OboGraph Interface
- class oaklib.interfaces.obograph_interface.OboGraphInterface(resource: ~oaklib.resource.OntologyResource | None = None, strict: bool = False, _multilingual: bool | None = None, autosave: bool = <factory>, exclude_owl_top_and_bottom: bool = <factory>, ontology_metamodel_mapper: ~oaklib.mappers.ontology_metadata_mapper.OntologyMetadataMapper | None = None, _converter: ~curies.api.Converter | None = None, auto_relax_axioms: bool | None = None, cache_lookups: bool = False, property_cache: ~oaklib.utilities.keyval_cache.KeyValCache = <factory>, _edge_index: ~oaklib.indexes.edge_index.EdgeIndex | None = None, _entailed_edge_index: ~oaklib.indexes.edge_index.EdgeIndex | None = None, _prefix_map: ~typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None)[source]
an interface that provides an Object Oriented view of an ontology, following the OBO Graph Datamodel
See OBOGraphs
Key datamodel concepts:
- any named ontology elementobograph.Edge
- any relationship between elements; for example between “finger” and “hand”obograph.Graph
- a collection of nodes, edges, and other ontology components
This datamodel conceives of an ontology as a graph
- node(curie: str, strict=False, include_metadata=False, expand_curies=False) Node | None [source]
Look up a node object by CURIE
- Parameters:
curie – identifier of node
strict – raise exception if node not found
include_metadata – include detailed metadata
expand_curies – if True expand CURIEs to URIs
- Returns:
- nodes(expand_curies=False) Iterator[Node] [source]
Yields all nodes in all graphs
- Parameters:
expand_curies – if True expand CURIEs to URIs
- Returns:
- edges(expand_curies=False) Iterator[Edge] [source]
Yields all edges in all graphs.
- Parameters:
expand_curies – if True expand CURIEs to URIs
- Returns:
- synonym_map_for_curies(subject: str | Iterable[str]) Dict[str, List[SynonymPropertyValue]] [source]
Get a map of SynonymPropertyValue objects keyed by curie
- Parameters:
subject – curie or list of curies
- Returns:
- direct_graph(curies: str | List[str], **kwargs) Graph [source]
Return a graph object that consists of all the nodes specified in the curies list, extended with all direct relationships
- Parameters:
- Returns:
direct graph
- ancestor_graph(start_curies: str | List[str], predicates: List[str] | None = None, method: GraphTraversalMethod | None = None, **kwargs) Graph [source]
Return a graph object that consists of all the nodes specified in the start_curies list, extended with an interactive walk up the graph following all relationships (optionally filtered by the predicate list)
- Parameters:
predicates – if supplied then only follow edges with these predicates
- Returns:
ancestor graph
- descendant_graph(start_curies: str | List[str], predicates: List[str] | None = None) Graph [source]
As ancestor graph, but in opposite direction
- Parameters:
predicates – if supplied then only follow edges with these predicates
- Returns:
ancestor graph
- non_redundant_entailed_relationships(predicates: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs) Iterator[Tuple[str, str, str]] [source]
Yields all relationships that are directly entailed.
See https://github.com/INCATools/ontology-access-kit/issues/739
- Parameters:
kwargs – same as relationships
- Returns:
- ancestors(start_curies: str | List[str], predicates: List[str] | None = None, reflexive=True, method: GraphTraversalMethod | None = None) Iterable[str] [source]
Ancestors obtained from a walk starting from start_curies ending in roots, following only the specified predicates.
This operation is reflexive: self is included
- Parameters:
start_curies – curie or curies to start the walk from
predicates – only traverse over these (traverses over all if this is not set)
reflexive – include self
method – HOP or ENTAILMENT
- Returns:
all ancestor CURIEs
- descendants(start_curies: str | List[str], predicates: List[str] | None = None, reflexive=True, method: GraphTraversalMethod | None = None) Iterable[str] [source]
Descendants obtained from a walk downwards starting from start_curies ending in roots, following only the specified predicates.
This operation is reflexive: self is included
- Parameters:
start_curies – curie or curies to start the walk from
predicates – only traverse over these (traverses over all if this is not set)
reflexive – include self
- Returns:
all descendant CURIEs
- descendant_count(start_curies: str | List[str], predicates: List[str] | None = None, reflexive=True) int [source]
Count of descendants.
See Descendants for more details.
- Parameters:
start_curies – curie or curies to start the walk from
predicates – only traverse over these (traverses over all if this is not set)
reflexive – include self
- Returns:
count of distinct CURIEs
- subgraph_from_traversal(start_curies: str | List[str], predicates: List[str] | None = None, traversal: TraversalConfiguration | None = None) Graph [source]
Combines ancestors and descendants according to a traversal configuration.
>>> from oaklib import get_adapter >>> from oaklib.interfaces.obograph_interface import TraversalConfiguration, Distance >>> from oaklib.datamodels.vocabulary import IS_A, PART_OF >>> # use an adapter to talk to an endpoint (here, sqlite) >>> adapter = get_adapter("tests/input/go-nucleus.db") >>> # get a subgraph centered around these nodes >>> seeds = ["GO:0005634", "GO:0005773"] # nucleus, vacuole >>> # walk up the graph to get ancestors, and also get direct children >>> traversal = TraversalConfiguration(up_distance=Distance.TRANSITIVE, down_distance=Distance.DIRECT) >>> graph = adapter.subgraph_from_traversal(seeds, predicates=[IS_A, PART_OF], traversal=traversal) >>> len(graph.nodes) 22 >>> len(graph.edges) 27
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- extract_graph(entities: List[str], predicates: List[str] | None = None, dangling=True, include_metadata=True) Graph [source]
Extract a subgraph from the graph that contains the specified entities and predicates.
- Parameters:
entities – entities to extract
predicates – predicates to extract
dangling – if true, include dangling nodes
- Returns:
- relationships_to_graph(relationships: Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str]]) Graph [source]
Generates an OboGraph from a list of relationships
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- walk_up_relationship_graph(start_curies: str | List[str], predicates: List[str] | None = None) Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str]] [source]
Walks up the relation graph from a seed set of curies or individual curie, returning the full ancestry graph
Note: this may be inefficient for remote endpoints, in future a graph walking endpoint will implement this
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- paths(start_curies: str | List[str], target_curies: str | List[str], predicates: List[str] | None = None, predicate_weights: Dict[str, float] | None = None, shortest=True, directed=False) Iterator[Tuple[str, str, str]] [source]
Returns all paths between sources and targets.
>>> from oaklib import get_adapter >>> adapter = get_adapter("tests/input/go-nucleus.db", implements=OboGraphInterface) >>> for path in sorted(list(adapter.paths(["GO:0005634"], ["GO:0005773"]))): ... print(path) ('GO:0005634', 'GO:0005773', 'GO:0005634') ('GO:0005634', 'GO:0005773', 'GO:0005773') ('GO:0005634', 'GO:0005773', 'GO:0043231')
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- logical_definitions(subjects: Iterable[str] | None = None, predicates: Iterable[str] | None = None, objects: Iterable[str] | None = None, **kwargs) Iterable[LogicalDefinitionAxiom] [source]
Yields all logical definitions for input subjects.
>>> from oaklib import get_adapter >>> adapter = get_adapter("tests/input/go-nucleus.db", implements=OboGraphInterface) >>> for ldef in adapter.logical_definitions(["GO:0009892"]): ... print(f"Genus: {adapter.label(ldef.genusIds[0])}") ... for r in ldef.restrictions: ... print(f" Differentia: {adapter.label(r.propertyId)} SOME {adapter.label(r.fillerId)}") Genus: biological regulation Differentia: negatively regulates SOME metabolic process
Leaving the subjects parameter as None will yield all logical definitions in the ontology.
>>> len(list(adapter.logical_definitions())) 50
- Parameters:
subjects – If specified, defined class must be in this set
predicates – If specified, only yields logical definitions with these predicates
objects – If specified, only yields logical definitions with genus or filler in this list
- Returns:
- disjoint_class_expressions_axioms(subjects: Iterable[str] | None = None, predicates: Iterable[str] | None = None, group=False, **kwargs) Iterable[DisjointClassExpressionsAxiom] [source]
Yields all disjoint class expressions.
- Parameters:
subjects – if present, filter to only those that reference these subjects
predicates – if present, filter to only those that reference these predicates
group – if True, group into cliques
- Returns:
- add_metadata(graph: Graph) None [source]
Decorates the graph with meta objects on all nodes :param graph: :return:
- class oaklib.interfaces.obograph_interface.TraversalConfiguration(predicates: ~typing.List[str] | None = None, up_distance: ~oaklib.interfaces.obograph_interface.Distance = <factory>, down_distance: ~oaklib.interfaces.obograph_interface.Distance = <factory>)[source]
Specifies how to walk up and down a graph