OAK relationships command

This notebook is intended as a supplement to the main OAK CLI docs.

This notebook provides examples for the relationships command, which can be used to lookup direct and inferred relationships between entities in ontologies.

Overall background on the concepts here can be found in the OAK Guide to Graphs and Relationships.

Help Option

You can get help on any OAK command using --help

!runoak relationships --help
Usage: runoak relationships [OPTIONS] [TERMS]...

  Show all relationships for a term or terms

  By default, this shows all relationships where the input term(s) are the


      runoak -i cl.db relationships CL:4023094

  Like all OAK commands, a label can be passed instead of a CURIE


      runoak -i cl.db relationships neuron

  To reverse the direction, and query where the search term(s) are *objects*,
  use the --direction flag:


      runoak -i cl.db relationships --direction down neuron

  Multiple terms can be passed


      runoak -i uberon.db relationships heart liver lung

  And like all OAK commands, a query can be passed rather than an explicit
  term list

  The following query lists all arteries in the limb together which what
  structures they supply


      runoak -i uberon.db relationships -p RO:0002178 .desc//p=i "artery" .and
      .desc//p=i,p "limb"

  More examples:


  Python API:


  -p, --predicates TEXT           A comma-separated list of predicates. This
                                  may be a shorthand (i, p) or CURIE
  --direction [up|down|both]      direction of traversal over edges, which up
                                  is subject to object, down is object to
  --autolabel / --no-autolabel    If set, results will automatically have
                                  labels assigned  [default: autolabel]
  -O, --output-type TEXT          Desired output type
  -o, --output FILENAME           Output file, e.g. obo file
  --if-absent [absent-only|present-only]
                                  determines behavior when the value is not
                                  present or is empty.
  -S, --set-value TEXT            the value to set for all terms for the given
  --include-entailed / --no-include-entailed
                                  Include entailed indirect relationships
                                  [default: no-include-entailed]
  --non-redundant-entailed / --no-non-redundant-entailed
                                  Include entailed but exclude entailed
                                  redundant relationships  [default: no-non-
  --include-tbox / --no-include-tbox
                                  Include class-class relationships (subclass
                                  and existentials)  [default: include-tbox]
  --include-abox / --no-include-abox
                                  Include instance relationships (class and
                                  object property assertions)  [default:
  --include-metadata / --no-include-metadata
                                  Include metadata (axiom annotations)
                                  [default: no-include-metadata]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Set up an alias

For convenience we will set up an alias for use in this notebook. This will allow us to use uberon ... rather than runoak -i sqlite:obo:uberon ... for the rest of the notebook.

alias uberon runoak -i sqlite:obo:uberon

Direct relationships for a subject term

First we will look up the direct asserted relationships in Uberon with finger as the subject term.

uberon relationships finger
subject subject_label   predicate       predicate_label object  object_label
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002102  forelimb
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0012141  manual digitopodium region
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5002389  manual digit plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002544  digit

Like most OAK commands, the relationships command can take lists of labels, lists of IDs, or even complex query terms (which might themselves involve graphs).

uberon relationships finger toe
subject subject_label   predicate       predicate_label object  object_label
UBERON:0001466  pedal digit     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002387  pes
UBERON:0001466  pedal digit     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0012142  pedal digitopodium region
UBERON:0001466  pedal digit     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5001466  pedal digit plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0001466  pedal digit     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002544  digit
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002102  forelimb
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0012141  manual digitopodium region
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5002389  manual digit plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002544  digit

Next we will show all direct relationships for all is-a descendants of finger.

uberon relationships .desc//p=i finger
subject subject_label   predicate       predicate_label object  object_label
UBERON:0001463  manual digit 1  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0001463  manual digit 1  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0012141  manual digitopodium region
UBERON:0001463  manual digit 1  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5001463  manual digit 1 plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0001463  manual digit 1  BSPO:0001113    preaxialmost part of    UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0001463  manual digit 1  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0006048  digit 1
UBERON:0001463  manual digit 1  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0019231  manual digit 1 or 5
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002102  forelimb
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0012141  manual digitopodium region
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5002389  manual digit plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002544  digit
UBERON:0003622  manual digit 2  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0003622  manual digit 2  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0012141  manual digitopodium region
UBERON:0003622  manual digit 2  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5003622  manual digit 2 plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0003622  manual digit 2  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0006049  digit 2
UBERON:0003622  manual digit 2  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0019232  manual digit 2, 3 or 4
UBERON:0003623  manual digit 3  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0003623  manual digit 3  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0012141  manual digitopodium region
UBERON:0003623  manual digit 3  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5003623  manual digit 3 plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0003623  manual digit 3  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0006050  digit 3
UBERON:0003623  manual digit 3  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0019232  manual digit 2, 3 or 4
UBERON:0003624  manual digit 4  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0003624  manual digit 4  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0012141  manual digitopodium region
UBERON:0003624  manual digit 4  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5003624  manual digit 4 plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0003624  manual digit 4  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0006051  digit 4
UBERON:0003624  manual digit 4  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0019232  manual digit 2, 3 or 4
UBERON:0003625  manual digit 5  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0003625  manual digit 5  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0012141  manual digitopodium region
UBERON:0003625  manual digit 5  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5003625  manual digit 5 plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0003625  manual digit 5  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0006052  digit 5
UBERON:0003625  manual digit 5  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0019231  manual digit 1 or 5
UBERON:0008444  webbed manual digit     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0008441  webbed manus
UBERON:0008444  webbed manual digit     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002389  manual digit
UBERON:0008444  webbed manual digit     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0008443  webbed digit
UBERON:0011981  manual digit 6  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5011981  manual digit 6 plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0011981  manual digit 6  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002389  manual digit
UBERON:0011981  manual digit 6  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0016856  digit 6
UBERON:0011982  manual digit 7  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5011982  manual digit 7 plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0011982  manual digit 7  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002389  manual digit
UBERON:0011982  manual digit 7  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0016857  digit 7
UBERON:0011983  manual digit 8  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5011983  manual digit 8 plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0011983  manual digit 8  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002389  manual digit
UBERON:0011983  manual digit 8  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0016858  digit 8
UBERON:0012260  alular digit    BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5012260  alular digit plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0012260  alular digit    BSPO:0001113    preaxialmost part of    UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0012260  alular digit    RO:0002160      only in taxon   NCBITaxon:8782  Aves
UBERON:0012260  alular digit    RO:0002254      has developmental contribution from     UBERON:0005692  manual digit 2 mesenchyme
UBERON:0012260  alular digit    RO:0002254      has developmental contribution from     UBERON:0010564  manual digit 1 mesenchyme
UBERON:0012260  alular digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002389  manual digit
UBERON:0012261  manual major digit (Aves)       BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5012261  manual major digit (Aves) plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0012261  manual major digit (Aves)       RO:0002160      only in taxon   NCBITaxon:8782  Aves
UBERON:0012261  manual major digit (Aves)       RO:0002254      has developmental contribution from     UBERON:0005693  manual digit 3 mesenchyme
UBERON:0012261  manual major digit (Aves)       rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002389  manual digit
UBERON:0012262  manual minor digit (Aves)       BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:5012262  manual minor digit (Aves) plus metapodial segment
UBERON:0012262  manual minor digit (Aves)       BSPO:0001115    postaxialmost part of   UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0012262  manual minor digit (Aves)       RO:0002160      only in taxon   NCBITaxon:8782  Aves
UBERON:0012262  manual minor digit (Aves)       RO:0002254      has developmental contribution from     UBERON:0005694  manual digit 4 mesenchyme
UBERON:0012262  manual minor digit (Aves)       rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002389  manual digit
UBERON:0019231  manual digit 1 or 5     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0019231  manual digit 1 or 5     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002389  manual digit
UBERON:0019231  manual digit 1 or 5     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0019221  digit 1 or 5
UBERON:0019232  manual digit 2, 3 or 4  BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0002398  manus
UBERON:0019232  manual digit 2, 3 or 4  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002389  manual digit
UBERON:0019232  manual digit 2, 3 or 4  rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0019222  digit 2, 3 or 4

We can write this out to a file and explore it using pandas.

(we use pandas here as this is convenient for Jupyter notebooks but if you were to execute this on the command line you could use any TSV or tabular tool you like)

uberon relationships .desc//p=i finger -o output/finger-relationships.tsv
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("output/finger-relationships.tsv", sep="\t")
subject subject_label predicate predicate_label object object_label
0 UBERON:0001463 manual digit 1 BFO:0000050 part of UBERON:0002398 manus
1 UBERON:0001463 manual digit 1 BFO:0000050 part of UBERON:0012141 manual digitopodium region
2 UBERON:0001463 manual digit 1 BFO:0000050 part of UBERON:5001463 manual digit 1 plus metapodial segment
3 UBERON:0001463 manual digit 1 BSPO:0001113 preaxialmost part of UBERON:0002398 manus
4 UBERON:0001463 manual digit 1 rdfs:subClassOf NaN UBERON:0006048 digit 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
59 UBERON:0019231 manual digit 1 or 5 rdfs:subClassOf NaN UBERON:0002389 manual digit
60 UBERON:0019231 manual digit 1 or 5 rdfs:subClassOf NaN UBERON:0019221 digit 1 or 5
61 UBERON:0019232 manual digit 2, 3 or 4 BFO:0000050 part of UBERON:0002398 manus
62 UBERON:0019232 manual digit 2, 3 or 4 rdfs:subClassOf NaN UBERON:0002389 manual digit
63 UBERON:0019232 manual digit 2, 3 or 4 rdfs:subClassOf NaN UBERON:0019222 digit 2, 3 or 4

64 rows × 6 columns


Next we will look at Entailed relationships.

You are encouraged to consult the OAK guide and glossary here but the basic idea is that entailed relationships encompasses “walking up” the relationship graph, following a specified set of predicates.

First we’ll look at the is-a ancestors of finger. Note the results here should be the same as using the ancestors command:

uberon relationships finger --include-entailed -p i
subject subject_label   predicate       predicate_label object  object_label
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    BFO:0000001     entity
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    BFO:0000002     continuant
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    BFO:0000004     independent continuant
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    BFO:0000040     material entity
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0000061  anatomical structure
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0000465  material anatomical entity
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0000475  organism subdivision
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001062  anatomical entity
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002389  manual digit
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0002544  digit
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0005881  autopodial extension
UBERON:0002389  manual digit    rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0010000  multicellular anatomical structure

Next we’ll include a wider range of predicates. We’ll also switch our example to be trigeminal ganglion

uberon relationships "trigeminal ganglion" --include-entailed -p i,p
subject subject_label   predicate       predicate_label object  object_label
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of BFO:0000001     entity
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of BFO:0000002     continuant
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of BFO:0000004     independent continuant
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of BFO:0000040     material entity
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of RO:0002577      system
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0000033  head
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0000061  anatomical structure
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0000153  anterior region of body
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0000465  material anatomical entity
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0000467  anatomical system
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0000468  multicellular organism
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0000475  organism subdivision
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0001016  nervous system
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0001062  anatomical entity
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0007811  craniocervical region
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0010000  multicellular anatomical structure
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0011676  subdivision of organism along main body axis
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0013701  main body axis
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0013702  body proper
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    BFO:0000001     entity
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    BFO:0000002     continuant
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    BFO:0000004     independent continuant
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    BFO:0000040     material entity
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0000045  ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0000061  anatomical structure
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0000465  material anatomical entity
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001062  anatomical entity
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001714  cranial ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001800  sensory ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0004121  ectoderm-derived structure
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0010313  neural crest-derived structure
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0010314  structure with developmental contribution from neural crest

We can see if the query above we get a lot of entailed relationships! Usually we wouldn’t show this as a table to a user - instead we might use the viz command to show all individual direct relationships for all ancestors.

uberon viz -p i,p "trigeminal ganglion" -o output/trigeminal-ganglion-graph.png


This is a standard way of communicating a complex bundle of relationships. But is there a way of getting the non-redundant informative entailed relationships in a more concise way?

Non-redundant entailed relationships

Is there a way to get the most relevant information in a more concise way, as a table.

Let’s consider the term “trigeminal ganglion” again. Let’s look at direct relationships

uberon relationships uberon relationships "trigeminal ganglion" -p i,p
subject subject_label   predicate       predicate_label object  object_label
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001714  cranial ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001800  sensory ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0010313  neural crest-derived structure

These are all correct but don’t tell us what this ganglion is a part of. Using the --include-entailed option above gives too much information.

OAK now has a --non-redundant-entailed option which effectively “rolls down” the entailed relationships for each predicate:

uberon relationships uberon relationships --non-redundant-entailed "trigeminal ganglion" -p i,p
subject subject_label   predicate       predicate_label object  object_label
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of RO:0002577      system
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0000033  head
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of UBERON:0001016  nervous system
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001714  cranial ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001800  sensory ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0010313  neural crest-derived structure

Note that even though 3 part-parents are provided, these are all technically non-redundant, as they are all “proper” overlaps (the system term is odd, but this is an artefact of RO imports, and in fact uberon doesn’t place ‘nervous system’ under ‘system’)

We can do this for other relationships too:

uberon relationships uberon relationships --non-redundant-entailed "trigeminal ganglion"
subject subject_label   predicate       predicate_label object  object_label
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000050     part of RO:0002577      system
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     BFO:0000051     has part        UBERON:0003714  neural tissue
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002131      overlaps        RO:0002577      system
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002131      overlaps        UBERON:0003714  neural tissue
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002162      in taxon        NCBITaxon:7742  Vertebrata <vertebrates>
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002170      connected to    UBERON:0001027  sensory nerve
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002170      connected to    UBERON:0001645  trigeminal nerve
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002202      develops from   UBERON:0006304  future trigeminal ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002207      directly develops from  UBERON:0006304  future trigeminal ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002225      develops from part of   UBERON:0000922  embryo
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002254      has developmental contribution from     UBERON:0006304  future trigeminal ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002258      developmentally preceded by     UBERON:0006304  future trigeminal ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002328      functionally related to GO:0019226      transmission of nerve impulse
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002329      part of structure that is capable of    GO:0050877      nervous system process
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002473      composed primarily of   UBERON:0003714  neural tissue
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002494      transformation of       UBERON:0006304  future trigeminal ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002495      immediate transformation of     UBERON:0006304  future trigeminal ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002496      existence starts during or after        UBERON:0000110  neurula stage
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002496      existence starts during or after        UBERON:0000111  organogenesis stage
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002497      existence ends during or before UBERON:0000066  fully formed stage
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     RO:0002584      has part structure that is capable of   GO:0019226      transmission of nerve impulse
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001714  cranial ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0001800  sensory ganglion
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     rdfs:subClassOf None    UBERON:0010313  neural crest-derived structure
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     uberon/core#extends:fibers_into None    UBERON:0001027  sensory nerve
UBERON:0001675  trigeminal ganglion     uberon/core#extends:fibers_into None    UBERON:0001645  trigeminal nerve
[ ]: