Aliases and Synonyms

Most ontologies allow for multiple aliases or Synonyms for a given entity. These are typically distinguished from the primary label.

There exists a wide variety of ways in which aliases are represented in ontologies, reflecting both different historic practice, and different uses cases. Most ontologies represent synonyms/aliases as strings / Literal values, but note that some systems (e.g. SKOS) may occasionally represent a synonym as a distinct Node in the RDF graph.

Use Cases

Text mining and NLP

Many text mining and NLP tasks rely on being able to recognize or ground concepts in text.

For example, a phrase:

Inherited mutations in the PTEN gene increase the risk of developing breast cancer

Contains many different concepts, many of which are denoted by something other than their primary label.

For example, in NCIT the primary label for the concept “breast cancer” is “malignant breast neoplasm”, so use of synonyms may be required to ground this concept.

Adding more synonyms to ontologies can help with text mining, see Funk et al 2016

Different aliases for different communities

Ontologies aim to provide a largely terminology-neutral view of concepts or entities. In practice, this means that sometimes some communities are prioritized when providing primary labels; e.g

  • in Uberon, species-neutral terms and terms from comparative anatomy are prioritized, e.g “manus” over “hand”

  • Scientific or medical terminology is typically favored over less precise layperson terminology

However, it can be very important to provide strings that are intended for use within a particular community (e.g. human anatomy users of Uberon, or layperson users of HPO).

Different applications may use metadata about target community differently - e.g. customizing both search and display (favoring the community label), or even making a community specific version of an ontology, with community synonyms replacing primary labels.

For more information see:

Different Languages

Many ontologies need to support an international community of users.

Different approaches to representing synonym metadata

There is no universal standard for representing synonyms in ontologies.

Ontologies vary in both structure and vocabularies (Annotation Properties) used.

Some ontologies like SWEET create a different concept/class URI for each synonym, and related these to the “primary” concept using an Equivalence Axiom.

It is more common to represent synonyms as Literals, so that there is a clear separation between the concept and its string forms – but this is by no means universal.

There are a lot of different predicates used for connecting entities to these literals:

  • SKOS provides skos:altLabel

  • oboInOwl (oio) provides 4 different predicates: oio:hasExactSynonym, oio:hasRelatedSynonym, oio:hasBroadSynonym, oio:hasNarrowSynonym

  • IAO has IAO:0000118 (has alternative label)

  • Many ontologies mint their own specific properties

Within the context of OBO ontologies, the OMO vocabulary attempts to unify these different models, but there is still wide variation, even within OBO.

One area where there is standardization is Language Tags in RDF. However, there is still a lack of consensus in many ontologies whose primary language is english whether to tag each element with a @en or to leave as an untyped or string literal.

Representation of synonyms in OAK

OAK aims to be as pluralistic as possible, and to support a wide variety of ontologies and use cases, both for bio-ontologies, and any kind of ontology.

The approach we take is a multi-level representation. The core OAK data model has a simple representation of synonyms, and then we provide different interfaces for different ways of representing synonyms.

The primary advanced interface is the OboGraph Interface.

Simple Core Model

The BasicOntologyInterface in OAK allows for a simple representation of synonyms, as either lists of strings associated with entities, or predicate-string tuples.


For full documentation , see Basic Ontology Interface

The entity_aliases method returns a list of strings.


>>> from oaklib import get_adapter
>>> adapter = get_adapter("sqlite:obo:hp")
>>> for alias in sorted(adapter.entity_aliases("HP:0001698")):
...     print(alias)
Fluid around heart
Pericardial effusion
Pericardial effusions

This is too simplistic for some purposes - often we want to know more about the predicate, so we can use alias_relationships

>>> for pred, alias in sorted(adapter.alias_relationships("HP:0001698")):
...     print(pred, alias)
oio:hasExactSynonym Fluid around heart
oio:hasExactSynonym Pericardial effusions
rdfs:label Pericardial effusion

(note that label is treated as an alias by default, but you can pass exclude_labels=True to override this)

You can get the same information on the command line with the aliases command:

$ alias hp='runoak -i sqlite:obo:hp'
$ hp aliases HP:0001698

This will give a table:

HPO basic aliases






Pericardial effusion



Fluid around heart



Pericardial effusions

Obo Graph Data Model

The OboGraph Interface provides a more advanced representation of synonyms, conforming to the obograph_datamodel.


For full documentation , see OboGraph Interface

>>> adapter = get_adapter("sqlite:obo:hp")
>>> for entity, spv in adapter.synonym_property_values(["HP:0001698"]):
...     xrefs = ", ".join(spv.xrefs)
...     print(f"{entity} pred: {spv.pred} ({spv.synonymType}) '{spv.val}' [{xrefs}]")
HP:0001698 pred: hasExactSynonym (layperson) 'Fluid around heart' [ORCID:0000-0002-6548-5200]
HP:0001698 pred: hasExactSynonym (None) 'Pericardial effusions' []

You can also get similar behavior by passing --obo-model to the aliases command:

$ hp aliases HP:0001698 --obo-model
HPO full aliases








Fluid around heart





Pericardial effusions

