OAK disjoints command

This notebook is intended as a supplement to the main OAK CLI docs.

This notebook provides examples for the disjoints command, which can be used to lookup and summarize disjointness axioms

For more on disjointness see The OBook

Help Option

You can get help on any OAK command using --help

!runoak disjoints --help
Usage: runoak disjoints [OPTIONS] [TERMS]...

  Show all disjoints for a set of terms, or whole ontology.

  Leave off all arguments for defaults - all terms, YAML OboGraph model


      runoak -i sqlite:obo:uberon disjoints

  Note that this will include pairwise disjoints, setwise disjoints, disjoint
  unions, and disjoints involving simple class expressions.

  A tabular format can be easier to browse, and includes labels by default:


      runoak -i sqlite:obo:uberon disjoints --autolabel -O csv

  To perform this on a subset:


      runoak -i sqlite:obo:cl disjoints --autolabel -O csv  .desc//p=i "immune

  Data model:


  -p, --predicates TEXT           A comma-separated list of predicates. This
                                  may be a shorthand (i, p) or CURIE
  --autolabel / --no-autolabel    If set, results will automatically have
                                  labels assigned  [default: autolabel]
  -O, --output-type TEXT          Desired output type
  --named-classes-only / --no-namde-classes-only
                                  Only show disjointness axioms between two
                                  named classes.  [default: no-namde-classes-
  -o, --output FILENAME           Output file, e.g. obo file
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Set up an alias

For convenience we will set up an alias for use in this notebook

alias cl runoak -i sqlite:obo:cl

All simple disjointness axioms

Let’s first look at all simple disjointness axioms in the ontology - i.e. those between named classes

cl disjoints --named-classes-only > output/cl-disjoints.yaml
!head -40 output/cl-disjoints.yaml
- BFO:0000002
- BFO:0000003

- BFO:0000004
- BFO:0000031

- BFO:0000004
- BFO:0000020

- BFO:0000016
- BFO:0000023

- BFO:0000017
- BFO:0000019

- BFO:0000020
- BFO:0000031

- BFO:0000040
- BFO:0000141

- CARO:0000006
- CARO:0000007


The YAML here is conformant with OboGraphs. However, it’s not very convenient for viewing, so let’s get a flattened via as both obo format and a TSV

cl disjoints --named-classes-only -O obo > output/cl-disjoints.obo
WARNING:root:Skipping DisjointClassExpressionsAxiom with only one class: DisjointClassExpressionsAxiom(meta=None, classIds=['_:riog00151338'], classExpressions=[], unionEquivalentTo=None, unionEquivalentToExpression=None)
!head -20 output/cl-disjoints.obo
id: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
disjoint_from: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent

id: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
disjoint_from: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant

id: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
disjoint_from: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant

id: BFO:0000016 ! disposition
disjoint_from: BFO:0000023 ! role

cl disjoints --named-classes-only -O csv > output/cl-disjoints.tsv
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("output/cl-disjoints.tsv", sep="\t")
classIds classIds_label unionEquivalentTo unionEquivalentToExpression classExpressionPropertyIds classExpressionFillerIds
0 BFO:0000002|BFO:0000003 continuant|occurrent NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 BFO:0000004|BFO:0000031 independent continuant|generically dependent c... NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 BFO:0000004|BFO:0000020 independent continuant|specifically dependent ... NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 BFO:0000016|BFO:0000023 disposition|role NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 BFO:0000017|BFO:0000019 realizable entity|quality NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
309 UBERON:0035165|UBERON:0035523 posterior surface of prostate|anterior surface... NaN NaN NaN NaN
310 UBERON:2001156|UBERON:2001316 posterior lateral line placode|anterior latera... NaN NaN NaN NaN
311 UBERON:2001314|UBERON:2001391 posterior lateral line ganglion|anterior later... NaN NaN NaN NaN
312 UBERON:2001468|UBERON:2001471 anterior lateral line system|posterior lateral... NaN NaN NaN NaN
313 _:riog00151338 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

314 rows × 6 columns

Note that many of the columns will never be filled so long as we are querying simple (NC only) disjoints.

This includes lots of ontologies that are merged in.

We can filter this by ID prefix using an i^ (identifier starts with) query

cl disjoints --named-classes-only -O csv i^CL: > output/cl-disjoints-cell-types.tsv
df = pd.read_csv("output/cl-disjoints-cell-types.tsv", sep="\t")
classIds classIds_label unionEquivalentTo unionEquivalentToExpression classExpressionPropertyIds classExpressionFillerIds
0 CL:0000000|GO:0043226 cell|organelle NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 CL:0000000|GO:0032991 cell|protein-containing complex NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 CL:0000000|GO:0031012 cell|extracellular matrix NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 CL:0000039|CL:0002371 germ line cell|somatic cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 CL:0000049|CL:0000557 common myeloid progenitor|granulocyte monocyte... NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 CL:0000049|CL:0000051 common myeloid progenitor|common lymphoid prog... NaN NaN NaN NaN
6 CL:0000049|CL:0000050 common myeloid progenitor|megakaryocyte-erythr... NaN NaN NaN NaN
7 CL:0000050|CL:0002009 megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell|macrop... NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 CL:0000050|CL:0000557 megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell|granul... NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 CL:0000066|CL:0000738 epithelial cell|leukocyte NaN NaN NaN NaN
10 CL:0000084|CL:0000945 T cell|lymphocyte of B lineage NaN NaN NaN NaN
11 CL:0000225|CL:0002242 anucleate cell|nucleate cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
12 CL:0000255|CL:0000520 eukaryotic cell|prokaryotic cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
13 CL:0000451|CL:0000542 dendritic cell|lymphocyte NaN NaN NaN NaN
14 CL:0000521|CL:0000548 fungal cell|animal cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
15 CL:0000542|CL:0000766 lymphocyte|myeloid leukocyte NaN NaN NaN NaN
16 CL:0000556|CL:0000764 megakaryocyte|erythroid lineage cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
17 CL:0000624|CL:0000625 CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell|CD8-positive, ... NaN NaN NaN NaN
18 CL:0000737|CL:0008000 striated muscle cell|non-striated muscle cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
19 CL:0000785|CL:0000818 mature B cell|transitional stage B cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
20 CL:0000785|CL:0000817 mature B cell|precursor B cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
21 CL:0000785|CL:0000816 mature B cell|immature B cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
22 CL:0000789|CL:0000798 alpha-beta T cell|gamma-delta T cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
23 CL:0000813|CL:0000898 memory T cell|naive T cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
24 CL:0000817|CL:0000826 precursor B cell|pro-B cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
25 CL:0000823|CL:0000937 immature natural killer cell|pre-natural kille... NaN NaN NaN NaN
26 CL:0000823|CL:0000824 immature natural killer cell|mature natural ki... NaN NaN NaN NaN
27 CL:0000837|CL:0002032 hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell|hema... NaN NaN NaN NaN
28 CL:0000838|CL:0000839 lymphoid lineage restricted progenitor cell|my... NaN NaN NaN NaN
29 CL:0000851|CL:0000855 neuromast mantle cell|sensory hair cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
30 CL:0000852|CL:0000855 neuromast supporting cell|sensory hair cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
31 CL:0000955|CL:0000956 pre-B-II cell|pre-B-I cell NaN NaN NaN NaN
32 CL:0001008|CL:0001024 Kit and Sca1-positive hematopoietic stem cell|... NaN NaN NaN NaN
33 CL:0001021|CL:0001025 CD34-positive, CD38-positive common lymphoid p... NaN NaN NaN NaN
34 CL:0001023|CL:0001026 Kit-positive, CD34-positive common myeloid pro... NaN NaN NaN NaN
35 CL:0002031|CL:0002032 hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor ce... NaN NaN NaN NaN
36 CL:0002036|CL:0002043 Slamf1-positive multipotent progenitor cell|CD... NaN NaN NaN NaN
37 CL:0008011|CL:0008020 skeletal muscle satellite stem cell|skeletal m... NaN NaN NaN NaN
38 CL:0008046|CL:0008047 extrafusal muscle fiber|intrafusal muscle fiber NaN NaN NaN NaN
39 _:riog00151338 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Disjoint Class Expressions

Some ontologies like Uberon make use of more advanced disjointness concepts in order to express things like spatial disjointness. See Uberon wiki.

In OWL terms these are formally known as “General Class Inclusion Axioms”. However, OAK shields you from this and provides these using a simple data model.

To include part-of in lookups, use the --predicates (-p) option (this is a standard OAK option for any command involving relationship types).

Here we will find all spatial disjointness axioms between major organism subdivisions in Uberon:

alias uberon runoak -i sqlite:obo:uberon
uberon disjoints -p i,p .desc//p=i "subdivision of organism along main body axis"
- fillerId: UBERON:0000026
  propertyId: BFO:0000050
- fillerId: UBERON:0000915
  propertyId: BFO:0000050

- fillerId: UBERON:0000026
  propertyId: BFO:0000050
- fillerId: UBERON:0002100
  propertyId: BFO:0000050

- fillerId: UBERON:0000033
  propertyId: BFO:0000050
- fillerId: UBERON:0000915
  propertyId: BFO:0000050

- fillerId: UBERON:0000033
  propertyId: BFO:0000050
- fillerId: UBERON:0000948
  propertyId: BFO:0000050

- fillerId: UBERON:0000033
  propertyId: BFO:0000050
- fillerId: UBERON:0002100
  propertyId: BFO:0000050

- fillerId: UBERON:0000033
  propertyId: BFO:0000050
- fillerId: UBERON:0005886
  propertyId: BFO:0000050

- fillerId: UBERON:0000915
  propertyId: BFO:0000050
- fillerId: UBERON:0002417
  propertyId: BFO:0000050

- _:riog00226101

- _:riog00226236

- _:riog00226251

- _:riog00226988

The OAK OboGraphs data model here allows each axiom to include a list of class expressions, these are tuples of a predicate (property) and a filler.

We can look at the flattened view:

uberon disjoints -p i,p .desc//p=i "subdivision of organism along main body axis" -O csv -o output/uberon-part-disjoint-subdivisions.tsv
df = pd.read_csv("output/uberon-part-disjoint-subdivisions.tsv", sep="\t")
classIds unionEquivalentTo unionEquivalentToExpression classExpressionPropertyIds classExpressionPropertyIds_label classExpressionFillerIds classExpressionFillerIds_label
0 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of UBERON:0000026|UBERON:0000915 appendage|thoracic segment of trunk
1 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of UBERON:0000026|UBERON:0002100 appendage|trunk
2 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of UBERON:0000033|UBERON:0000915 head|thoracic segment of trunk
3 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of UBERON:0000033|UBERON:0000948 head|heart
4 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of UBERON:0000033|UBERON:0002100 head|trunk
5 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of UBERON:0000033|UBERON:0005886 head|post-hyoid pharyngeal arch skeleton
6 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of UBERON:0000915|UBERON:0002417 thoracic segment of trunk|abdominal segment of...
7 _:riog00226101 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 _:riog00226236 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 _:riog00226251 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
10 _:riog00226988 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Here the disjointness axiom states that all classIds and all predicate-filler expressions are mutually disjoint.

This is telling us that nothing is part of both an “appendage” and “thoracic segment of trunk”, i.e. there is no spatial overlap.

Generating disjointness axioms

Many ontologies are under-axiomatized. Editors sometimes struggle to add the appropriate disjointness axioms.

OAK provides a heuristic approach to suggesting disjointness axioms.

First we will explore this using the Zebrafish anatomy ontolog as an example. We will find candidate pairwise disjoints under “bone element”:

alias zfa runoak -i sqlite:obo:zfa
zfa generate-disjoints "bone element" -O csv -o output/zfa-bone-element-gen-disjoint.tsv
df = pd.read_csv("output/zfa-bone-element-gen-disjoint.tsv", sep="\t")
classIds classIds_label unionEquivalentTo unionEquivalentToExpression classExpressionPropertyIds classExpressionFillerIds
0 ZFA:0000170|ZFA:0000658 basibranchial|epibranchial bone NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 ZFA:0000442|ZFA:0000658 supraneural|epibranchial bone NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 ZFA:0000442|ZFA:0000170 supraneural|basibranchial NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 ZFA:0001066|ZFA:0000658 neural arch|epibranchial bone NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 ZFA:0001066|ZFA:0000170 neural arch|basibranchial NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
60 ZFA:0001418|ZFA:0001551 dorsal fin lepidotrichium|pectoral fin lepidot... NaN NaN NaN NaN
61 ZFA:0001421|ZFA:0001552 anal fin lepidotrichium|pelvic fin lepidotrichium NaN NaN NaN NaN
62 ZFA:0001421|ZFA:0001550 anal fin lepidotrichium|caudal fin lepidotrichium NaN NaN NaN NaN
63 ZFA:0001421|ZFA:0001551 anal fin lepidotrichium|pectoral fin lepidotri... NaN NaN NaN NaN
64 ZFA:0001421|ZFA:0001418 anal fin lepidotrichium|dorsal fin lepidotrichium NaN NaN NaN NaN

65 rows × 6 columns

Generating spatial disjointness axioms

Pass in predicates to also generate candidate OWL axioms of the form

(part-of some X) DisjointWith (part-of some Y)

zfa generate-disjoints "paired fin skeleton" -p i,p -O csv -o output/zfa-skel-gen-part-disjoint.tsv
df = pd.read_csv("output/zfa-skel-gen-part-disjoint.tsv", sep="\t")
classIds unionEquivalentTo unionEquivalentToExpression classExpressionPropertyIds classExpressionPropertyIds_label classExpressionFillerIds classExpressionFillerIds_label
0 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of ZFA:0000943|ZFA:0001387 pectoral fin skeleton|pelvic fin skeleton
1 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of ZFA:0000257|ZFA:0001586 pectoral fin cartilage|pectoral fin radial
2 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of ZFA:0001551|ZFA:0001586 pectoral fin lepidotrichium|pectoral fin radial
3 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of ZFA:0001551|ZFA:0000257 pectoral fin lepidotrichium|pectoral fin carti...
4 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of ZFA:0000407|ZFA:0001586 pectoral girdle|pectoral fin radial
5 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of ZFA:0000407|ZFA:0001551 pectoral girdle|pectoral fin lepidotrichium
6 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of ZFA:0001552|ZFA:0000508 pelvic fin lepidotrichium|pelvic radial
7 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of ZFA:0001459|ZFA:0000508 pelvic fin cartilage|pelvic radial
8 NaN NaN NaN BFO:0000050|BFO:0000050 part of|part of ZFA:0001459|ZFA:0001552 pelvic fin cartilage|pelvic fin lepidotrichium

The first row here tells us that the pectoral and pelvic fin skeletons have no parts in common.

Note this is a stronger axiom than simply saying the two structures are class-disjoint.

[ ]: