Analyze Contributions of different methods to Annotation
This notebook analyzes relative contributions of different IEA methods to annotation
from oaklib import get_adapter
from oaklib.datamodels.vocabulary import IS_A, PART_OF
from oaklib.datamodels.association import Association
from oaklib.parsers.gaf_association_parser import GafAssociationColumns
from oaklib.utilities.associations.association_differ import AssociationDiffer
from oaklib.utilities.subsets.slimmer_utils import filter_redundant
import pandas as pd
# Get a GO handle
go = get_adapter("sqlite:obo:go")
# Data Dictionary
GENE = GafAssociationColumns.local_id.value
TERM = GafAssociationColumns.ontology_class_ref.value
# Cache HTTP requests
import requests_cache
# Alias for GO command line queries
%alias go runoak -i sqlite:obo:go
Routine to parse a GAF to a DataFrame
def gaf2df(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
df = pd.read_csv(path, sep="\t", comment="!", names=[c.value for c in GafAssociationColumns])
return df.query(f"'|' not in qualifiers")
df = gaf2df("../../../../tests/input/mgi-truncated.gaf")
db | local_id | db_object_symbol | qualifiers | ontology_class_ref | supporting_references | evidence_type | with_or_from | aspect | db_object_name | db_object_synonyms | db_object_type | db_object_taxon | annotation_date | assigned_by | annotation_extensions | gene_product_form | |
0 | MGI | MGI:1918911 | 0610005C13Rik | enables | GO:0003674 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | F | RIKEN cDNA 0610005C13 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20200917 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
1 | MGI | MGI:1918911 | 0610005C13Rik | is_active_in | GO:0005575 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | C | RIKEN cDNA 0610005C13 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20100209 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
2 | MGI | MGI:1918911 | 0610005C13Rik | involved_in | GO:0008150 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | P | RIKEN cDNA 0610005C13 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20100209 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
3 | MGI | MGI:1923503 | 0610006L08Rik | enables | GO:0003674 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | F | RIKEN cDNA 0610006L08 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20120430 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
4 | MGI | MGI:1923503 | 0610006L08Rik | is_active_in | GO:0005575 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | C | RIKEN cDNA 0610006L08 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20120430 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
5 | MGI | MGI:1923503 | 0610006L08Rik | involved_in | GO:0008150 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | P | RIKEN cDNA 0610006L08 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20120430 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
6 | MGI | MGI:1925547 | 0610008J02Rik | enables | GO:0003674 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | F | RIKEN cDNA 0610008J02 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20210426 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
7 | MGI | MGI:1925547 | 0610008J02Rik | is_active_in | GO:0005575 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | C | RIKEN cDNA 0610008J02 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20210426 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
8 | MGI | MGI:1925547 | 0610008J02Rik | involved_in | GO:0008150 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | P | RIKEN cDNA 0610008J02 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20210426 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
9 | MGI | MGI:1913300 | 0610009B22Rik | involved_in | GO:0001501 | MGI:MGI:4834177|GO_REF:0000096 | ISO | UniProtKB:P0DI81 | P | RIKEN cDNA 0610009B22 gene | NaN | protein | taxon:10090 | 20110927 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
10 | MGI | MGI:1913300 | 0610009B22Rik | located_in | GO:0005634 | MGI:MGI:4834177|GO_REF:0000096 | ISO | UniProtKB:P0DI81 | C | RIKEN cDNA 0610009B22 gene | NaN | protein | taxon:10090 | 20160909 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
11 | MGI | MGI:1913300 | 0610009B22Rik | located_in | GO:0005654 | MGI:MGI:4834177|GO_REF:0000096 | ISO | UniProtKB:P0DI81 | C | RIKEN cDNA 0610009B22 gene | NaN | protein | taxon:10090 | 20151016 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
12 | MGI | MGI:1913300 | 0610009B22Rik | located_in | GO:0005783 | MGI:MGI:4834177|GO_REF:0000096 | ISO | UniProtKB:P0DI81 | C | RIKEN cDNA 0610009B22 gene | NaN | protein | taxon:10090 | 20151016 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
13 | MGI | MGI:1913300 | 0610009B22Rik | part_of | GO:0030008 | MGI:MGI:4834177|GO_REF:0000096 | ISO | UniProtKB:P0DI81 | C | RIKEN cDNA 0610009B22 gene | NaN | protein | taxon:10090 | 20170627 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
14 | MGI | MGI:1913300 | 0610009B22Rik | located_in | GO:0043231 | MGI:MGI:4834177|GO_REF:0000096 | ISO | UniProtKB:P0DI81 | C | RIKEN cDNA 0610009B22 gene | NaN | protein | taxon:10090 | 20151016 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
15 | MGI | MGI:1913300 | 0610009B22Rik | enables | GO:0044325 | MGI:MGI:4834177|GO_REF:0000096 | ISO | UniProtKB:P0DI81 | F | RIKEN cDNA 0610009B22 gene | NaN | protein | taxon:10090 | 20130215 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
16 | MGI | MGI:1913300 | 0610009B22Rik | located_in | GO:0048471 | MGI:MGI:4834177|GO_REF:0000096 | ISO | UniProtKB:P0DI81 | C | RIKEN cDNA 0610009B22 gene | NaN | protein | taxon:10090 | 20130215 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
17 | MGI | MGI:3698435 | 0610009E02Rik | enables | GO:0003674 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | F | RIKEN cDNA 0610009E02 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20100209 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
18 | MGI | MGI:3698435 | 0610009E02Rik | is_active_in | GO:0005575 | MGI:MGI:2156816|GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | C | RIKEN cDNA 0610009E02 gene | NaN | gene | taxon:10090 | 20100209 | MGI | NaN | NaN |
COMMON = "common"
UNIQUE1 = "unique1"
UNIQUE2 = "unique2"
def old_compare_gene_dfs(gene, df1, df2, preds=None):
terms1 = set(df1[TERM])
terms2 = set(df2[TERM])
closure1 = set(list(go.ancestors(list(terms1), preds)))
closure2 = set(list(go.ancestors(list(terms2), preds)))
nr_closure1 = set(filter_redundant(go, closure1, preds))
nr_closure2 = set(filter_redundant(go, closure2, preds))
unique1 = nr_closure1.difference(nr_closure2)
unique2 = nr_closure2.difference(nr_closure1)
return {GENE: gene, UNIQUE1: unique1, UNIQUE2: unique2}
def old_compare_gaf_dfs(df1, df2, preds=[IS_A, PART_OF]):
genes1 = set(df1[GENE])
genes2 = set(df2[GENE])
objs = []
for gene in genes1.union(genes2):
subdf1 = df1.query(f"{GENE} == '{gene}'")
subdf2 = df2.query(f"{GENE} == '{gene}'")
for obj in compare_gene_dfs(gene, subdf1, subdf2, preds):
return pd.DataFrame(objs)
compare_gaf_dfs(df1, df2, preds=[IS_A, PART_OF])
0 | |
0 | local_id |
1 | unique1 |
2 | unique2 |
3 | local_id |
4 | unique1 |
5 | unique2 |
6 | local_id |
7 | unique1 |
8 | unique2 |
9 | local_id |
10 | unique1 |
11 | unique2 |
12 | local_id |
13 | unique1 |
14 | unique2 |
Function to analyze contribution
def df2assocs(df):
# TODO: why not use GAF adapter?
for _, row in df.iterrows():
yield Association(subject=row[GENE], object=row[TERM])
def compare_gaf_dfs(df1, df2, preds=[IS_A, PART_OF]):
Perform an association diff between two GAF DataFrames
assocs1 = list(df2assocs(df1))
assocs2 = list(df2assocs(df2))
differ = AssociationDiffer(go)
objs = []
for ch in differ.calculate_change_objects(assocs1, assocs2, preds):
return pd.DataFrame(objs).dropna(axis=1, how='all')
compare_gaf_dfs(df1, df2, preds=[IS_A, PART_OF])
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[10], line 18
15 objs.append(ch)
16 return pd.DataFrame(objs).dropna(axis=1, how='all')
---> 18 compare_gaf_dfs(df1, df2, preds=[IS_A, PART_OF])
NameError: name 'df1' is not defined
Human GAF analysis
!mkdir -p input
!curl -L -s | gzip -dc > input/goa_human.gaf
!head input/goa_human.gaf
!gaf-version: 2.2
!generated-by: GOC
!date-generated: 2023-04-02T12:17
!Header from source association file:
!generated-by: GOC
df = gaf2df("input/goa_human.gaf")
/var/folders/nc/m4tx21912kv1b8nk3zzx9plr0000gn/T/ipykernel_46260/ DtypeWarning: Columns (15) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
df = pd.read_csv(path, sep="\t", comment="!", names=[c.value for c in GafAssociationColumns])
db | local_id | db_object_symbol | qualifiers | ontology_class_ref | supporting_references | evidence_type | with_or_from | aspect | db_object_name | db_object_synonyms | db_object_type | db_object_taxon | annotation_date | assigned_by | annotation_extensions | gene_product_form | |
0 | UniProtKB | A0A024RBG1 | NUDT4B | enables | GO:0003723 | GO_REF:0000043 | IEA | UniProtKB-KW:KW-0694 | F | Diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrola... | NUDT4B | protein | taxon:9606 | 20230306 | UniProt | NaN | NaN |
1 | UniProtKB | A0A024RBG1 | NUDT4B | enables | GO:0046872 | GO_REF:0000043 | IEA | UniProtKB-KW:KW-0479 | F | Diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrola... | NUDT4B | protein | taxon:9606 | 20230306 | UniProt | NaN | NaN |
2 | UniProtKB | A0A024RBG1 | NUDT4B | located_in | GO:0005829 | GO_REF:0000052 | IDA | NaN | C | Diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrola... | NUDT4B | protein | taxon:9606 | 20161204 | HPA | NaN | NaN |
3 | UniProtKB | A0A075B6H7 | IGKV3-7 | involved_in | GO:0002250 | GO_REF:0000043 | IEA | UniProtKB-KW:KW-1064 | P | Probable non-functional immunoglobulin kappa v... | IGKV3-7 | protein | taxon:9606 | 20230306 | UniProt | NaN | NaN |
4 | UniProtKB | A0A075B6H7 | IGKV3-7 | located_in | GO:0005886 | GO_REF:0000044 | IEA | UniProtKB-SubCell:SL-0039 | C | Probable non-functional immunoglobulin kappa v... | IGKV3-7 | protein | taxon:9606 | 20230306 | UniProt | NaN | NaN |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
630736 | UniProtKB | P35580 | MYH10 | involved_in | GO:0031032 | PMID:21873635 | IBA | PANTHER:PTN002897265|UniProtKB:P35580|MGI:MGI:... | P | Myosin-10 | MYH10 | protein | taxon:9606 | 20220223 | GO_Central | NaN | NaN |
630737 | UniProtKB | Q10472 | GALNT1 | involved_in | GO:0006493 | PMID:21873635 | IBA | PANTHER:PTN004287905|WB:WBGene00001630|UniProt... | P | Polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 | GALNT1 | protein | taxon:9606 | 20230110 | GO_Central | NaN | NaN |
630738 | UniProtKB | Q6NXT2 | H3-5 | is_active_in | GO:0005634 | PMID:21873635 | IBA | PANTHER:PTN008517671|dictyBase:DDB_G0271092|Un... | C | Histone H3.3C | H3-5|H3F3C | protein | taxon:9606 | 20230110 | GO_Central | NaN | NaN |
630739 | UniProtKB | Q9NS87 | KIF15 | is_active_in | GO:0005874 | PMID:21873635 | IBA | PANTHER:PTN000648413|UniProtKB:C8V3Q8|UniProtK... | C | Kinesin-like protein KIF15 | KIF15|KLP2|KNSL7 | protein | taxon:9606 | 20230111 | GO_Central | NaN | NaN |
630740 | UniProtKB | P01889 | HLA-B | is_active_in | GO:0005615 | PMID:21873635 | IBA | PANTHER:PTN002703355|UniProtKB:Q30201|UniProtK... | C | HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, B alph... | HLA-B|HLAB | protein | taxon:9606 | 20181121 | GO_Central | NaN | NaN |
630741 rows × 17 columns
iea = df.query("evidence_type == 'IEA'")
db | local_id | db_object_symbol | qualifiers | ontology_class_ref | evidence_type | with_or_from | aspect | db_object_name | db_object_synonyms | db_object_type | db_object_taxon | annotation_date | assigned_by | annotation_extensions | gene_product_form | |
supporting_references | ||||||||||||||||
GO_REF:0000002 | 6331 | 6331 | 6331 | 6331 | 6331 | 6331 | 6331 | 6331 | 6331 | 6321 | 6331 | 6331 | 6331 | 6331 | 0 | 0 |
GO_REF:0000003 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 1052 | 0 | 0 |
GO_REF:0000041 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 738 | 0 | 0 |
GO_REF:0000043 | 13433 | 13433 | 13433 | 13433 | 13433 | 13433 | 13433 | 13433 | 13433 | 13418 | 13433 | 13433 | 13433 | 13433 | 0 | 0 |
GO_REF:0000044 | 8086 | 8086 | 8086 | 8086 | 8086 | 8086 | 8086 | 8086 | 8086 | 8073 | 8086 | 8086 | 8086 | 8086 | 0 | 0 |
GO_REF:0000104 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 199 | 0 | 0 |
GO_REF:0000107 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 39108 | 0 | 0 |
GO_REF:0000108 | 3680 | 3680 | 3680 | 3680 | 3680 | 3680 | 3680 | 3680 | 3680 | 3678 | 3680 | 3680 | 3680 | 3680 | 0 | 0 |
GO_REF:0000116 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 1147 | 0 | 0 |
GO_REF:0000117 | 214 | 214 | 214 | 214 | 214 | 214 | 214 | 214 | 214 | 213 | 214 | 214 | 214 | 214 | 0 | 0 |
Fetch all GOREFs
gorefs = set(iea['supporting_references'])
def add_labels(df):
Annotate Diff DataFrame with labels for the objects that are "lost"
df["old_object_label"] = df.apply(lambda row: go.label(row["old_object"]), axis=1)
def analyze_iea(df, ref):
Simulate deleting the IEAs with the stated reference.
df_minus = df.query(f'supporting_references != "{ref}"')
return compare_gaf_dfs(df, df_minus)
rhea = analyze_iea(df, "GO_REF:0000116")
publications | subject | old_object | old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_predicates | closure_delta | old_object_label | |
0 | [] | P22612 | GO:0106310 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | protein serine kinase activity |
1 | [] | Q9Y3S1 | GO:0106310 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | protein serine kinase activity |
2 | [] | Q9NUU7 | GO:0016887 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | ATP hydrolysis activity |
3 | [] | Q16584 | GO:0106310 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | protein serine kinase activity |
4 | [] | P17516 | GO:0047045 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | testosterone 17-beta-dehydrogenase (NADP+) act... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
720 | [] | Q5VST9 | GO:0106310 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | protein serine kinase activity |
721 | [] | O43293 | GO:0106310 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | protein serine kinase activity |
722 | [] | Q9H2U1 | GO:0016887 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | ATP hydrolysis activity |
723 | [] | Q6DHV7 | GO:0062154 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | N6-methyl-AMP deaminase activity |
724 | [] | Q5TCX8 | GO:0106310 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | protein serine kinase activity |
725 rows × 8 columns
lbl = ['old_object', 'old_object_label']
old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_delta | ||
old_object | old_object_label | |||
GO:0002083 | 4-hydroxybenzoate decaprenyltransferase activity | 0.0 | 1.0 | -2.0 |
GO:0003924 | GTPase activity | 0.0 | 1.0 | -5.0 |
GO:0003954 | NADH dehydrogenase activity | 0.0 | 1.0 | -1.0 |
GO:0004052 | arachidonate 12(S)-lipoxygenase activity | 0.0 | 1.0 | -1.0 |
GO:0004115 | 3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase activity | 0.0 | 1.0 | -2.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
GO:0140947 | histone H3K9me2 methyltransferase activity | 0.0 | 1.0 | -1.0 |
GO:0140948 | histone H3K9 monomethyltransferase activity | 0.0 | 1.0 | -1.0 |
GO:1901480 | oleate transmembrane transporter activity | 0.0 | 1.0 | -1.0 |
GO:1990002 | methylglyoxal reductase (NADPH-dependent, acetol producing) | 0.0 | 1.0 | -1.0 |
GO:1990362 | butanol dehydrogenase activity | 0.0 | 1.0 | -1.0 |
153 rows × 3 columns
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 1000)
old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_delta | ||
old_object | old_object_label | |||
GO:0016279 | protein-lysine N-methyltransferase activity | False | True | -10 |
GO:0140933 | 5'-(N(7)-methylguanosine 5'-triphospho)-[mRNA] hydrolase activity | False | True | -9 |
GO:0016887 | ATP hydrolysis activity | False | True | -7 |
GO:0003924 | GTPase activity | False | True | -7 |
GO:0052665 | tRNA (uracil-2'-O-)-methyltransferase activity | False | True | -4 |
GO:0036134 | 12-hydroxyheptadecatrienoic acid synthase activity | False | True | -4 |
GO:0004713 | protein tyrosine kinase activity | False | True | -4 |
GO:0090555 | phosphatidylethanolamine flippase activity | False | True | -4 |
GO:0097023 | fructose 6-phosphate aldolase activity | False | True | -4 |
GO:0004165 | delta(3)-delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity | False | True | -4 |
GO:0106294 | NADPH oxidase H202-forming activity | False | True | -4 |
GO:0090556 | phosphatidylserine floppase activity | False | True | -3 |
GO:0047748 | cholestanetetraol 26-dehydrogenase activity | False | True | -3 |
GO:0016290 | palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase activity | False | True | -3 |
GO:0004722 | protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity | False | True | -3 |
GO:0004115 | 3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase activity | False | True | -3 |
GO:0140567 | membrane protein dislocase activity | False | True | -3 |
GO:0047045 | testosterone 17-beta-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity | False | True | -3 |
GO:0008458 | carnitine O-octanoyltransferase activity | False | True | -3 |
GO:0102391 | decanoate-CoA ligase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0047956 | glycerol dehydrogenase [NADP+] activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0062189 | anandamide 14,15 epoxidase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0043262 | ADP phosphatase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0106347 | U2 snRNA 2'-O-methyladenosine m6 methyltransferase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0042054 | histone methyltransferase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0034485 | phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0047451 | (3R)-3-hydroxyoctanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0043759 | methylbutanoate-CoA ligase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0106156 | peptidyl-lysine 4-dioxygenase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0044594 | 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0047376 | all-trans-retinyl-palmitate hydrolase, all-trans-retinol forming activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0106364 | 4-hydroxy-3-all-trans-hexaprenylbenzoate oxygenase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0034480 | phosphatidylcholine phospholipase C activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0002083 | 4-hydroxybenzoate decaprenyltransferase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0047035 | testosterone dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0062188 | anandamide 11,12 epoxidase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0062187 | anandamide 8,9 epoxidase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0090554 | phosphatidylcholine floppase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0004317 | (3R)-hydroxypalmitoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0051922 | cholesterol sulfotransferase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0004439 | phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 5-phosphatase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0016312 | inositol bisphosphate phosphatase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0052848 | inositol-3,5-bisdiphosphate-2,3,4,6-tetrakisphosphate 5-diphosphatase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0015417 | ABC-type polyamine transporter activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0008106 | alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0052845 | inositol-5-diphosphate-1,2,3,4,6-pentakisphosphate diphosphatase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0008970 | phospholipase A1 activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0019705 | protein-cysteine S-myristoyltransferase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0008693 | (3R)-3-hydroxydecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase activity | False | True | -2 |
GO:0106009 | (4S)-4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0102336 | 3-oxo-arachidoyl-CoA synthase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0103026 | fructose-1-phosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0098606 | selenocystathionine gamma-lyase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0102991 | myristoyl-CoA hydrolase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0102662 | malonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating, NAD+) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0102354 | 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0102149 | farnesylcysteine lyase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0102175 | 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/C4-decarboxylase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0102338 | 3-oxo-lignoceronyl-CoA synthase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0102337 | 3-oxo-cerotoyl-CoA synthase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106008 | 2-oxoglutaramate amidase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0097383 | dIDP phosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106375 | deoxynucleoside triphosphate hydrolase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106237 | arachidonate 12(R)-lipoxygenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:1901480 | oleate transmembrane transporter activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140948 | histone H3K9 monomethyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140947 | histone H3K9me2 methyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140945 | histone H3K4 monomethyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140944 | histone H4K20 monomethyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140943 | histone H4K20 trimethyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140941 | histone H4K20me methyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140818 | mRNA 5'-phosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140804 | NAD+- protein-lysine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140803 | NAD+- protein-cysteine ADP-ribosyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140683 | histone H3K9me/H3K9me2 demethylase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140562 | EGF-domain serine xylosyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140561 | EGF-domain serine glucosyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106226 | peptide 2-hydroxyisobutyryltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0140439 | protein-cysteine S-stearoyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0120243 | 2-iminopropanoate deaminase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0120092 | crotonyl-CoA hydratase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0110153 | RNA NAD-cap (NMN-forming) hydrolase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106433 | O6-methyl-dGTP hydrolase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106431 | N6-methyl-(d)ATP hydrolase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106399 | acyl-coenzyme A diphosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106386 | (3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (NAD) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106376 | 2-hydroxyphytanoyl-CoA lyase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106329 | L-phenylalaine oxidase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106313 | methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase NADPH activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106310 | protein serine kinase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106301 | arachidonic acid 5,6-epoxygenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0106293 | NADH oxidase H202-forming activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0120298 | peptide noradrenalinyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0080079 | cellobiose glucosidase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047982 | homocysteine desulfhydrase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0070251 | pristanate-CoA ligase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0036220 | ITP diphosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0036219 | GTP diphosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0036218 | dTTP diphosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0036130 | prostaglandin H2 endoperoxidase reductase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0035870 | dITP diphosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0035242 | protein-arginine omega-N asymmetric methyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0035241 | protein-arginine omega-N monomethyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0033779 | 5beta-cholestane-3alpha,7alpha-diol 12alpha-hydroxylase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0033703 | 3beta-hydroxy-5beta-steroid dehydrogenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0031956 | medium-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0018820 | cyanamide hydratase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0016617 | 4-oxoproline reductase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0010308 | acireductone dioxygenase (Ni2+-requiring) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0008983 | protein-glutamate O-methyltransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0008753 | NADPH dehydrogenase (quinone) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0008405 | arachidonic acid 11,12-epoxygenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0008404 | arachidonic acid 14,15-epoxygenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0004806 | triglyceride lipase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0004745 | NAD-retinol dehydrogenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0004427 | inorganic diphosphate phosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0004354 | glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0004336 | galactosylceramidase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0004180 | carboxypeptidase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0004052 | arachidonate 12(S)-lipoxygenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0003954 | NADH dehydrogenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0036221 | UTP diphosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0072582 | 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0036222 | XTP diphosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0036430 | CMP kinase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0062184 | testosterone 16-beta-hydroxylase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0062183 | all-trans retinoic acid 18-hydroxylase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0062182 | all-trans retinoic acid 4-hydrolase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0062154 | N6-methyl-AMP deaminase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0052596 | phenethylamine:oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0052595 | aliphatic amine oxidase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0050213 | progesterone 5-alpha-reductase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0050048 | L-leucine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047995 | hydroxyphenylpyruvate reductase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:1990002 | methylglyoxal reductase (NADPH-dependent, acetol producing) | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047975 | guanosine phosphorylase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047935 | glucose 1-dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0036403 | arachidonate 8(S)-lipoxygenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047934 | glucose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047844 | deoxycytidine deaminase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047693 | ATP diphosphatase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047638 | albendazole monooxygenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047555 | 3',5'-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047378 | acetylalkylglycerol acetylhydrolase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047022 | 7-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (NADP+) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0046899 | nucleoside triphosphate adenylate kinase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0043956 | 3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0043878 | glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) (non-phosphorylating) activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0043273 | CTPase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0036431 | dCMP kinase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0047931 | glucosamine kinase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:1990362 | butanol dehydrogenase activity | False | True | -1 |
GO:0016937 | short-chain-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity | False | True | 0 |
rhea.groupby("subject").count().query("publications > 3")
publications | old_object | old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_predicates | closure_delta | old_object_label | |
subject | |||||||
P22413 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
rhea.query("subject == 'P22413'")
publications | subject | old_object | old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_predicates | closure_delta | old_object_label | |
483 | [] | P22413 | GO:0036221 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | UTP diphosphatase activity |
484 | [] | P22413 | GO:0004115 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | 3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase activity |
485 | [] | P22413 | GO:0036219 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GTP diphosphatase activity |
486 | [] | P22413 | GO:0047693 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | ATP diphosphatase activity |
closure_delta -1341
dtype: int64
arba = analyze_iea(df, "GO_REF:0000117")
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 10)
publications | subject | old_object | old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_predicates | closure_delta | old_object_label | |
0 | [] | Q96JM4 | GO:0009966 | None | True | [] | -10 | regulation of signal transduction |
1 | [] | Q96MZ0 | GO:0005737 | None | True | [] | -15 | cytoplasm |
2 | [] | P37275 | GO:0044271 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process |
3 | [] | Q8TC17 | GO:0005737 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -15 | cytoplasm |
4 | [] | Q9Y5H1 | GO:0007399 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | nervous system development |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
207 | [] | P32745 | GO:0007187 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway, ... |
208 | [] | P32745 | GO:0008285 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | negative regulation of cell population prolife... |
209 | [] | P29144 | GO:0006508 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | proteolysis |
210 | [] | Q9Y5G2 | GO:0007399 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | nervous system development |
211 | [] | Q5TH69 | GO:0005794 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | Golgi apparatus |
212 rows × 8 columns
closure_delta -1252
dtype: int64
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 1000)
is_deletion | closure_delta | ||
old_object | old_object_label | ||
GO:0045892 | negative regulation of DNA-templated transcription | True | -31 |
GO:0022625 | cytosolic large ribosomal subunit | True | -28 |
GO:0005783 | endoplasmic reticulum | True | -21 |
GO:0005634 | nucleus | True | -19 |
GO:0043162 | ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process via the multivesicular body sorting pathway | True | -18 |
GO:0007080 | mitotic metaphase plate congression | True | -18 |
GO:0006470 | protein dephosphorylation | True | -16 |
GO:1901673 | regulation of mitotic spindle assembly | True | -16 |
GO:0005737 | cytoplasm | True | -15 |
GO:0032434 | regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process | True | -14 |
GO:0006468 | protein phosphorylation | True | -14 |
GO:0005794 | Golgi apparatus | True | -14 |
GO:0016070 | RNA metabolic process | True | -14 |
GO:0046488 | phosphatidylinositol metabolic process | True | -14 |
GO:0001527 | microfibril | True | -13 |
GO:0015012 | heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process | True | -13 |
GO:0005828 | kinetochore microtubule | True | -12 |
GO:0046761 | viral budding from plasma membrane | True | -12 |
GO:0098590 | plasma membrane region | True | -11 |
GO:0097352 | autophagosome maturation | True | -11 |
GO:0016925 | protein sumoylation | True | -11 |
GO:0061952 | midbody abscission | True | -11 |
GO:0009966 | regulation of signal transduction | True | -10 |
GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | True | -10 |
GO:0015229 | L-ascorbic acid transmembrane transporter activity | True | -10 |
GO:0031468 | nuclear membrane reassembly | True | -9 |
GO:0043229 | intracellular organelle | True | -9 |
GO:0000776 | kinetochore | True | -9 |
GO:0005930 | axoneme | True | -9 |
GO:0005125 | cytokine activity | True | -9 |
GO:0016020 | membrane | True | -8 |
GO:0006508 | proteolysis | True | -8 |
GO:0016567 | protein ubiquitination | True | -7 |
GO:0001778 | plasma membrane repair | True | -7 |
GO:0110165 | cellular anatomical entity | True | -7 |
GO:0007605 | sensory perception of sound | True | -7 |
GO:0008194 | UDP-glycosyltransferase activity | True | -7 |
GO:0060548 | negative regulation of cell death | True | -7 |
GO:0043565 | sequence-specific DNA binding | True | -6 |
GO:0005643 | nuclear pore | True | -6 |
GO:0006281 | DNA repair | True | -6 |
GO:0016311 | dephosphorylation | True | -6 |
GO:1904930 | amphisome membrane | True | -6 |
GO:0005765 | lysosomal membrane | True | -6 |
GO:0097729 | 9+2 motile cilium | True | -6 |
GO:0007399 | nervous system development | True | -6 |
GO:0009925 | basal plasma membrane | True | -5 |
GO:0039702 | viral budding via host ESCRT complex | True | -5 |
GO:0033554 | cellular response to stress | True | -5 |
GO:0033036 | macromolecule localization | True | -5 |
GO:0008757 | S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase activity | True | -5 |
GO:0046470 | phosphatidylcholine metabolic process | True | -5 |
GO:0005654 | nucleoplasm | True | -5 |
GO:0007606 | sensory perception of chemical stimulus | True | -5 |
GO:0048468 | cell development | True | -5 |
GO:0015250 | water channel activity | True | -4 |
GO:0008201 | heparin binding | True | -4 |
GO:0051128 | regulation of cellular component organization | True | -4 |
GO:0008285 | negative regulation of cell population proliferation | True | -4 |
GO:0005635 | nuclear envelope | True | -4 |
GO:0005789 | endoplasmic reticulum membrane | True | -4 |
GO:0048583 | regulation of response to stimulus | True | -4 |
GO:0031982 | vesicle | True | -3 |
GO:0071704 | organic substance metabolic process | True | -3 |
GO:0005764 | lysosome | True | -2 |
GO:0061459 | L-arginine transmembrane transporter activity | True | -2 |
GO:0097381 | photoreceptor disc membrane | True | -2 |
GO:0032585 | multivesicular body membrane | True | -2 |
GO:0006950 | response to stress | True | -2 |
GO:0032991 | protein-containing complex | True | -2 |
GO:0005829 | cytosol | True | -2 |
GO:0031640 | killing of cells of another organism | True | -2 |
GO:0031625 | ubiquitin protein ligase binding | True | -2 |
GO:1902774 | late endosome to lysosome transport | True | -2 |
GO:0042802 | identical protein binding | True | -2 |
GO:0008284 | positive regulation of cell population proliferation | True | -1 |
GO:0071705 | nitrogen compound transport | True | -1 |
GO:0071702 | organic substance transport | True | -1 |
GO:0019899 | enzyme binding | True | -1 |
GO:0005576 | extracellular region | True | -1 |
GO:0030496 | midbody | True | -1 |
GO:0031996 | thioesterase binding | True | -1 |
GO:0007187 | G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway, coupled to cyclic nucleotide second messenger | True | -1 |
GO:0016570 | histone modification | True | -1 |
GO:0007268 | chemical synaptic transmission | True | 0 |
GO:0044271 | cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process | True | 0 |
GO:0070098 | chemokine-mediated signaling pathway | True | 0 |
GO:0071805 | potassium ion transmembrane transport | True | 0 |
GO:0006351 | DNA-templated transcription | True | 0 |
GO:0007155 | cell adhesion | True | 0 |
GO:0006915 | apoptotic process | True | 0 |
GO:0007186 | G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway | True | 0 |
All IEAs
# this takes some time....
dfs_by_ref = {}
for goref in gorefs:
dfs_by_ref[goref] = analyze_iea(df, goref)
for k, df in dfs_by_ref.items():
df["method"] = k
publications | subject | old_object | old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_predicates | closure_delta | method | |
0 | [] | Q53EU6 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
1 | [] | Q5VZY2 | GO:0006644 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
2 | [] | P10632 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 |
3 | [] | Q9NXB9 | GO:0006636 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
4 | [] | Q969V5 | GO:0016925 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
5 | [] | Q9P2W7 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
6 | [] | A6NK59 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
7 | [] | Q9H1B5 | GO:0030206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
8 | [] | Q693B1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
9 | [] | O60927 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
10 | [] | Q8WV16 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
11 | [] | Q9UK23 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -11 | GO_REF:0000041 |
12 | [] | Q9HAY6 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
13 | [] | P30038 | GO:0010133 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
14 | [] | P20815 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
15 | [] | P11172 | GO:0044205 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
16 | [] | Q9H920 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
17 | [] | Q8N9I9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
18 | [] | Q8TD30 | GO:0042853 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
19 | [] | P43304 | GO:0019563 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 |
20 | [] | Q8WXH6 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
21 | [] | Q9NQC1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
22 | [] | Q15370 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
23 | [] | P22557 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
24 | [] | P08243 | GO:0070981 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
25 | [] | P36957 | GO:0033512 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -21 | GO_REF:0000041 |
26 | [] | P13716 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
27 | [] | P47895 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 |
28 | [] | Q9NWM0 | GO:0046208 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
29 | [] | Q8N7A1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
30 | [] | Q4G0X4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
31 | [] | P33908 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
32 | [] | Q8WXK1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
33 | [] | O00635 | GO:0016925 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
34 | [] | Q9UI17 | GO:0006579 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
35 | [] | Q9BQ90 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
36 | [] | P48448 | GO:0006068 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
37 | [] | Q12834 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
38 | [] | Q13011 | GO:0006635 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -28 | GO_REF:0000041 |
39 | [] | P08397 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
40 | [] | P30566 | GO:0006189 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
41 | [] | Q96NS5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
42 | [] | A6NNE9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
43 | [] | Q8NEB5 | GO:0006644 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
44 | [] | P06132 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
45 | [] | P32189 | GO:0019563 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
46 | [] | Q86XS8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
47 | [] | Q9BSK4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
48 | [] | P00352 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
49 | [] | Q9Y315 | GO:0046386 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
50 | [] | P04181 | GO:0055129 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -16 | GO_REF:0000041 |
51 | [] | Q6UWP2 | GO:0006703 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
52 | [] | P24462 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
53 | [] | Q92781 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 |
54 | [] | Q15751 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -11 | GO_REF:0000041 |
55 | [] | Q9NRJ4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
56 | [] | Q92624 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
57 | [] | Q9BY49 | GO:0006633 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 |
58 | [] | Q96M94 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
59 | [] | Q96N76 | GO:0019556 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
60 | [] | Q96N76 | GO:0019557 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
61 | [] | Q6UWP7 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
62 | [] | Q9NXF7 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
63 | [] | Q9BR09 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
64 | [] | Q8NBN7 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000041 |
65 | [] | Q6GTS8 | GO:0006631 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
66 | [] | Q9H1B7 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
67 | [] | Q5VVX9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
68 | [] | P55263 | GO:0044209 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
69 | [] | Q9NP56 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
70 | [] | P20132 | GO:0006094 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
71 | [] | Q02127 | GO:0044205 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -11 | GO_REF:0000041 |
72 | [] | Q5QP82 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
73 | [] | Q99943 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
74 | [] | Q9Y4D8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
75 | [] | Q16394 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
76 | [] | Q7L273 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
77 | [] | P49189 | GO:0045329 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
78 | [] | P11086 | GO:0042418 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
79 | [] | Q9UKT4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
80 | [] | P50416 | GO:0006635 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 |
81 | [] | P0C0E4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
82 | [] | P13196 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
83 | [] | Q8N5D6 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
84 | [] | Q8IUQ4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
85 | [] | Q9BUZ4 | GO:0043161 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
86 | [] | Q8TCG5 | GO:0006635 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 |
87 | [] | Q99618 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
88 | [] | Q9NSE2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
89 | [] | Q9BXS1 | GO:0050992 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
90 | [] | P14324 | GO:0033384 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
91 | [] | Q9GZR1 | GO:0016925 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
92 | [] | Q6TDP4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
93 | [] | Q99685 | GO:0019433 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
94 | [] | O15524 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
95 | [] | Q8TEB1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
96 | [] | O60909 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -17 | GO_REF:0000041 |
97 | [] | O76074 | GO:0046069 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
98 | [] | P21673 | GO:0009447 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
99 | [] | O15120 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
100 | [] | Q9NWW6 | GO:0009435 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -18 | GO_REF:0000041 |
101 | [] | Q8TBB1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
102 | [] | Q8WYK0 | GO:0006631 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
103 | [] | Q9H672 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
104 | [] | O95749 | GO:0033384 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 |
105 | [] | O95749 | GO:0033386 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 |
106 | [] | O95749 | GO:0045337 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 |
107 | [] | Q8TB52 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
108 | [] | Q9Y4B6 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
109 | [] | P04424 | GO:0000050 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
110 | [] | P23109 | GO:0032264 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
111 | [] | Q9Y575 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
112 | [] | Q5H9S7 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
113 | [] | O95803 | GO:0030210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
114 | [] | P49675 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
115 | [] | Q9NRF8 | GO:0044210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
116 | [] | Q8NCN4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
117 | [] | Q01432 | GO:0032264 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
118 | [] | Q86XP0 | GO:0006631 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
119 | [] | Q96EH8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
120 | [] | Q06203 | GO:0006189 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
121 | [] | Q16831 | GO:0044206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -29 | GO_REF:0000041 |
122 | [] | Q16719 | GO:0097053 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
123 | [] | Q9H0C5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
124 | [] | O14508 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
125 | [] | Q6YFQ2 | GO:0006119 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
126 | [] | Q8TBF5 | GO:0006506 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
127 | [] | Q13907 | GO:0050992 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
128 | [] | Q02928 | GO:0031408 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
129 | [] | Q8TEB7 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
130 | [] | P05089 | GO:0000050 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 |
131 | [] | Q8N5Z0 | GO:0033512 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -40 | GO_REF:0000041 |
132 | [] | Q8NHY2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
133 | [] | P49641 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
134 | [] | P10746 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
135 | [] | A8MWK0 | GO:0006636 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -20 | GO_REF:0000041 |
136 | [] | Q9H2A2 | GO:0097053 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -23 | GO_REF:0000041 |
137 | [] | Q8WXH5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
138 | [] | O43255 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
139 | [] | Q9NRZ7 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
140 | [] | Q5XUX0 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
141 | [] | Q9UKM7 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
142 | [] | P37058 | GO:0061370 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
143 | [] | O00763 | GO:2001295 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -24 | GO_REF:0000041 |
144 | [] | Q5T197 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
145 | [] | O14543 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
146 | [] | Q14409 | GO:0019563 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
147 | [] | Q9HBH5 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000041 |
148 | [] | Q16706 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
149 | [] | P52849 | GO:0030210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
150 | [] | O14732 | GO:0006021 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
151 | [] | Q9H477 | GO:0019303 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 |
152 | [] | Q12882 | GO:0019483 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 |
153 | [] | Q5XPI4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
154 | [] | Q96NU7 | GO:0019556 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
155 | [] | Q96NU7 | GO:0019557 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
156 | [] | P78540 | GO:0000050 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
157 | [] | Q96S21 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
158 | [] | P22570 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
159 | [] | Q8IY47 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
160 | [] | O60513 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
161 | [] | Q6P050 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
162 | [] | Q86WB0 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
163 | [] | Q13946 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
164 | [] | Q9UDR5 | GO:0033512 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -25 | GO_REF:0000041 |
165 | [] | Q01433 | GO:0032264 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
166 | [] | Q9H3R1 | GO:0030210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
167 | [] | Q08499 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
168 | [] | Q9UK99 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
169 | [] | P50336 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
170 | [] | Q9NXK8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
171 | [] | Q9NV06 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
172 | [] | Q5T6F0 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
173 | [] | Q9NPZ5 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
174 | [] | Q6ZS86 | GO:0019563 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
175 | [] | Q8IWU9 | GO:0042427 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -21 | GO_REF:0000041 |
176 | [] | Q14410 | GO:0019563 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
177 | [] | P04818 | GO:0006235 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
178 | [] | Q8IWR1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
179 | [] | O60512 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 |
180 | [] | P42357 | GO:0019556 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
181 | [] | P42357 | GO:0019557 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
182 | [] | Q9NRD1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
183 | [] | Q9NYL5 | GO:0006707 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
184 | [] | O75159 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
185 | [] | Q9UJV3 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
186 | [] | Q9NUQ2 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
187 | [] | P16442 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -16 | GO_REF:0000041 |
188 | [] | Q9UBQ6 | GO:0015012 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -16 | GO_REF:0000041 |
189 | [] | P33260 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 |
190 | [] | P61962 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
191 | [] | Q9UHE5 | GO:0006749 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
192 | [] | Q86Y38 | GO:0030206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
193 | [] | P08684 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
194 | [] | Q8WXK3 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
195 | [] | Q92935 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
196 | [] | Q9BSL1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
197 | [] | Q8N806 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
198 | [] | Q6PID8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
199 | [] | O14512 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
200 | [] | P54886 | GO:0055129 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
201 | [] | Q9NPI5 | GO:0009435 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -18 | GO_REF:0000041 |
202 | [] | Q9HB03 | GO:0006636 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
203 | [] | Q7Z6M2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
204 | [] | Q8NC69 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
205 | [] | Q6ZNI0 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -21 | GO_REF:0000041 |
206 | [] | P20711 | GO:0042416 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
207 | [] | Q8TBE9 | GO:0006045 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 |
208 | [] | Q66K89 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
209 | [] | Q9BZQ6 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
210 | [] | Q495W5 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -18 | GO_REF:0000041 |
211 | [] | O95954 | GO:0019556 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -24 | GO_REF:0000041 |
212 | [] | O95954 | GO:0019557 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -25 | GO_REF:0000041 |
213 | [] | P11712 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
214 | [] | Q6P3W2 | GO:0017183 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -33 | GO_REF:0000041 |
215 | [] | Q8WXJ9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
216 | [] | Q7L622 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
217 | [] | Q8N4N3 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
218 | [] | O60218 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000041 |
219 | [] | Q12829 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
220 | [] | Q9NWZ5 | GO:0044206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 |
221 | [] | Q9NWZ5 | GO:0044211 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 |
222 | [] | P05091 | GO:0006068 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
223 | [] | Q13825 | GO:0006552 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -11 | GO_REF:0000041 |
224 | [] | Q6PJ21 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
225 | [] | Q93088 | GO:0006579 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
226 | [] | P24298 | GO:0042853 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -26 | GO_REF:0000041 |
227 | [] | Q96L58 | GO:0030206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 |
228 | [] | Q96L58 | GO:0015012 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
229 | [] | Q8N5D0 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
230 | [] | Q96JK2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
231 | [] | Q9HBI6 | GO:0031408 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
232 | [] | Q5T4S7 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
233 | [] | P27815 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
234 | [] | Q8NE62 | GO:0019285 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -15 | GO_REF:0000041 |
235 | [] | Q03393 | GO:0006729 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -25 | GO_REF:0000041 |
236 | [] | Q96JP0 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
237 | [] | Q8NEA9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
238 | [] | Q9NWX5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
239 | [] | Q6JEL2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
240 | [] | Q92947 | GO:0006568 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
241 | [] | Q53H12 | GO:0046486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
242 | [] | Q5TAQ9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
243 | [] | Q05516 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
244 | [] | Q9UK73 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
245 | [] | Q96L50 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
246 | [] | P30837 | GO:0006068 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
247 | [] | Q9UKU7 | GO:0006574 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -23 | GO_REF:0000041 |
248 | [] | Q9UJM8 | GO:0006545 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -17 | GO_REF:0000041 |
249 | [] | Q5VXH4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
250 | [] | Q6IQ16 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
251 | [] | Q9Y2T3 | GO:0006147 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
252 | [] | Q9HCL2 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
253 | [] | A5PLL7 | GO:0006631 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
254 | [] | Q15345 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
255 | [] | P17812 | GO:0044210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
256 | [] | Q9Y223 | GO:0006045 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 |
257 | [] | P10635 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
258 | [] | Q07343 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
259 | [] | P00439 | GO:0006559 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -16 | GO_REF:0000041 |
260 | [] | Q9H9P5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
261 | [] | P32754 | GO:0006559 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
262 | [] | P46019 | GO:0005977 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
263 | [] | O94766 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
264 | [] | Q4G163 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
265 | [] | P31350 | GO:0006260 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 |
266 | [] | Q9Y5Q0 | GO:0006665 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 |
267 | [] | O60658 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
268 | [] | Q9Y2U9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
269 | [] | Q53GQ0 | GO:0006703 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
270 | [] | Q53GQ0 | GO:0006633 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -11 | GO_REF:0000041 |
271 | [] | C9JR72 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
272 | [] | Q9H765 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
273 | [] | Q6NUI2 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
274 | [] | Q08493 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
275 | [] | Q08477 | GO:0019369 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
276 | [] | O95045 | GO:0044206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -35 | GO_REF:0000041 |
277 | [] | O94788 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 |
278 | [] | Q8WWF5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
279 | [] | P52848 | GO:0030210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
280 | [] | Q8N9L9 | GO:0006633 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
281 | [] | Q92523 | GO:0006635 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 |
282 | [] | A8MQ27 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
283 | [] | Q86UL3 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
284 | [] | Q8NFW8 | GO:0006054 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -15 | GO_REF:0000041 |
285 | [] | Q9C026 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
286 | [] | Q9Y233 | GO:0046069 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
287 | [] | Q9Y233 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
288 | [] | Q86YJ5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
289 | [] | Q9NRZ5 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
290 | [] | Q13191 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
291 | [] | P43353 | GO:0006068 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
292 | [] | P46020 | GO:0005977 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
293 | [] | P0DUQ2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
294 | [] | Q6YP21 | GO:0097053 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
295 | [] | Q93100 | GO:0005977 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
296 | [] | Q58WW2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
297 | [] | Q9P2E8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
298 | [] | Q6ZVZ8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
299 | [] | Q8NDV1 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
300 | [] | Q96G25 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
301 | [] | P05177 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 |
302 | [] | Q9H832 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
303 | [] | Q13085 | GO:2001295 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
304 | [] | Q96K19 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
305 | [] | Q9NPC3 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 |
306 | [] | Q5T447 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
307 | [] | O95263 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 |
308 | [] | O60476 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 |
309 | [] | O95864 | GO:0006636 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 |
310 | [] | Q9UBX8 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 |
311 | [] | P30793 | GO:0035998 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 |
312 | [] | P29218 | GO:0006021 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
313 | [] | Q9UL01 | GO:0030206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 |
314 | [] | Q9UL01 | GO:0015012 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
315 | [] | O14544 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
316 | [] | Q9NYP7 | GO:0006636 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
317 | [] | Q16773 | GO:0097053 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
318 | [] | P49419 | GO:0019285 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
319 | [] | Q8NA82 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 |
320 | [] | P48637 | GO:0006750 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000041 |
321 | [] | P41226 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 |
322 | [] | Q8WXI3 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 |
323 | [] | Q8NC42 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 |
[ ]:
mega_df = pd.DataFrame()
for df in dfs_by_ref.values():
/var/folders/nc/m4tx21912kv1b8nk3zzx9plr0000gn/T/ipykernel_40496/ FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Use pandas.concat instead.
mega_df = pd.concat(dfs_by_ref.values())
publications | subject | old_object | old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_predicates | closure_delta | method | |
0 | [] | Q5VVH2 | GO:0003755 | None | True | [] | -8 | GO_REF:0000003 |
1 | [] | Q53EU6 | GO:0102420 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000003 |
2 | [] | O95237 | GO:0102279 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000003 |
3 | [] | P22612 | GO:0004679 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000003 |
4 | [] | P17516 | GO:0035410 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000003 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
13324 | [] | Q8N3I7 | GO:0050896 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000043 |
13325 | [] | O15067 | GO:0005524 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -16 | GO_REF:0000043 |
13326 | [] | O15067 | GO:0046872 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000043 |
13327 | [] | A1L3X4 | GO:0046872 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000043 |
13328 | [] | P32881 | GO:0051607 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000043 |
71845 rows × 8 columns
is_deletion | closure_delta | |
method | ||
GO_REF:0000002 | 1.0 | -6.256293 |
GO_REF:0000003 | 1.0 | -2.435816 |
GO_REF:0000041 | 1.0 | -9.901235 |
GO_REF:0000043 | 1.0 | -5.570560 |
GO_REF:0000044 | 1.0 | -6.311431 |
GO_REF:0000104 | 1.0 | -6.020101 |
GO_REF:0000107 | 1.0 | -7.604500 |
GO_REF:0000108 | 1.0 | -0.619598 |
GO_REF:0000116 | 1.0 | -1.849655 |
GO_REF:0000117 | 1.0 | -5.905660 |
unipathway = dfs_by_ref["GO_REF:0000041"]
publications | subject | old_object | old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_predicates | closure_delta | method | old_object_label | |
0 | [] | Q53EU6 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process |
1 | [] | Q5VZY2 | GO:0006644 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | phospholipid metabolic process |
2 | [] | P10632 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
3 | [] | Q9NXB9 | GO:0006636 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process |
4 | [] | Q969V5 | GO:0016925 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein sumoylation |
5 | [] | Q9P2W7 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
6 | [] | A6NK59 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
7 | [] | Q9H1B5 | GO:0030206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic process |
8 | [] | Q693B1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
9 | [] | O60927 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
10 | [] | Q8WV16 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
11 | [] | Q9UK23 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -11 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
12 | [] | Q9HAY6 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
13 | [] | P30038 | GO:0010133 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | proline catabolic process to glutamate |
14 | [] | P20815 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
15 | [] | P11172 | GO:0044205 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | 'de novo' UMP biosynthetic process |
16 | [] | Q9H920 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
17 | [] | Q8N9I9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
18 | [] | Q8TD30 | GO:0042853 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-alanine catabolic process |
19 | [] | P43304 | GO:0019563 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycerol catabolic process |
20 | [] | Q8WXH6 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
21 | [] | Q9NQC1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
22 | [] | Q15370 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
23 | [] | P22557 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process |
24 | [] | P08243 | GO:0070981 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-asparagine biosynthetic process |
25 | [] | P36957 | GO:0033512 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -21 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-lysine catabolic process to acetyl-CoA via s... |
26 | [] | P13716 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process |
27 | [] | P47895 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
28 | [] | Q9NWM0 | GO:0046208 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | spermine catabolic process |
29 | [] | Q8N7A1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
30 | [] | Q4G0X4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
31 | [] | P33908 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
32 | [] | Q8WXK1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
33 | [] | O00635 | GO:0016925 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein sumoylation |
34 | [] | Q9UI17 | GO:0006579 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | amino-acid betaine catabolic process |
35 | [] | Q9BQ90 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
36 | [] | P48448 | GO:0006068 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | ethanol catabolic process |
37 | [] | Q12834 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
38 | [] | Q13011 | GO:0006635 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -28 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid beta-oxidation |
39 | [] | P08397 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process |
40 | [] | P30566 | GO:0006189 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | 'de novo' IMP biosynthetic process |
41 | [] | Q96NS5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
42 | [] | A6NNE9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
43 | [] | Q8NEB5 | GO:0006644 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | phospholipid metabolic process |
44 | [] | P06132 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process |
45 | [] | P32189 | GO:0019563 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycerol catabolic process |
46 | [] | Q86XS8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
47 | [] | Q9BSK4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
48 | [] | P00352 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
49 | [] | Q9Y315 | GO:0046386 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | deoxyribose phosphate catabolic process |
50 | [] | P04181 | GO:0055129 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -16 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-proline biosynthetic process |
51 | [] | Q6UWP2 | GO:0006703 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | estrogen biosynthetic process |
52 | [] | P24462 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
53 | [] | Q92781 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
54 | [] | Q15751 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -11 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
55 | [] | Q9NRJ4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
56 | [] | Q92624 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
57 | [] | Q9BY49 | GO:0006633 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid biosynthetic process |
58 | [] | Q96M94 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
59 | [] | Q96N76 | GO:0019556 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | histidine catabolic process to glutamate and f... |
60 | [] | Q96N76 | GO:0019557 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | histidine catabolic process to glutamate and f... |
61 | [] | Q6UWP7 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process |
62 | [] | Q9NXF7 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
63 | [] | Q9BR09 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
64 | [] | Q8NBN7 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
65 | [] | Q6GTS8 | GO:0006631 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid metabolic process |
66 | [] | Q9H1B7 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
67 | [] | Q5VVX9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
68 | [] | P55263 | GO:0044209 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | AMP salvage |
69 | [] | Q9NP56 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cAMP catabolic process |
70 | [] | P20132 | GO:0006094 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | gluconeogenesis |
71 | [] | Q02127 | GO:0044205 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -11 | GO_REF:0000041 | 'de novo' UMP biosynthetic process |
72 | [] | Q5QP82 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
73 | [] | Q99943 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process |
74 | [] | Q9Y4D8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
75 | [] | Q16394 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
76 | [] | Q7L273 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
77 | [] | P49189 | GO:0045329 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | carnitine biosynthetic process |
78 | [] | P11086 | GO:0042418 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | epinephrine biosynthetic process |
79 | [] | Q9UKT4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
80 | [] | P50416 | GO:0006635 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid beta-oxidation |
81 | [] | P0C0E4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
82 | [] | P13196 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process |
83 | [] | Q8N5D6 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
84 | [] | Q8IUQ4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
85 | [] | Q9BUZ4 | GO:0043161 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protei... |
86 | [] | Q8TCG5 | GO:0006635 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid beta-oxidation |
87 | [] | Q99618 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
88 | [] | Q9NSE2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
89 | [] | Q9BXS1 | GO:0050992 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | dimethylallyl diphosphate biosynthetic process |
90 | [] | P14324 | GO:0033384 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | geranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process |
91 | [] | Q9GZR1 | GO:0016925 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein sumoylation |
92 | [] | Q6TDP4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
93 | [] | Q99685 | GO:0019433 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | triglyceride catabolic process |
94 | [] | O15524 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
95 | [] | Q8TEB1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
96 | [] | O60909 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -17 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
97 | [] | O76074 | GO:0046069 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cGMP catabolic process |
98 | [] | P21673 | GO:0009447 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | putrescine catabolic process |
99 | [] | O15120 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process |
100 | [] | Q9NWW6 | GO:0009435 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -18 | GO_REF:0000041 | NAD biosynthetic process |
101 | [] | Q8TBB1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
102 | [] | Q8WYK0 | GO:0006631 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid metabolic process |
103 | [] | Q9H672 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
104 | [] | O95749 | GO:0033384 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 | geranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process |
105 | [] | O95749 | GO:0033386 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 | geranylgeranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process |
106 | [] | O95749 | GO:0045337 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 | farnesyl diphosphate biosynthetic process |
107 | [] | Q8TB52 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
108 | [] | Q9Y4B6 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
109 | [] | P04424 | GO:0000050 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | urea cycle |
110 | [] | P23109 | GO:0032264 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | IMP salvage |
111 | [] | Q9Y575 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
112 | [] | Q5H9S7 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
113 | [] | O95803 | GO:0030210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | heparin biosynthetic process |
114 | [] | P49675 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | cholesterol metabolic process |
115 | [] | Q9NRF8 | GO:0044210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | 'de novo' CTP biosynthetic process |
116 | [] | Q8NCN4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
117 | [] | Q01432 | GO:0032264 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | IMP salvage |
118 | [] | Q86XP0 | GO:0006631 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid metabolic process |
119 | [] | Q96EH8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
120 | [] | Q06203 | GO:0006189 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | 'de novo' IMP biosynthetic process |
121 | [] | Q16831 | GO:0044206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -29 | GO_REF:0000041 | UMP salvage |
122 | [] | Q16719 | GO:0097053 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-kynurenine catabolic process |
123 | [] | Q9H0C5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
124 | [] | O14508 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
125 | [] | Q6YFQ2 | GO:0006119 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | oxidative phosphorylation |
126 | [] | Q8TBF5 | GO:0006506 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | GPI anchor biosynthetic process |
127 | [] | Q13907 | GO:0050992 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | dimethylallyl diphosphate biosynthetic process |
128 | [] | Q02928 | GO:0031408 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | oxylipin biosynthetic process |
129 | [] | Q8TEB7 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
130 | [] | P05089 | GO:0000050 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 | urea cycle |
131 | [] | Q8N5Z0 | GO:0033512 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -40 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-lysine catabolic process to acetyl-CoA via s... |
132 | [] | Q8NHY2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
133 | [] | P49641 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
134 | [] | P10746 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process |
135 | [] | A8MWK0 | GO:0006636 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -20 | GO_REF:0000041 | unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process |
136 | [] | Q9H2A2 | GO:0097053 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -23 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-kynurenine catabolic process |
137 | [] | Q8WXH5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
138 | [] | O43255 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
139 | [] | Q9NRZ7 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process |
140 | [] | Q5XUX0 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
141 | [] | Q9UKM7 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
142 | [] | P37058 | GO:0061370 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | testosterone biosynthetic process |
143 | [] | O00763 | GO:2001295 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -24 | GO_REF:0000041 | malonyl-CoA biosynthetic process |
144 | [] | Q5T197 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
145 | [] | O14543 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
146 | [] | Q14409 | GO:0019563 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycerol catabolic process |
147 | [] | Q9HBH5 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
148 | [] | Q16706 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
149 | [] | P52849 | GO:0030210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | heparin biosynthetic process |
150 | [] | O14732 | GO:0006021 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | inositol biosynthetic process |
151 | [] | Q9H477 | GO:0019303 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 | D-ribose catabolic process |
152 | [] | Q12882 | GO:0019483 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 | beta-alanine biosynthetic process |
153 | [] | Q5XPI4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
154 | [] | Q96NU7 | GO:0019556 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | histidine catabolic process to glutamate and f... |
155 | [] | Q96NU7 | GO:0019557 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | histidine catabolic process to glutamate and f... |
156 | [] | P78540 | GO:0000050 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | urea cycle |
157 | [] | Q96S21 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
158 | [] | P22570 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | cholesterol metabolic process |
159 | [] | Q8IY47 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
160 | [] | O60513 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
161 | [] | Q6P050 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
162 | [] | Q86WB0 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
163 | [] | Q13946 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cAMP catabolic process |
164 | [] | Q9UDR5 | GO:0033512 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -25 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-lysine catabolic process to acetyl-CoA via s... |
165 | [] | Q01433 | GO:0032264 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | IMP salvage |
166 | [] | Q9H3R1 | GO:0030210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | heparin biosynthetic process |
167 | [] | Q08499 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cAMP catabolic process |
168 | [] | Q9UK99 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
169 | [] | P50336 | GO:0006782 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process |
170 | [] | Q9NXK8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
171 | [] | Q9NV06 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
172 | [] | Q5T6F0 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
173 | [] | Q9NPZ5 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
174 | [] | Q6ZS86 | GO:0019563 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycerol catabolic process |
175 | [] | Q8IWU9 | GO:0042427 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -21 | GO_REF:0000041 | serotonin biosynthetic process |
176 | [] | Q14410 | GO:0019563 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycerol catabolic process |
177 | [] | P04818 | GO:0006235 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | dTTP biosynthetic process |
178 | [] | Q8IWR1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
179 | [] | O60512 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
180 | [] | P42357 | GO:0019556 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | histidine catabolic process to glutamate and f... |
181 | [] | P42357 | GO:0019557 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | histidine catabolic process to glutamate and f... |
182 | [] | Q9NRD1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
183 | [] | Q9NYL5 | GO:0006707 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | cholesterol catabolic process |
184 | [] | O75159 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
185 | [] | Q9UJV3 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
186 | [] | Q9NUQ2 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process |
187 | [] | P16442 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -16 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
188 | [] | Q9UBQ6 | GO:0015012 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -16 | GO_REF:0000041 | heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process |
189 | [] | P33260 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
190 | [] | P61962 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
191 | [] | Q9UHE5 | GO:0006749 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | glutathione metabolic process |
192 | [] | Q86Y38 | GO:0030206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic process |
193 | [] | P08684 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | cholesterol metabolic process |
194 | [] | Q8WXK3 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
195 | [] | Q92935 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
196 | [] | Q9BSL1 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
197 | [] | Q8N806 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
198 | [] | Q6PID8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
199 | [] | O14512 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
200 | [] | P54886 | GO:0055129 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-proline biosynthetic process |
201 | [] | Q9NPI5 | GO:0009435 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -18 | GO_REF:0000041 | NAD biosynthetic process |
202 | [] | Q9HB03 | GO:0006636 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process |
203 | [] | Q7Z6M2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
204 | [] | Q8NC69 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
205 | [] | Q6ZNI0 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -21 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
206 | [] | P20711 | GO:0042416 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | dopamine biosynthetic process |
207 | [] | Q8TBE9 | GO:0006045 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 | N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process |
208 | [] | Q66K89 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
209 | [] | Q9BZQ6 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
210 | [] | Q495W5 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -18 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
211 | [] | O95954 | GO:0019556 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -24 | GO_REF:0000041 | histidine catabolic process to glutamate and f... |
212 | [] | O95954 | GO:0019557 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -25 | GO_REF:0000041 | histidine catabolic process to glutamate and f... |
213 | [] | P11712 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | cholesterol metabolic process |
214 | [] | Q6P3W2 | GO:0017183 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -33 | GO_REF:0000041 | peptidyl-diphthamide biosynthetic process from... |
215 | [] | Q8WXJ9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
216 | [] | Q7L622 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
217 | [] | Q8N4N3 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
218 | [] | O60218 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
219 | [] | Q12829 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
220 | [] | Q9NWZ5 | GO:0044206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 | UMP salvage |
221 | [] | Q9NWZ5 | GO:0044211 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 | CTP salvage |
222 | [] | P05091 | GO:0006068 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | ethanol catabolic process |
223 | [] | Q13825 | GO:0006552 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -11 | GO_REF:0000041 | leucine catabolic process |
224 | [] | Q6PJ21 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
225 | [] | Q93088 | GO:0006579 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | amino-acid betaine catabolic process |
226 | [] | P24298 | GO:0042853 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -26 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-alanine catabolic process |
227 | [] | Q96L58 | GO:0030206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 | chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic process |
228 | [] | Q96L58 | GO:0015012 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process |
229 | [] | Q8N5D0 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
230 | [] | Q96JK2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
231 | [] | Q9HBI6 | GO:0031408 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | oxylipin biosynthetic process |
232 | [] | Q5T4S7 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
233 | [] | P27815 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cAMP catabolic process |
234 | [] | Q8NE62 | GO:0019285 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -15 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycine betaine biosynthetic process from choline |
235 | [] | Q03393 | GO:0006729 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -25 | GO_REF:0000041 | tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthetic process |
236 | [] | Q96JP0 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
237 | [] | Q8NEA9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
238 | [] | Q9NWX5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
239 | [] | Q6JEL2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
240 | [] | Q92947 | GO:0006568 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | tryptophan metabolic process |
241 | [] | Q53H12 | GO:0046486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycerolipid metabolic process |
242 | [] | Q5TAQ9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
243 | [] | Q05516 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
244 | [] | Q9UK73 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
245 | [] | Q96L50 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
246 | [] | P30837 | GO:0006068 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | ethanol catabolic process |
247 | [] | Q9UKU7 | GO:0006574 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -23 | GO_REF:0000041 | valine catabolic process |
248 | [] | Q9UJM8 | GO:0006545 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -17 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycine biosynthetic process |
249 | [] | Q5VXH4 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
250 | [] | Q6IQ16 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
251 | [] | Q9Y2T3 | GO:0006147 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | guanine catabolic process |
252 | [] | Q9HCL2 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process |
253 | [] | A5PLL7 | GO:0006631 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid metabolic process |
254 | [] | Q15345 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
255 | [] | P17812 | GO:0044210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | 'de novo' CTP biosynthetic process |
256 | [] | Q9Y223 | GO:0006045 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -8 | GO_REF:0000041 | N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process |
257 | [] | P10635 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | cholesterol metabolic process |
258 | [] | Q07343 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cAMP catabolic process |
259 | [] | P00439 | GO:0006559 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -16 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-phenylalanine catabolic process |
260 | [] | Q9H9P5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
261 | [] | P32754 | GO:0006559 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-phenylalanine catabolic process |
262 | [] | P46019 | GO:0005977 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycogen metabolic process |
263 | [] | O94766 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
264 | [] | Q4G163 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
265 | [] | P31350 | GO:0006260 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 | DNA replication |
266 | [] | Q9Y5Q0 | GO:0006665 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 | sphingolipid metabolic process |
267 | [] | O60658 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cAMP catabolic process |
268 | [] | Q9Y2U9 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
269 | [] | Q53GQ0 | GO:0006703 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | estrogen biosynthetic process |
270 | [] | Q53GQ0 | GO:0006633 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -11 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid biosynthetic process |
271 | [] | C9JR72 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
272 | [] | Q9H765 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
273 | [] | Q6NUI2 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process |
274 | [] | Q08493 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cAMP catabolic process |
275 | [] | Q08477 | GO:0019369 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | arachidonic acid metabolic process |
276 | [] | O95045 | GO:0044206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -35 | GO_REF:0000041 | UMP salvage |
277 | [] | O94788 | GO:0042572 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000041 | retinol metabolic process |
278 | [] | Q8WWF5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
279 | [] | P52848 | GO:0030210 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | heparin biosynthetic process |
280 | [] | Q8N9L9 | GO:0006633 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid biosynthetic process |
281 | [] | Q92523 | GO:0006635 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -14 | GO_REF:0000041 | fatty acid beta-oxidation |
282 | [] | A8MQ27 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
283 | [] | Q86UL3 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process |
284 | [] | Q8NFW8 | GO:0006054 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -15 | GO_REF:0000041 | N-acetylneuraminate metabolic process |
285 | [] | Q9C026 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
286 | [] | Q9Y233 | GO:0046069 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cGMP catabolic process |
287 | [] | Q9Y233 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cAMP catabolic process |
288 | [] | Q86YJ5 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
289 | [] | Q9NRZ5 | GO:0016024 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process |
290 | [] | Q13191 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
291 | [] | P43353 | GO:0006068 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | ethanol catabolic process |
292 | [] | P46020 | GO:0005977 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycogen metabolic process |
293 | [] | P0DUQ2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
294 | [] | Q6YP21 | GO:0097053 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-kynurenine catabolic process |
295 | [] | Q93100 | GO:0005977 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycogen metabolic process |
296 | [] | Q58WW2 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
297 | [] | Q9P2E8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
298 | [] | Q6ZVZ8 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
299 | [] | Q8NDV1 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
300 | [] | Q96G25 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
301 | [] | P05177 | GO:0008203 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000041 | cholesterol metabolic process |
302 | [] | Q9H832 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
303 | [] | Q13085 | GO:2001295 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | malonyl-CoA biosynthetic process |
304 | [] | Q96K19 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
305 | [] | Q9NPC3 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -7 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
306 | [] | Q5T447 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
307 | [] | O95263 | GO:0006198 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -46 | GO_REF:0000041 | cAMP catabolic process |
308 | [] | O60476 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -9 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
309 | [] | O95864 | GO:0006636 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 | unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process |
310 | [] | Q9UBX8 | GO:0006486 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -10 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein glycosylation |
311 | [] | P30793 | GO:0035998 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -6 | GO_REF:0000041 | 7,8-dihydroneopterin 3'-triphosphate biosynthe... |
312 | [] | P29218 | GO:0006021 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | inositol biosynthetic process |
313 | [] | Q9UL01 | GO:0030206 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -2 | GO_REF:0000041 | chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic process |
314 | [] | Q9UL01 | GO:0015012 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process |
315 | [] | O14544 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
316 | [] | Q9NYP7 | GO:0006636 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process |
317 | [] | Q16773 | GO:0097053 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-kynurenine catabolic process |
318 | [] | P49419 | GO:0019285 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | glycine betaine biosynthetic process from choline |
319 | [] | Q8NA82 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -13 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
320 | [] | P48637 | GO:0006750 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000041 | glutathione biosynthetic process |
321 | [] | P41226 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
322 | [] | Q8WXI3 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
323 | [] | Q8NC42 | GO:0016567 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5 | GO_REF:0000041 | protein ubiquitination |
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 1000)
old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_delta | ||
old_object | old_object_label | |||
GO:0046069 | cGMP catabolic process | False | True | -46 |
GO:0006506 | GPI anchor biosynthetic process | False | True | -46 |
GO:0006198 | cAMP catabolic process | False | True | -46 |
GO:0033512 | L-lysine catabolic process to acetyl-CoA via saccharopine | False | True | -40 |
GO:0044206 | UMP salvage | False | True | -35 |
GO:0017183 | peptidyl-diphthamide biosynthetic process from peptidyl-histidine | False | True | -33 |
GO:0006635 | fatty acid beta-oxidation | False | True | -28 |
GO:0042853 | L-alanine catabolic process | False | True | -26 |
GO:0019557 | histidine catabolic process to glutamate and formate | False | True | -25 |
GO:0006729 | tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthetic process | False | True | -25 |
GO:0019556 | histidine catabolic process to glutamate and formamide | False | True | -24 |
GO:2001295 | malonyl-CoA biosynthetic process | False | True | -24 |
GO:0006574 | valine catabolic process | False | True | -23 |
GO:0097053 | L-kynurenine catabolic process | False | True | -23 |
GO:0006486 | protein glycosylation | False | True | -21 |
GO:0042427 | serotonin biosynthetic process | False | True | -21 |
GO:0006636 | unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process | False | True | -20 |
GO:0009435 | NAD biosynthetic process | False | True | -18 |
GO:0006545 | glycine biosynthetic process | False | True | -17 |
GO:0055129 | L-proline biosynthetic process | False | True | -16 |
GO:0006559 | L-phenylalanine catabolic process | False | True | -16 |
GO:0015012 | heparan sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process | False | True | -16 |
GO:0006054 | N-acetylneuraminate metabolic process | False | True | -15 |
GO:0019285 | glycine betaine biosynthetic process from choline | False | True | -15 |
GO:0019483 | beta-alanine biosynthetic process | False | True | -14 |
GO:0044211 | CTP salvage | False | True | -14 |
GO:0019563 | glycerol catabolic process | False | True | -14 |
GO:0006633 | fatty acid biosynthetic process | False | True | -14 |
GO:0016567 | protein ubiquitination | False | True | -13 |
GO:0006707 | cholesterol catabolic process | False | True | -13 |
GO:0006068 | ethanol catabolic process | False | True | -12 |
GO:0045329 | carnitine biosynthetic process | False | True | -12 |
GO:0061370 | testosterone biosynthetic process | False | True | -12 |
GO:0043161 | proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process | False | True | -12 |
GO:0044205 | 'de novo' UMP biosynthetic process | False | True | -11 |
GO:0006552 | leucine catabolic process | False | True | -11 |
GO:0033386 | geranylgeranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process | False | True | -10 |
GO:0030206 | chondroitin sulfate biosynthetic process | False | True | -10 |
GO:0033384 | geranyl diphosphate biosynthetic process | False | True | -10 |
GO:0045337 | farnesyl diphosphate biosynthetic process | False | True | -10 |
GO:0019303 | D-ribose catabolic process | False | True | -10 |
GO:0042572 | retinol metabolic process | False | True | -10 |
GO:0000050 | urea cycle | False | True | -10 |
GO:0005977 | glycogen metabolic process | False | True | -9 |
GO:0006119 | oxidative phosphorylation | False | True | -9 |
GO:0006703 | estrogen biosynthetic process | False | True | -9 |
GO:0006235 | dTTP biosynthetic process | False | True | -8 |
GO:0009447 | putrescine catabolic process | False | True | -8 |
GO:0006045 | N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process | False | True | -8 |
GO:0006094 | gluconeogenesis | False | True | -8 |
GO:0006568 | tryptophan metabolic process | False | True | -8 |
GO:0031408 | oxylipin biosynthetic process | False | True | -8 |
GO:0006579 | amino-acid betaine catabolic process | False | True | -7 |
GO:0030210 | heparin biosynthetic process | False | True | -7 |
GO:0006631 | fatty acid metabolic process | False | True | -7 |
GO:0008203 | cholesterol metabolic process | False | True | -6 |
GO:0070981 | L-asparagine biosynthetic process | False | True | -6 |
GO:0035998 | 7,8-dihydroneopterin 3'-triphosphate biosynthetic process | False | True | -6 |
GO:0042416 | dopamine biosynthetic process | False | True | -6 |
GO:0032264 | IMP salvage | False | True | -6 |
GO:0006021 | inositol biosynthetic process | False | True | -5 |
GO:0010133 | proline catabolic process to glutamate | False | True | -5 |
GO:0006260 | DNA replication | False | True | -4 |
GO:0006665 | sphingolipid metabolic process | False | True | -4 |
GO:0016925 | protein sumoylation | False | True | -3 |
GO:0019369 | arachidonic acid metabolic process | False | True | -3 |
GO:0006189 | 'de novo' IMP biosynthetic process | False | True | -3 |
GO:0006147 | guanine catabolic process | False | True | -3 |
GO:0019433 | triglyceride catabolic process | False | True | -2 |
GO:0006782 | protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process | False | True | -2 |
GO:0050992 | dimethylallyl diphosphate biosynthetic process | False | True | -2 |
GO:0046386 | deoxyribose phosphate catabolic process | False | True | -2 |
GO:0042418 | epinephrine biosynthetic process | False | True | -2 |
GO:0016024 | CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process | False | True | -2 |
GO:0006644 | phospholipid metabolic process | False | True | -2 |
GO:0046208 | spermine catabolic process | False | True | -2 |
GO:0046486 | glycerolipid metabolic process | False | True | -1 |
GO:0006749 | glutathione metabolic process | False | True | -1 |
GO:0044210 | 'de novo' CTP biosynthetic process | False | True | -1 |
GO:0044209 | AMP salvage | False | True | -1 |
GO:0006750 | glutathione biosynthetic process | False | True | 0 |
unipathway.query("old_object == 'GO:0042853'")
publications | subject | old_object | old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_predicates | closure_delta | method | old_object_label | |
18 | [] | Q8TD30 | GO:0042853 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-alanine catabolic process |
226 | [] | P24298 | GO:0042853 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -26 | GO_REF:0000041 | L-alanine catabolic process |
Difference across species
human = mega_df
def analyze_gaf(gaf_path):
species_df = gaf2df(gaf_path)
by_ref = {}
dfs = []
for goref in gorefs:
df = analyze_iea(species_df, goref)
df['method'] = goref
all_df = pd.concat(dfs)
return all_df
sgd_gaf = gaf2df("input/sgd.gaf")
db | local_id | db_object_symbol | qualifiers | ontology_class_ref | supporting_references | evidence_type | with_or_from | aspect | db_object_name | db_object_synonyms | db_object_type | db_object_taxon | annotation_date | assigned_by | annotation_extensions | gene_product_form | |
0 | SGD | S000000735 | GCN4 | involved_in | GO:1990139 | PMID:31211995 | IMP | NaN | P | bZIP transcriptional activator of amino acid b... | YEL009C|AAS3|ARG9|AAS101|amino acid starvation... | protein | taxon:559292 | 20200206 | SGD | NaN | UniProtKB:P03069 |
1 | SGD | S000003026 | RAD6 | contributes_to | GO:0017116 | PMID:9287349 | IDA | NaN | F | Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) | YGL058W|PSO8|UBC2|E2 ubiquitin-conjugating pro... | protein | taxon:559292 | 20131012 | SGD | part_of(GO:0097505) | UniProtKB:P06104 |
2 | SGD | S000001503 | SPT23 | enables | GO:0003674 | GO_REF:0000015 | ND | NaN | F | ER membrane protein involved in regulation of ... | YKL020C | protein | taxon:559292 | 20181102 | SGD | NaN | UniProtKB:P35210 |
3 | SGD | S000028746 | FMP49 | located_in | GO:0005739 | PMID:14576278 | HDA | NaN | C | Mitochondrial protein of unknown function | YER038W-A | protein | taxon:559292 | 20040923 | SGD | NaN | UniProtKB:A0A023PZB3 |
4 | SGD | S000005730 | DED1 | enables | GO:0003724 | PMID:10364207 | IDA | NaN | F | ATP-dependent DEAD-box RNA helicase with stran... | YOR204W|SPP81|DEAD-box ATP-dependent RNA helic... | protein | taxon:559292 | 20090529 | SGD | NaN | UniProtKB:P06634 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
121507 | SGD | S000000871 | ARG56 | enables | GO:0003942 | PMID:21873635 | IBA | PANTHER:PTN001155520|PomBase:SPAC4G9.09c|SGD:S... | F | bifunctional acetylglutamate kinase/N-acetyl-g... | ARG56|YER069W | protein | taxon:559292 | 20170228 | GO_Central | NaN | NaN |
121508 | SGD | S000003824 | RPA12 | contributes_to | GO:0001054 | PMID:21873635 | IBA | PANTHER:PTN000133053|SGD:S000003824 | F | DNA-directed RNA polymerase I core subunit RPA12 | RPA12|RRN4|YJR063W | protein | taxon:559292 | 20170228 | GO_Central | NaN | NaN |
121509 | SGD | S000006377 | VPS4 | involved_in | GO:0016197 | PMID:21873635 | IBA | PANTHER:PTN000553912|UniProtKB:Q9UN37|PomBase:... | P | AAA family ATPase VPS4 | VPS4|VPL4|VPT10|DID6|CSC1|END13|GRD13|YPR173C | protein | taxon:559292 | 20221008 | GO_Central | NaN | NaN |
121510 | SGD | S000001412 | MCM10 | enables | GO:0003688 | PMID:21873635 | IBA | PANTHER:PTN000335708|SGD:S000001412 | F | NaN | MCM10|DNA43|YIL150C | protein | taxon:559292 | 20170228 | GO_Central | NaN | NaN |
121511 | SGD | S000001776 | BET3 | is_active_in | GO:0033106 | PMID:21873635 | IBA | PANTHER:PTN000316141|SGD:S000001776 | C | TRAPP complex core subunit BET3 | BET3|YKR068C | protein | taxon:559292 | 20170602 | GO_Central | NaN | NaN |
121512 rows × 17 columns
sgd_foo = analyze_iea(sgd_gaf, "GO_REF:0000002")
sgd_foo["method"] = "GO_REF:0000002"
publications | subject | old_object | old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_predicates | closure_delta | method | |
0 | [] | S000005069 | GO:0022857 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000002 |
1 | [] | S000005069 | GO:0055085 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000002 |
2 | [] | S000006233 | GO:0016192 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000002 |
3 | [] | S000006233 | GO:0030117 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000002 |
4 | [] | S000006233 | GO:0006886 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1 | GO_REF:0000002 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3743 | [] | S000005730 | GO:0003676 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000002 |
3744 | [] | S000001208 | GO:0000398 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0 | GO_REF:0000002 |
3745 | [] | S000001208 | GO:0008237 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -4 | GO_REF:0000002 |
3746 | [] | S000001208 | GO:0008233 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3 | GO_REF:0000002 |
3747 | [] | S000000418 | GO:0030071 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -15 | GO_REF:0000002 |
3748 rows × 8 columns
sgd = analyze_gaf("input/sgd.gaf")
publications | subject | old_object | old_object_obsolete | is_deletion | closure_predicates | closure_delta | method | |
0 | [] | S000002424 | GO:0052724 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1.0 | GO_REF:0000003 |
1 | [] | S000002424 | GO:0000832 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1.0 | GO_REF:0000003 |
2 | [] | S000002424 | GO:0052723 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1.0 | GO_REF:0000003 |
3 | [] | S000005313 | GO:0052917 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -1.0 | GO_REF:0000003 |
4 | [] | S000002650 | GO:0043864 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -3.0 | GO_REF:0000003 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
11554 | [] | S000005749 | GO:0006897 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -5.0 | GO_REF:0000043 |
11555 | [] | S000005749 | GO:0015031 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | -12.0 | GO_REF:0000043 |
11556 | [] | S000001208 | GO:0006397 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0.0 | GO_REF:0000043 |
11557 | [] | S000001208 | GO:0008380 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0.0 | GO_REF:0000043 |
11558 | [] | S000001208 | GO:1990904 | False | True | [rdfs:subClassOf, BFO:0000050] | 0.0 | GO_REF:0000043 |
19637 rows × 8 columns
closure_delta | |
method | |
GO_REF:0000002 | -2.113661 |
GO_REF:0000003 | -1.919890 |
GO_REF:0000041 | -5.155914 |
GO_REF:0000043 | -1.074228 |
GO_REF:0000044 | -2.593269 |
GO_REF:0000104 | -3.551181 |
GO_REF:0000108 | -0.389105 |
GO_REF:0000117 | -0.192817 |
is_deletion | closure_delta | |
method | ||
GO_REF:0000002 | 1.0 | -6.256293 |
GO_REF:0000003 | 1.0 | -2.435816 |
GO_REF:0000041 | 1.0 | -9.901235 |
GO_REF:0000043 | 1.0 | -5.570560 |
GO_REF:0000044 | 1.0 | -6.311431 |
GO_REF:0000104 | 1.0 | -6.020101 |
GO_REF:0000107 | 1.0 | -7.604500 |
GO_REF:0000108 | 1.0 | -0.619598 |
GO_REF:0000116 | 1.0 | -1.849655 |
GO_REF:0000117 | 1.0 | -5.905660 |
human["species"] = "human"
sgd["species"] = "yeast"
all_df = pd.concat([human, sgd])
/var/folders/nc/m4tx21912kv1b8nk3zzx9plr0000gn/T/ipykernel_40496/ FutureWarning: In a future version, object-dtype columns with all-bool values will not be included in reductions with bool_only=True. Explicitly cast to bool dtype instead.
all_df = pd.concat([human, sgd])
smry = all_df.groupby(["species", "method"]).mean(numeric_only=True)
closure_delta | ||
species | method | |
human | GO_REF:0000002 | -6.256293 |
GO_REF:0000003 | -2.435816 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | -9.901235 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | -5.570560 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | -6.311431 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | -6.020101 | |
GO_REF:0000107 | -7.604500 | |
GO_REF:0000108 | -0.619598 | |
GO_REF:0000116 | -1.849655 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | -5.905660 | |
yeast | GO_REF:0000002 | -2.113661 |
GO_REF:0000003 | -1.919890 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | -5.155914 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | -1.074228 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | -2.593269 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | -3.551181 | |
GO_REF:0000108 | -0.389105 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | -0.192817 |
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[143], line 1
----> 1 smry.names
File ~/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/oaklib-OeQZizwE-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/, in NDFrame.__getattr__(self, name)
5895 if (
5896 name not in self._internal_names_set
5897 and name not in self._metadata
5898 and name not in self._accessors
5899 and self._info_axis._can_hold_identifiers_and_holds_name(name)
5900 ):
5901 return self[name]
-> 5902 return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'names'
pombase = analyze_gaf("input/pombase.gaf")
closure_delta | |
method | |
GO_REF:0000002 | -5.535124 |
GO_REF:0000003 | -1.815789 |
GO_REF:0000041 | -10.796875 |
GO_REF:0000043 | -10.403475 |
GO_REF:0000044 | -4.615385 |
GO_REF:0000104 | -5.669355 |
GO_REF:0000116 | -3.793939 |
GO_REF:0000117 | -6.228070 |
pombase["species"] = "pombe"
all_df = pd.concat([human, sgd, pombase])
/var/folders/nc/m4tx21912kv1b8nk3zzx9plr0000gn/T/ipykernel_40496/ FutureWarning: In a future version, object-dtype columns with all-bool values will not be included in reductions with bool_only=True. Explicitly cast to bool dtype instead.
all_df = pd.concat([human, sgd, pombase])
all_df.groupby(["species", "method"]).mean(numeric_only=True)
closure_delta | ||
species | method | |
human | GO_REF:0000002 | -6.256293 |
GO_REF:0000003 | -2.435816 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | -9.901235 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | -5.570560 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | -6.311431 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | -6.020101 | |
GO_REF:0000107 | -7.604500 | |
GO_REF:0000108 | -0.619598 | |
GO_REF:0000116 | -1.849655 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | -5.905660 | |
pombe | GO_REF:0000002 | -5.535124 |
GO_REF:0000003 | -1.815789 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | -10.796875 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | -10.403475 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | -4.615385 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | -5.669355 | |
GO_REF:0000116 | -3.793939 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | -6.228070 | |
yeast | GO_REF:0000002 | -2.113661 |
GO_REF:0000003 | -1.919890 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | -5.155914 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | -1.074228 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | -2.593269 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | -3.551181 | |
GO_REF:0000108 | -0.389105 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | -0.192817 |
all_df.groupby(["species", "method"]).sum(numeric_only=True)
closure_delta | ||
species | method | |
human | GO_REF:0000002 | -39521.0 |
GO_REF:0000003 | -1537.0 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | -3208.0 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | -74250.0 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | -50908.0 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | -1198.0 | |
GO_REF:0000107 | -294720.0 | |
GO_REF:0000108 | -2036.0 | |
GO_REF:0000116 | -1341.0 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | -1252.0 | |
pombe | GO_REF:0000002 | -5358.0 |
GO_REF:0000003 | -138.0 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | -691.0 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | -5389.0 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | -240.0 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | -703.0 | |
GO_REF:0000116 | -626.0 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | -355.0 | |
yeast | GO_REF:0000002 | -7922.0 |
GO_REF:0000003 | -695.0 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | -959.0 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | -12417.0 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | -2697.0 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | -451.0 | |
GO_REF:0000108 | -400.0 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | -306.0 |
smry = all_df.groupby(["species", "method"]).sum(numeric_only=True) / all_df.groupby(["species"]).sum(numeric_only=True)
closure_delta | ||
species | method | |
human | GO_REF:0000002 | 0.084092 |
GO_REF:0000003 | 0.003270 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | 0.006826 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | 0.157988 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | 0.108322 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | 0.002549 | |
GO_REF:0000107 | 0.627103 | |
GO_REF:0000108 | 0.004332 | |
GO_REF:0000116 | 0.002853 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | 0.002664 | |
pombe | GO_REF:0000002 | 0.396889 |
GO_REF:0000003 | 0.010222 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | 0.051185 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | 0.399185 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | 0.017778 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | 0.052074 | |
GO_REF:0000116 | 0.046370 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | 0.026296 | |
yeast | GO_REF:0000002 | 0.306496 |
GO_REF:0000003 | 0.026889 | |
GO_REF:0000041 | 0.037103 | |
GO_REF:0000043 | 0.480404 | |
GO_REF:0000044 | 0.104345 | |
GO_REF:0000104 | 0.017449 | |
GO_REF:0000108 | 0.015476 | |
GO_REF:0000117 | 0.011839 |
import seaborn
pivot = smry.reset_index().pivot(index="method", columns="species", values="closure_delta")
seaborn.heatmap(pivot, annot=True, fmt=".2f")
<Axes: xlabel='species', ylabel='method'>

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[159], line 1
----> 1
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'foo'
[ ]: