_prefix subject_label object_label
0 HGNC:1952 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0007032 infores:medgen_mim_g2d infores:medgen_mim_g2d OMIM:100100 NCBIGene:1131 HGNC MONDO NaN NaN
1 HGNC:29216 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0024506 infores:medgen_mim_g2d infores:medgen_mim_g2d OMIM:100300 NCBIGene:57514 HGNC MONDO NaN NaN
2 HGNC:3690 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0007037 infores:medgen_mim_g2d infores:medgen_mim_g2d OMIM:100800 NCBIGene:2261 HGNC MONDO NaN NaN
3 HGNC:7773 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0007039 infores:medgen_mim_g2d infores:medgen_mim_g2d OMIM:101000 NCBIGene:4771 HGNC MONDO NaN NaN
4 HGNC:3689 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0007041 infores:medgen_mim_g2d infores:medgen_mim_g2d OMIM:101200 NCBIGene:2263 HGNC MONDO NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
106572 HGNC:12762 NaN MONDO:0013673 GENCC:000110 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO WFS1 Wolfram-like syndrome
106573 HGNC:12762 NaN MONDO:0013673 GENCC:000102 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO WFS1 Wolfram-like syndrome
106574 HGNC:12762 NaN MONDO:0013673 GENCC:000101 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO WFS1 Wolfram-like syndrome
106575 HGNC:29271 NaN MONDO:0030491 infores:hpoa OMIM:619644 NCBIGene:57169 HGNC MONDO ZNFX1 NaN
106576 HGNC:29271 NaN MONDO:0030491 GENCC:000101 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO ZNFX1 immunodeficiency 91 and hyperinflammation

106577 rows × 11 columns

df.query("object == 'MONDO:0008426'")
subject predicate object primary_knowledge_source aggregator_knowledge_source original_object original_subject subject_prefix object_prefix subject_label object_label
699 HGNC:10896 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0008426 infores:medgen_mim_g2d infores:medgen_mim_g2d OMIM:182212 NCBIGene:6497 HGNC MONDO NaN NaN
15644 HGNC:10896 NaN MONDO:0008426 infores:hpoa OMIM:182212 NCBIGene:6497 HGNC MONDO SKI NaN
15645 HGNC:10896 NaN MONDO:0008426 infores:hpoa Orphanet:2462 NCBIGene:6497 HGNC MONDO SKI NaN
15646 HGNC:10896 NaN MONDO:0008426 GENCC:000101 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO SKI Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome
15647 HGNC:10896 NaN MONDO:0008426 GENCC:000112 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO SKI Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
104537 HGNC:10896 NaN MONDO:0008426 GENCC:000111 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO SKI Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome
104538 HGNC:10896 NaN MONDO:0008426 GENCC:000104 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO SKI Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome
104539 HGNC:10896 NaN MONDO:0008426 GENCC:000106 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO SKI Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome
104540 HGNC:10896 NaN MONDO:0008426 GENCC:000110 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO SKI Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome
104541 HGNC:10896 NaN MONDO:0008426 GENCC:000102 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO SKI Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome

98 rows × 11 columns

df.query("aggregator_knowledge_source == 'infores:hpoa'")
subject predicate object primary_knowledge_source aggregator_knowledge_source original_object original_subject subject_prefix object_prefix subject_label object_label
5907 HGNC:16391 NaN MONDO:0008905 infores:hpoa OMIM:212050 NCBIGene:64170 HGNC MONDO CARD9 NaN
5908 HGNC:16391 NaN MONDO:0008905 infores:hpoa Orphanet:457088 NCBIGene:64170 HGNC MONDO CARD9 NaN
5911 HGNC:21066 NaN MONDO:0009544 infores:hpoa OMIM:248000 NCBIGene:51256 HGNC MONDO TBC1D7 NaN
5915 HGNC:14313 NaN MONDO:0033485 infores:hpoa OMIM:617895 NCBIGene:28981 HGNC MONDO IFT81 NaN
5916 HGNC:6742 NaN MONDO:0014693 infores:hpoa OMIM:616564 NCBIGene:8216 HGNC MONDO LZTR1 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
106562 HGNC:12731 NaN MONDO:0010294 infores:hpoa OMIM:300299 NCBIGene:7454 HGNC MONDO WAS NaN
106563 HGNC:12731 NaN MONDO:0010294 infores:hpoa Orphanet:86788 NCBIGene:7454 HGNC MONDO WAS NaN
106567 HGNC:12762 NaN MONDO:0013673 infores:hpoa OMIM:614296 NCBIGene:7466 HGNC MONDO WFS1 NaN
106568 HGNC:12762 NaN MONDO:0013673 infores:hpoa Orphanet:411590 NCBIGene:7466 HGNC MONDO WFS1 NaN
106575 HGNC:29271 NaN MONDO:0030491 infores:hpoa OMIM:619644 NCBIGene:57169 HGNC MONDO ZNFX1 NaN

40613 rows × 11 columns

df.groupby(["subject", "object"])["aggregator_knowledge_source"].describe()
count unique top freq
subject object
HGNC:10001 MONDO:0007781 4 2 infores:hpoa 2
HGNC:10004 MONDO:0012033 50 3 infores:gencc 35
HGNC:10006 MONDO:0008493 17 3 infores:hpoa 8
MONDO:0019107 10 3 infores:hpoa 6
HGNC:10008 MONDO:0019107 4 2 infores:hpoa 2
... ... ... ... ... ...
NCBIGene:105259599 MONDO:0020796 2 2 infores:medgen_mim_g2d 1
NCBIGene:109580095 MONDO:0013517 2 2 infores:medgen_mim_g2d 1
NCBIGene:111365204 MONDO:0007630 2 2 infores:medgen_mim_g2d 1
MONDO:0010932 2 2 infores:medgen_mim_g2d 1
NCBIGene:7467 MONDO:0008684 2 2 infores:medgen_mim_g2d 1

15696 rows × 4 columns

df.groupby(["subject_prefix", "object_prefix"])["aggregator_knowledge_source"].describe()
count unique top freq
subject_prefix object_prefix
HGNC MONDO 105710 3 infores:gencc 60057
OMIM 719 2 infores:hpoa 405
Orphanet 132 1 infores:hpoa 132
NCBIGene MONDO 16 2 infores:medgen_mim_g2d 8
df.groupby(["subject_prefix", "object_prefix", "aggregator_knowledge_source"]).describe()
subject predicate object ... original_subject subject_label object_label
count unique top freq count unique top freq count unique ... top freq count unique top freq count unique top freq
subject_prefix object_prefix aggregator_knowledge_source
HGNC MONDO infores:gencc 60057 4753 HGNC:3690 246 0 0 NaN NaN 60057 6155 ... NaN NaN 60057 4753 FGFR3 246 60057 6151 retinitis pigmentosa 229
infores:hpoa 40068 5128 HGNC:2200 130 0 0 NaN NaN 40068 7527 ... NCBIGene:1280 130 40068 5128 COL2A1 130 0 0 NaN NaN
infores:medgen_mim_g2d 5585 3933 HGNC:2200 14 5585 1 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition 5585 5585 5093 ... NCBIGene:1280 14 0 0 NaN NaN 0 0 NaN NaN
OMIM infores:hpoa 405 385 HGNC:4398 2 0 0 NaN NaN 405 404 ... NCBIGene:2783 2 405 385 GNB2 2 0 0 NaN NaN
infores:medgen_mim_g2d 314 305 HGNC:18420 2 314 1 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition 314 314 314 ... NCBIGene:29072 2 0 0 NaN NaN 0 0 NaN NaN
Orphanet infores:hpoa 132 111 HGNC:7577 2 0 0 NaN NaN 132 83 ... NCBIGene:4625 2 132 111 MYH7 2 0 0 NaN NaN
NCBIGene MONDO infores:hpoa 8 5 NCBIGene:105259599 3 0 0 NaN NaN 8 8 ... NaN NaN 8 1 - 8 0 0 NaN NaN
infores:medgen_mim_g2d 8 5 NCBIGene:105259599 3 8 1 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition 8 8 8 ... NaN NaN 0 0 NaN NaN 0 0 NaN NaN

8 rows × 32 columns

df.sort_values(["subject", "object"])
subject predicate object primary_knowledge_source aggregator_knowledge_source original_object original_subject subject_prefix object_prefix subject_label object_label
16423 HGNC:10001 NaN MONDO:0007781 infores:hpoa OMIM:145500 NCBIGene:8490 HGNC MONDO RGS5 NaN
16424 HGNC:10001 NaN MONDO:0007781 GENCC:000106 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO RGS5 essential hypertension, genetic
47487 HGNC:10001 NaN MONDO:0007781 infores:hpoa OMIM:145500 NCBIGene:8490 HGNC MONDO RGS5 NaN
47488 HGNC:10001 NaN MONDO:0007781 GENCC:000106 infores:gencc NaN NaN HGNC MONDO RGS5 essential hypertension, genetic
2684 HGNC:10004 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0012033 infores:medgen_mim_g2d infores:medgen_mim_g2d OMIM:608415 NCBIGene:8787 HGNC MONDO NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7192 NCBIGene:111365204 NaN MONDO:0007630 infores:hpoa OMIM:136550 NaN NCBIGene MONDO - NaN
2108 NCBIGene:111365204 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0010932 infores:medgen_mim_g2d infores:medgen_mim_g2d OMIM:600790 NaN NCBIGene MONDO NaN NaN
9063 NCBIGene:111365204 NaN MONDO:0010932 infores:hpoa OMIM:600790 NaN NCBIGene MONDO - NaN
817 NCBIGene:7467 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0008684 infores:medgen_mim_g2d infores:medgen_mim_g2d OMIM:194190 NaN NCBIGene MONDO NaN NaN
11624 NCBIGene:7467 NaN MONDO:0008684 infores:hpoa OMIM:194190 NaN NCBIGene MONDO - NaN

106577 rows × 11 columns

df.groupby("primary_knowledge_source")[["subject", "object"]].count()
subject object
GENCC:000101 9974 9974
GENCC:000102 5687 5687
GENCC:000104 4952 4952
GENCC:000105 1365 1365
GENCC:000106 9101 9101
GENCC:000107 1145 1145
GENCC:000108 767 767
GENCC:000110 16407 16407
GENCC:000111 3624 3624
GENCC:000112 6918 6918
GENCC:000113 72 72
GENCC:000114 45 45 20368 20368 20245 20245
infores:medgen_mim_g2d 5907 5907
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib_venn import venn2, venn3

s1 = "infores:gencc"
s2 = "infores:medgen_mim_g2d"
s3 = "infores:hpoa"
src_col = "aggregator_knowledge_source"

def make_venn(cols, venn_df=None):
    if venn_df is None:
        venn_df = df
    source1_tuples = set(venn_df[venn_df[src_col] == s1][cols].apply(tuple, axis=1))
    source2_tuples = set(venn_df[venn_df[src_col] == s2][cols].apply(tuple, axis=1))
    source3_tuples = set(venn_df[venn_df[src_col] == s3][cols].apply(tuple, axis=1))
    venn3([source1_tuples, source2_tuples, source3_tuples], set_labels=(s1, s2, s3))
    plt.title(f"Venn Diagram for {cols}")

# Identifying unique (a, b) tuples for each source
#source1_tuples = set(df[df[src_col] == s1][['subject', 'object']].apply(tuple, axis=1))
#source2_tuples = set(df[df[src_col] == s2][['subject', 'object']].apply(tuple, axis=1))

# Creating the Venn diagram
#venn2([source1_tuples, source2_tuples], set_labels=(s1, s2))

#plt.title("Venn Diagram for gene-disease tuples")

make_venn(["subject", "object"])
diseases = set(df["object"])
from oaklib.datamodels.vocabulary import IS_A

redundant = set()
roll_up_map = {}
for d in diseases:
    ancs = adapter.ancestors(d, predicates=[IS_A], reflexive=False)
    ixn = diseases.intersection(ancs)
    if ixn:
        roll_up_map[d] = list(ixn)
        roll_up_map[d] = [d]

df['object_rollup'] = df['object'].map(lambda x: tuple(sorted(roll_up_map[x])))
0                       (MONDO:0005240,)
1         (MONDO:0005172, MONDO:0007034)
2         (MONDO:0005172, MONDO:0005516)
3         (MONDO:0005071, MONDO:0021061)
4         (MONDO:0005172, MONDO:0015469)
106572                  (MONDO:0013673,)
106573                  (MONDO:0013673,)
106574                  (MONDO:0013673,)
106575    (MONDO:0005046, MONDO:0021094)
106576    (MONDO:0005046, MONDO:0021094)
Name: object_rollup, Length: 106577, dtype: object
make_venn(["subject", "object_rollup"])
cross_tab = pd.crosstab(df[df['primary_knowledge_source']=="infores:gencc"]['object'], df[df['primary_knowledge_source']=="infores:medgen_mim_g2d"]['object'])
gencc = df[df['primary_knowledge_source']=="infores:gencc"]
subject predicate object primary_knowledge_source
5837 HGNC:10896 NaN MONDO:0008426 infores:gencc
5838 HGNC:16636 NaN MONDO:0008233 infores:gencc
5839 HGNC:16636 NaN MONDO:0007308 infores:gencc
5840 HGNC:17939 NaN MONDO:0044322 infores:gencc
5841 HGNC:11071 NaN MONDO:0014572 infores:gencc
... ... ... ... ...
16089 HGNC:17625 NaN MONDO:0100284 infores:gencc
16090 HGNC:13128 NaN MONDO:0100148 infores:gencc
16091 HGNC:13156 NaN MONDO:0100284 infores:gencc
16092 HGNC:29046 NaN MONDO:0030695 infores:gencc
16093 HGNC:6827 NaN MONDO:0030770 infores:gencc

10257 rows × 4 columns

medgen = df[df['primary_knowledge_source']=="infores:medgen_mim_g2d"]
subject predicate object primary_knowledge_source
0 HGNC:1952 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0007032 infores:medgen_mim_g2d
1 HGNC:29216 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0024506 infores:medgen_mim_g2d
2 HGNC:3690 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0007037 infores:medgen_mim_g2d
3 HGNC:7773 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0007039 infores:medgen_mim_g2d
4 HGNC:3689 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition MONDO:0007041 infores:medgen_mim_g2d
... ... ... ... ...
5832 HGNC:11016 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition OMIM:620306 infores:medgen_mim_g2d
5833 HGNC:10485 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition OMIM:620310 infores:medgen_mim_g2d
5834 HGNC:15979 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition OMIM:620311 infores:medgen_mim_g2d
5835 HGNC:19946 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition OMIM:620316 infores:medgen_mim_g2d
5836 HGNC:21839 biolink:gene_associated_with_condition OMIM:620319 infores:medgen_mim_g2d

5837 rows × 4 columns

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[13], line 1
----> 1 pd.crosstab(df)

TypeError: crosstab() missing 1 required positional argument: 'columns'
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!pip install matplotlib-venn
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