OAK logical-definitions command

This notebook is intended as a supplement to the main OAK CLI docs.

This notebook provides examples for the logical-definitions command, which can be used to lookup and summarize logical defs

For more on logical definitions, see Logical Definitions in the OAK guide.

Help Option

You can get help on any OAK command using --help

!runoak logical-definitions --help
Usage: runoak logical-definitions [OPTIONS] [TERMS]...

  Show all logical definitions for a term or terms.

  To show all logical definitions in an ontology, pass the ".all" query term

  Example; first create an alias:

      alias pato="runoak -i obo:sqlite:pato"

  Then run the query:

      pato logical-definitions .all

  By default, ".all" will query all axioms for all terms including merged
  terms; to restrict to only the current terms, use an ID query:

      pato logical-definitions i^PATO

  You can also restrict to branches:

      pato logical-definitions .desc//p=i "physical object quality"

  By default, the output is a subset of OboGraph datamodel rendered as YAML,

    definedClassId: PATO:0045071     genusIds:     - PATO:0001439
    restrictions:     - fillerId: PATO:0000461       propertyId: RO:0015010

  You can also specify CSV to generate a flattened form of this.


      pato logical-definitions .all --output-type csv

  You can optionally choose to "--matrix-axes" to transform the output to a
  matrix form. This is a comma-separated pair of axes, where each element is a
  logical definition element type: "f" for filler, "p" for predicate, "g" for
  genus, "d" for defined class.


  - Each property/predicate is a column - For repeated properties, columns of
  the form prop_1, prop_2, ... are generated


      pato logical-definitions .all  --matrix-axes d,p --output-type csv

  This will generate a row for each defined class with a logical definition,
  with columns for each predicate ("genus" is treated as a predicate here).


  Currently this only works for definitions that follow a basic genus-
  differentia pattern, which is what is currently represented in the OboGraph

  Consider using the "axioms" command for inspection of complex nested OWL

  More examples:


  Python API:


  Data model:


  --unmelt / --no-unmelt          Flatten to a wide table  [default: no-
  --matrix-axes TEXT              If specified, transform results to matrix
                                  using these row and column axes. Examples:
                                  d,p; f,g
  -p, --predicates TEXT           A comma-separated list of predicates. This
                                  may be a shorthand (i, p) or CURIE
  --autolabel / --no-autolabel    If set, results will automatically have
                                  labels assigned  [default: autolabel]
  -O, --output-type TEXT          Desired output type
  -o, --output FILENAME           Output file, e.g. obo file
  --if-absent [absent-only|present-only]
                                  determines behavior when the value is not
                                  present or is empty.
  -S, --set-value TEXT            the value to set for all terms for the given
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Set up an alias

For convenience we will set up an alias for use in this notebook

alias uberon runoak -i sqlite:obo:uberon

Fetching logical definitions for individual terms

First we will pass in a simple list of terms to the command.

Like most OAK commands, this command accepts lists of either IDs, labels, queries, or boolean combinations thereof

uberon logical-definitions fingernail toenail
definedClassId: UBERON:0009565
- UBERON:0001705
- fillerId: UBERON:0002389
  propertyId: BFO:0000050

definedClassId: UBERON:0009567
- UBERON:0001705
- fillerId: UBERON:0001466
  propertyId: BFO:0000050
uberon logical-definitions fingernail toenail -O csv

uberon logical-definitions fingernail toenail -O obo
id: UBERON:0009565 ! nail of manual digit
intersection_of: UBERON:0001705 ! nail
intersection_of: BFO:0000050 UBERON:0002389 ! manual digit

id: UBERON:0009567 ! nail of pedal digit
intersection_of: UBERON:0001705 ! nail
intersection_of: BFO:0000050 UBERON:0001466 ! pedal digit

Matrix views

We can use the --matrix-axes option to summarize a large collection of logical definitions as a wide table.

This takes two values, separated by a comma:

  • d: defined_class

  • f: filler

  • g: genus

  • p: predicate

Define class x Predicate

In the following example d,p will create a matrix whose rows are defined classes and whose columns are predicates

uberon logical-definitions -p p .desc//p=i "bone element" .and .desc//p=i,p UBERON:0002544 --matrix-axes d,p -O csv -o output/uberon-digit-defs-dp.tsv
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("output/uberon-digit-defs-dp.tsv", sep="\t")
defined_class defined_class_label genus genus_label part_of part_of_label
0 UBERON:0001436 phalanx of manus UBERON:0003221 phalanx UBERON:0002389 manual digit
1 UBERON:0002234 proximal phalanx of manus UBERON:0004302 proximal phalanx UBERON:0002389 manual digit
2 UBERON:0004328 proximal phalanx of manual digit 2 UBERON:0004302 proximal phalanx UBERON:0003622 manual digit 2
3 UBERON:0004329 proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 UBERON:0004302 proximal phalanx UBERON:0003623 manual digit 3
4 UBERON:0004330 proximal phalanx of manual digit 4 UBERON:0004302 proximal phalanx UBERON:0003624 manual digit 4
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
59 UBERON:0014503 proximal phalanx of digit 3 UBERON:0004302 proximal phalanx UBERON:0006050 digit 3
60 UBERON:0014504 proximal phalanx of digit 4 UBERON:0004302 proximal phalanx UBERON:0006051 digit 4
61 UBERON:0014505 proximal phalanx of digit 5 UBERON:0004302 proximal phalanx UBERON:0006052 digit 5
62 UBERON:0004248 pedal digit bone UBERON:0001474 bone element UBERON:0001466 pedal digit
63 UBERON:0004249 manual digit bone UBERON:0001474 bone element UBERON:0002389 manual digit

64 rows × 6 columns

Filler x Genus

We can flip this around, and have each row be a filler (f) and each column be a genus (g).

uberon logical-definitions -p p .desc//p=i "bone element" .and .desc//p=i,p UBERON:0002544 --matrix-axes f,g -O csv -o output/uberon-digit-defs-fg.tsv
df = pd.read_csv("output/uberon-digit-defs-fg.tsv", sep="\t")
filler filler_label phalanx phalanx_label proximal_phalanx proximal_phalanx_label middle_phalanx middle_phalanx_label distal_phalanx distal_phalanx_label bone_element bone_element_label
0 UBERON:0002387 pes UBERON:0001449 phalanx of pes NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 UBERON:0009563 pastern region of limb UBERON:0009558 pastern bone NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 UBERON:0002389 manual digit UBERON:0001436 phalanx of manus UBERON:0002234 proximal phalanx of manus UBERON:0003864 middle phalanx of manus UBERON:0003865 distal phalanx of manus UBERON:0004249 manual digit bone
3 UBERON:0003622 manual digit 2 UBERON:0003636 manual digit 2 phalanx UBERON:0004328 proximal phalanx of manual digit 2 UBERON:0004320 middle phalanx of manual digit 2 UBERON:0004311 distal phalanx of manual digit 2 NaN NaN
4 UBERON:0003623 manual digit 3 UBERON:0003637 manual digit 3 phalanx UBERON:0004329 proximal phalanx of manual digit 3 UBERON:0004321 middle phalanx of manual digit 3 UBERON:0004312 distal phalanx of manual digit 3 NaN NaN
5 UBERON:0003624 manual digit 4 UBERON:0003638 manual digit 4 phalanx UBERON:0004330 proximal phalanx of manual digit 4 UBERON:0004322 middle phalanx of manual digit 4 UBERON:0004313 distal phalanx of manual digit 4 NaN NaN
6 UBERON:0001463 manual digit 1 UBERON:0003620 manual digit 1 phalanx UBERON:0004338 proximal phalanx of manual digit 1 NaN NaN UBERON:0004337 distal phalanx of manual digit 1 NaN NaN
7 UBERON:0003625 manual digit 5 UBERON:0003639 manual digit 5 phalanx UBERON:0004331 proximal phalanx of manual digit 5 UBERON:0004323 middle phalanx of manual digit 5 UBERON:0004314 distal phalanx of manual digit 5 NaN NaN
8 UBERON:0001466 pedal digit NaN NaN UBERON:0003868 proximal phalanx of pes UBERON:0003866 middle phalanx of pes UBERON:0003867 distal phalanx of pes UBERON:0004248 pedal digit bone
9 UBERON:0003632 pedal digit 2 UBERON:0003641 pedal digit 2 phalanx UBERON:0004333 proximal phalanx of pedal digit 2 UBERON:0004324 middle phalanx of pedal digit 2 UBERON:0004316 distal phalanx of pedal digit 2 NaN NaN
10 UBERON:0003633 pedal digit 3 UBERON:0003642 pedal digit 3 phalanx UBERON:0004334 proximal phalanx of pedal digit 3 UBERON:0004325 middle phalanx of pedal digit 3 UBERON:0004317 distal phalanx of pedal digit 3 NaN NaN
11 UBERON:0003634 pedal digit 4 UBERON:0003862 pedal digit 4 phalanx UBERON:0004335 proximal phalanx of pedal digit 4 UBERON:0004326 middle phalanx of pedal digit 4 UBERON:0004318 distal phalanx of pedal digit 4 NaN NaN
12 UBERON:0003631 pedal digit 1 UBERON:0003640 pedal digit 1 phalanx UBERON:0004332 proximal phalanx of pedal digit 1 NaN NaN UBERON:0004315 distal phalanx of pedal digit 1 NaN NaN
13 UBERON:0003635 pedal digit 5 UBERON:0003863 pedal digit 5 phalanx UBERON:0004336 proximal phalanx of pedal digit 5 UBERON:0004327 middle phalanx of pedal digit 5 UBERON:0004319 distal phalanx of pedal digit 5 NaN NaN
14 UBERON:0012137 pedal digit 7 UBERON:4100009 pedal digit 7 phalanx NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
15 UBERON:0006049 digit 2 NaN NaN UBERON:0014502 proximal phalanx of digit 2 UBERON:0014488 middle phalanx of digit 2 UBERON:0014484 distal phalanx of digit 2 NaN NaN
16 UBERON:0006050 digit 3 NaN NaN UBERON:0014503 proximal phalanx of digit 3 UBERON:0014489 middle phalanx of digit 3 UBERON:0014485 distal phalanx of digit 3 NaN NaN
17 UBERON:0006051 digit 4 NaN NaN UBERON:0014504 proximal phalanx of digit 4 UBERON:0014490 middle phalanx of digit 4 UBERON:0014486 distal phalanx of digit 4 NaN NaN
18 UBERON:0006048 digit 1 NaN NaN UBERON:0014501 proximal phalanx of digit 1 NaN NaN UBERON:0014483 distal phalanx of digit 1 NaN NaN
19 UBERON:0006052 digit 5 NaN NaN UBERON:0014505 proximal phalanx of digit 5 UBERON:0014491 middle phalanx of digit 5 UBERON:0014487 distal phalanx of digit 5 NaN NaN

Note that this view immediately shows the density of the lattice. We can identify what might potentially be gaps;

for example, the cells for “middle phalanx” and digit 1 of the hand (manual) and foot (pedal) are empty. We might think this means we left out a potential term.

However, this omission is actually intentional due to the lack of a middle/intermediate phalanx on the thumb / big toe:


(it may be the case this phalanx is present in other species, in which case a term may be added with negative taxon constraints)

Analyzing and gap filling

OAK has experimental features for analyzing and gap-filling logical definitions; these are not yet exposed on the command line

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