Aggregator Adapter


class oaklib.implementations.aggregator.aggregator_implementation.AggregatorImplementation(resource: ~oaklib.resource.OntologyResource | None = None, strict: bool = False, _multilingual: bool | None = None, autosave: bool = <factory>, exclude_owl_top_and_bottom: bool = <factory>, ontology_metamodel_mapper: ~oaklib.mappers.ontology_metadata_mapper.OntologyMetadataMapper | None = None, _converter: ~curies.api.Converter | None = None, auto_relax_axioms: bool | None = None, cache_lookups: bool = False, property_cache: ~oaklib.utilities.keyval_cache.KeyValCache = <factory>, _edge_index: ~oaklib.indexes.edge_index.EdgeIndex | None = None, _entailed_edge_index: ~oaklib.indexes.edge_index.EdgeIndex | None = None, _prefix_map: ~typing.Mapping[str, str] | None = None, _association_index: ~oaklib.utilities.associations.association_index.AssociationIndex | None = None, normalizers: ~typing.List[~oaklib.interfaces.association_provider_interface.EntityNormalizer] = <factory>, implementations: ~typing.List[~oaklib.interfaces.basic_ontology_interface.BasicOntologyInterface] | None = None)[source]

An OAK adapter that wraps multiple implementations and integrates results together.

This allows for multiple implementations to be wrapped, with calls to the aggregator farming out queries to multiple implementations, and weaving the results together.


>>> from oaklib import get_adapter
>>> from oaklib.implementations import AggregatorImplementation
>>> from import SearchConfiguration, SearchTermSyntax
>>> hp = get_adapter("sqlite:obo:hp")
>>> mp = get_adapter("sqlite:obo:mp")
>>> cfg = SearchConfiguration(syntax=SearchTermSyntax.REGULAR_EXPRESSION)
>>> agg = AggregatorImplementation(implementations=[hp, mp])
>>> for entity in sorted(agg.basic_search("parathyroid", config=cfg)):
...     print(entity, agg.label(entity))

HP:0000860 Parathyroid hypoplasia
MP:0000680 absent parathyroid glands

Command Line Usage

Use the --add (-a) option before the main command to add additional implementations.


runoak -i db/mp.db -a db/hp.db COMMAND [COMMAND OPTIONS]